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ALL-CHAKRA TANTRA by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. sashalessinphd@...

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ALL-CHAKRA TANTRA by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. sashalessinphd


Weave Your Chakras & Subselves


Tantra, most think, is about sex. But sex contributes only

one seventh of tantra.


Tantra means weaving, weaving in the sense of coordinating

and orchestrating. When you weave your attributes or inner voices

through the seven categories of human concern called chakras, your

sexual chakra affects all the voices you manage. In All-Chakra

Tantra, you also weave inner voices' concerns in security, power,

love, communication, vision and spirituality chakras.


You, as the weaver, CENTER yourself to weave. You know which

inner voices–also called subselves–your current issues activate. As

Center, you weave and integrate the dance of your selves at each of

your chakras, the dance within you as an integrated person and your

dance with the subselves of your lovers. First learn for yourself

then teach others how to experience what you've experienced.


Inner voices--subselves sometimes have names like Inner

Child, Machiavelli, Critic, Perfectionist, Aphrodite, Gengis, and the

like (Capitalized to show they're inner voice). Subselves, such as

Critic or Romantic influence multiple chakras.


Each of your chakras is a forum where concerned subselves

discourse on how to react to situations in your life. Your first

chakra--your security and belongingness forum–gives inner voices an

agora to express their opinions of, say, how taking a certain lover

will affect your Inner Child. Tantra pairs chakra concerns–security,

sex, power, love, communication, vision and spirituality–with your

perineum, genitals, diaphragm, heart, throat, brow, and crown.


Focus in turn on each chakra. Center yourself successively

among the voices at each chakra. At a given chakra, you hear inputs

from voices relevant to that chakra, voices with radically different

perspectives. You job: coordinate these voices so they all get their

needs met. You recognize, accept and coordinate the voices at each



You also give the chakra itself a voice. Hear the voice of

each chakra; let each give you its overall perspective in each of the

challenges life presents you. Hear what each says about your

lovelife. Simultaneously hold the energies of each your chakras and

subselves. Consult your neutral Witness. Discriminate alternatives

and choose your reactions to other people and life's challenges.


And you also center yourself in lover-relationships.


In All-Chakra Tantra, you create two-person or multi–person

(if you're polyamorous) beings. In multiperson beings--interpersonal

entities--dyad, triad, moresome, network--you and your lovers weave

your needs together. You and they synergistically join the ocean of

consciousness and merge with all humanity and the cosmos.


You learn too how to teach other people to weave chakras

within themselves and with their lovers too.


Chakra 1 Safe at First Base


Your first (or base) chakra relates to your perineum, your

needs to belong, feel safe, secure and healthy, grounded in your

material and emotional existence. You learn, for yourself and those

you coach, to cherish vulnerable, sensitive, emotional, playful and

magical aspects of your own psyche and for the Inner Children of your

lovers. Within you, you learn to simultaneously feel and hold tension

between your Inner Child and protective subselves–particularly your

Inner Patriarch and Inner Critic. To free the voice of your Inner

Child and hear its perspectives, reprogram yourself and your clients

so you and they distinguish fathers and mothers from lovers. When you

hear your Child, you avoid limiting patterns parents, church, media

and society imprinted on you.


In all-chakra relationships, you honor lovers' first-chakra

needs; you help them feel emotionally and financially secure. You let

your Inner Child connect with the Inner Children of your sweethearts.

You meet the primal, base chakra need for loving tactile contact–you

regularly massage and touch each other all over. You encourage your

lovers' health (as well as yours) when you eat, exercise and stretch



Chakra 2 Sexually Both Cautious and Free Center in Thee


The second chakra relates to your sex organs, sexual and

sensual needs. Release your emotions and reprogram self- put-down

attitudes that inhibit satisfying interactions with lovers. Analyze

the bonding patterns you and they co-create. Simultaneously hold

energies of your sexually free and sexually cautious voices. Decide

how much each voice should contribute in each given situation in your



Women, expand your capacity for second chakra pleasure. Give

and receive beautiful rituals of vaginal honoring. For yourself and

other women, learn to ejaculate copious, alkaline fluid (amrita in



Men, master your second chakras with internal holds (bandhas)

so you can pull up energy instead of ejaculating. You practice

lasting longer in lovemaking. Experience new kinds of orgasms.


Chakra 3: Take What's Rightfully Yours


For your third chakra, related to your belly, All-Chakra

Tantra teaches you to take what's yours, assert yourself

appropriately. You and your lovers empower each other. You explore

power chakra dynamics with your lovers--how you bond (sometimes

sweetly, sometimes sourly) into parental-child roles. Chakra 3

meditations help you return to sweet and centered interaction. You

can lead or follow your darlings as you choose, rather than

unconsciously following or initiating.


Chakra 4: Live Loving Oneness, Personal and Impersonal


The meditations of the forth chakra associate with your

heart. You cultivate the ability to express either personal or

impersonal love and to shield your heart when you choose. You love,

cherish, support, heal and encourage yourself and your lovers. You

communicate feelings, cultivate sweetness, romance each other. You

develop dyadic consciousness, where you identify at the same time

with your beloved's consciousness and your own as parts of a greater

awareness, a two-person awareness greater than the sum of your

separate identities.


Chakra 5: Speak or Hold Silence


Fifth chakra: throat, expression. Hear each of your inner

voices tell you what they want and need. They say how they aid you,

your beloved and humanity. Choose what, when and how to express (or

not express) your inner voices to other people. Speak helpful, loving

truth keep quiet. Sing. Honor your beloveds' many voices too. Speak

authentically, kindly and effectively to each other. In one throat-

chakra exercise, you sanctify sex--speak romantically of sacred

sexual organs and acts.


Chakra 6: Think, Dream, Intuit, Channel, Envision


The sixth chakra's the brain chakra; it's the forum for

vision, intuition and intellect. In this forum of intellectual,

pictorial and intuitive vision which comprise Chakra 6, you receive,

share and expand visions for yourselves, each other, others you love,

your community and world. As beloveds, you intuit each others

thoughts and feelings, as well as those of your children, parents,

friends and others. Access the messages of dream, past life, fantasy,

archetype and hero-tale.


Chakra 7 Crown Thy Good With Siblinghood


For the seventh charka, your crown, the tantric meditations

invoke awareness of your unity with everyone and everything. Tantra

helps you rise to broader perspectives of your crown chakra, yet stay

aware of the wisdom of chakras 1-6.


There's an Eighth Chakra, too–the Clown Chakra above even

your crown. The wisdom of this chakra: don't take the chakra category

system so seriously; it's all funny and humorous. Let yourself laugh

at the proclivity to categorization that tantra uses to map the

continuous, simultaneous continua of ever-shifting dimensions in a

system ruled by divine play (lila).



Realize that though the crown's higher in the

standing human than the genitals or base, the crown is not higher in

the sense of better. Perineum, genitals, diaphragm––that is,

security, sex and power though lower in the body, are all crucial to

you as an ecological system. In tantra, you coordinate all your

chakras through your center. You transcend (rise above) any chakra or

subself when you witness your ecology, center yourself, end exclusive

identification or overidentification with a chakra or subself, you

simultaneously embrace inputs from other chakras and opposite

subselves and encompass more than Thinker, Pleaser or other voices.


Expand your awareness to more than your body. Expand your

perspective to even more than awareness of you and your darlings,

more than the awareness you share with each other and with humans,

with life itself, or even with the Earth. Feel your oneness with

everyone and everything everywhere at all-times. Experience unity,

the seamless web of consciousness linking the manifest and inchoate

universes. Merge with the latent--unformed but constantly arising–

reality of the metacosmic void. Identify with divine play that can

manifest all forms.


In tantra, you recognize, cherish, coordinate and integrate

the chakras and inner voices. You consciously apply what the chakras

focalize--security, sex, power, love, talk, understanding and unity--

to enlighten yourself, your lovers and the world. Tantra activates

all your chakras and inner voices. The chakras are energy centers

associated with your perineum, genitals, belly, heart, throat,

forehead and crown. You pour energy from your chakras into a coherent

river of light that spouts up your spine and meets your beloved's

light. You connect in the stream of consciousness that sweeps you

both to the ocean of life. Center yourself and orchestrate your

chakras--inner power plants that generate security, sexuality, power,

love, communication, vision, and feelings of oneness with everything

and everyone.




Hear, accept, coordinate and synthesize voices active at each



Chakra Task Chant

Perineum Enhance your health, create safety Lam

for yourself and your beloved.

Cherish your Inner Child.

Contribute to everyone's well-being

and regenerate the planet.


Genitals Delight yourselves and each other Vam

sexually. Create kids consciously.

Elevate sensuality to alleviate



Belly Empower your center, each of your Ram

inner voices, your lovers and humanity.


Heart Love yourself, your lover and all beings. Yam


Throat Tell your truth kindly and listen Ham

with love to your selves, your

sweetheart and the world.


Brain Think, intuit and envision for Ooo

yourself, your beloved and your



Crown Flow energy between your crown and your Mmm

beloved's. Transcend your separate,

individual self-senses and merge with

each other, humanity, Earth and cosmos.


Clown Laugh, Smile, Enjoy, Celebrate HaHa




Chant the Chakra Chant (Bija Mantra), an ancient Sanskrit

meditation, loud and strong. Chant seven one-syllable words–lam,

vam, ram, yam, ham, ooo and mmm; each activates a different chakra.

Lam pumps your perineum; vam invigorates your genitals. Ram empowers

your belly, yam heals your heart, ham frees your voice. Your Third

eye, forehead to occiput, vibrates with ooo, and you think and intuit

at the same time. When you chant mmm, your crown opens and you unite

with all that is, was and will be. Guide others in the chant.


Security Chakra (Lam)


Sit or stand erect. Touch your perineum. Chant lam three

times. After each lam you chant, squeeze your anal sphincter and see

a red rose open there. In the center of the last rose, picture

yourself healthy, serene and safe.


Sexual Chakra (Vam)


Touch your genitals and chant vam three times. After each

vam, squeeze your pc muscles. Inhale and imagine an orange rosebud

in your genitals. Exhale and it opens; in it, see yourself make



Power Chakra (Ram)


Hands on lower belly: three times, chant ram. A yellow rose

opens in your belly with each ram. Each rose shows you symbols and

scenes of power, reminders to take what's yours.


Love Chakra (Yam)


Rest your palms on your chest, chant yam and a green rose

opens in your heart. In the middle of the rose see someone you love

who loves you too. Twice more, chant yam, open heart roses and

picture people you love.


Expression Chakra (Ham)


Hands at throat, three times, chant ham, open blue roses in

your throat. Hear, in your mind's ear, your throat singing your

song, one that reminds you of who you are.


Clarity Chakra (Ooo)


Hold your head, brow to occiput, in your hands. Chant ooo

three times. With each ooo, see a violet rose open in your skull.

Each of the three violet roses reveals a vision. First vision: you

at your best; second: you and those you love living your loving

potential; third: the world at best.


Connection Chakra (Mmm)


Chant mmm three times as thousand-petaled white lotus

blossoms unfold at your crown. White light gushes from your crown,

meets the light of your lover's crown, the light of lovers everywhere

and the light of all humanity.


Chant lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, ooo, mmm


Three times, sing lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, ooo, mmm (the

entire Chakra Chant) in a single exhale. Your central channel of

chakras vibrates. Hear each chakra's message. Lam says, " You

belong " ; vam, " Savor sex " . Ram, " Take yours " . Yam, " Love and let

love " . Ham, " Share " ; ooo, " Know " ; mmm, " Transcend " .


Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., www.schooloftantra.com

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