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Grah dosha

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Dear Friends,


Warm Greetings to all


Does any one of you know what is “Grah Dosh – Home Defect / Lack†in terms of Astrology and how does it can affect your whole life and can ruin all your happiness forever???? What is “Vastu Dosh†and how this can affect the peace of a home???? Many often people say that they worship a lot but still their bad luck don’t let them go anywhere or from no.of years they are into the devotion but the path of success is still very far and the problems are getting increased rather than decreasing….


There are n no.of questions which people seeks for the right answers but more they want to resolve the more they get confused….All these answers lie in the Astrology but the only one condition is the analysis or prediction must be from the Astrological studies which means that till the time the Astrology analyse something the thing remains accurate but as soon as the Astrologer speaks the whole things becomes a Mess…

Let’s understand today the points which Sadgurudev has told but somehow we have forgotten those important synopsis…Believe me, in my 22 Astrological career I have never found these points wrong even once…


Can the worshipping of any God or Goddess cause any bad luck?


I will say – YES…How???


If in the horoscope, the 2nd house of a birth chart lies vacant (that means – No planetary position) and the Planets which are lying in the 8th & 12th house are rivals of each other than in this condition – Any worship of any of the God / Goddess will create a Bad luck for the person because 12th house represents Salvation or Meditation ; 2nd house represents Religious Matters whereas 8th house represents Death; now understand if the 2nd house will remain vacant and the 8th house of death will parallel see with its full powers then the result of any devotion will be null or zero….. and if in the combination form the master of the 12th house is a rival the hard luck of that house will be much more…Now in this case if a person establish any religious place or donate some

amount for pilgrimage construction than too there will be an adverse effect of the same is very much sure…


Here, I want to make one point clear that the effect will not only effect only you but it can effect many other places also for eg.- if in the 8th house, Sun is lying with the rival which is associated with the 8th house it will result into the financial loss , administration loss and will cause harm to father….similarly if Moon will be present it will harm mother and the mental peace….If Mars, it will affect brother’s relation as well as will give blood disease and will cause unnecessary disputes…If Mercury, it will affect the Business and the sister relations…If Venus it will affect the Peace and Prosperity and the wife relations…If Jupiter the studies, knowledge & the speech powers will be affected…If Saturn the family relations will be affected like Elder and Younger Uncle or the Job…If Rahu the In – Laws relations will be affected

and last but not the least if Ketu will be present it will affect the Son and the friends…


Similarly, the people who establishes more than one Worship Idol at one place or place too many Idols pictures they directly or indirectly activate all the elements and these elements get intermingled with each other and because of the different powers the energy gets waste and the people regret that instead of worshipping the God for the whole life he has given nothing in return…That’s why first identify for the most important IDOL as per your planetary positions; as soon as the Sadgurudev identifies the same he will ask you to worship for the same accordingly….


You can identify your IDOL by the 5th house from your chart and this position also identifies your early birth work also…from this house you can also identify how much affection lies with your worship IDOL as this position resembles affection and this shows when the IDOL will give blessings to you…If the “Panchmesh†makes relation with the “Saptamesh†and the “Vyayesh†(Master of 12th house) then the IDOL will definitely bless you and the success will be all yours….


If in the 5th house –

SUN lies – the worship IDOL is Lord Vishnu

MOON lies – the worship IDOL is Lord Shiva

MARS lies – the worship IDOL is Lord Hanuman

MERCURY lies - the worship IDOL is Goddess Durga

JUPITER lies - the worship IDOL is Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu

VENUS lies - the worship IDOL is Goddess Lakshmi

SATURN lies - the worship IDOL is Lord Bhairav

RAHU lies - the worship IDOL is Goddess Saraswati

KETU lies - the worship IDOL is Lord Ganesha


This indicates the Male dominating planets needs to choose the worship IDOL as GOD and the female planets needs to choose GODDESS….along with this one should also know what is the correct method for the worshipping….and this can be identified by the 9th house….


If in the 5th house is dominated by the SATGUN pradhan zodiac sign – the Vedic Vidhi, Mantra, Yog Sadhna is preferred; If RAJASI pradhan – the Poonorpchaar Poojan & if South oriented and TAMAS pradhan sign – Ugra Sadhnayen (Aggressive devotional processes) is considered as the best one…


Similarly, one should take care in selection of the Mantra (Holy Chants)also…Please take care that the alphabets which get starts according to the 6th,8th & 12th house should not take the Mantra which gets start from the same alphabet because if we start chanting the Mantra which gets start from the same alphabet which is ruled by the 6th house it will affect in the form of a Loan, Court Case, Diseases etc…

If the ruling house is 8th then – Accidents and the Disease chances are more…and 12th house will affect in the unnecessary financial expenses…


Hence, it is very well suggested that the Holy chants should always be taken from the Sadgurudev instructions…as the Sadgurudev make active that Mantra with his powers and that Mantra will act as a blessing and useful for the Devotee…


One more important point that one should not renovate his house just because from the instructions given as per the Vastu Astrologer as by doing this cannot give the full results but instead of correction it will be considered as a Vastu Sin…Every person should know about the House horoscope also so as to make each angle of the house favourable as per the ruling house with the help of the ruling directions also..And all these powers can be used as a Positive Energy…


Infact,if in a birth horoscope the Saturn – Rahu & the Mars – Rahu lies with each other it will result into the Vastu Dosh….and as far as power of the direction lies it can analysed only by knowing the horoscope of the head of the family so as to make the results of the Directions powers favourable to him…


In any of the condition viz. Grah Dosh Nivaran, Vastu Dosh Nivaran Sadhna & Grah Badha Nivaran Diksha – Pray to your Sadgurudev is the best option….


In future, I will try to throw more light on the similar topics, till then –





Thanks & Rgds…





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