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palmistry 4

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One should

consider the length of the palm on the fingers with respect to the

length of the body. The following chart shall indicate the proportions.

Height of Women and Men and corresponding expected length of their palms.





16.5 cms 17.5 cms


17 cms

18 cms


17.5 cms

18.5 cms


18 cms

19 cms


18.5 cms

19.5 cms


19 cms

20 cms


19.5 cms

20.5 cms


20 cms

21 cms


20.5 cms

21.5 cms


21 cms

22 cms




We have

already spoken about short and long fingers in the previous mail

Now let us determine which is considered to be the long finger and

which is the short finger.

The relative length of the palm determines the length of the fingers.

The middle finger has been considered as the measure of length. All the

fingers are compared in relation to the middle finger. The length of

the hand is considered from the wrist to the base of the fingers. After

deducting 20% of the length of the palm, one gets the exact length of

the fingers. For instance if the length of the palm is 10 cms, then the

length of the fingers is 8 cms. The middle finger is the instrument of

measurement. Fingers, which are accordingly shorter or longer than the

middle finger are known as long or short fingers.

Those people who have short fingers lack logical reasoning power to

some extent. They are full of zeal and aggressiveness and like to work

with force and aggressiveness. But the people with long fingers usually

consider the pros and cons of each and everything and then only take a

decision and work accordingly. People having short fingers are quick

decision-makers. If the fingers and the palm are neither very long nor

very short, then such people often get success in all work performed

even in haste. If the fingers are long and the palm is equally long

then such people seldom can accomplish their tasks on time and are

often delayed.

One should consider the length of the other fingers in relation to the

middle finger. The index finger and the ring finger lie on the other

side of the middle finger and both the fingers are short than the

middle finger. Even if either of the fingers is equal in length to the

middle finger, then the middle finger shall be considered as short. If

the middle finger is in proportion and if the index and ring finger

both are equal to the middle finger in length, then the fingers shall

be considered as long.



With the

positioning of every finger there is a particular planetary mount

associated to it. At the base of the index finger is the Mount of

Jupiter. At the base of the middle finger is the Mount of Saturn. At

the base of the ring finger is the Mount of Sun and at the base of the

little finger is the Mount of Mercury.

If all the fingers are placed properly to their respective mounts or

regions, then the position of the fingers on the palm is considered

normal but this is seldom seen in all. The other position of the

fingers can be roundish. The finger at the ends of the palms begins

from the region a bit lower than the normal although both the fingers

start on the same level of the palm. In this situation, the power of

Jupiter and Mercury is reduced and the power of Saturn and Sun is

maintained. Amongst the four fingers, if either of the fingers is long

then the power of that particular planet will be considered as good.

One of the ancient Sri Lankan scholars Avanmadarttu said that



It means that the person whose fingers are long is the person who has physical relations with many women.

The index finger should touch up to half of the first phalange of the

middle finger. The ring finger and index finger should be of similar

length. The little finger should be one phalange shorter than the ring

finger.. These are the general indications of the lengths of the

different fingers.


Accordingly, one can determine the long and short fingers.



The wrist

is also an important part of the hand. These rings are called girdles

that are on the region that joins the palm to the hand. There are

usually 3 girdles on the wrist one can see. Those look like a chain of

barley. One can determine one's success, wealth and characteristics on

their basis.

Samudra Rishi has said that it is not enough to merely possess these 3

girdles on the wrist but there should be a beautiful sign of barley on

them and should totally encircle the wrist. If there are three chains

or girdles encircling the wrist and if they are barley shaped and are

beautiful then that person shall be a king. If there are 2 then the

person shall be a minister. Even if there is one girdle encircling the

entire wrist then such a person shall definitely be wealthy and rich.





It has been mentioned in Bhavishya Puran that if a woman has 3 similar

barley shaped girdles encircling the wrist then she shall possess

plentiful of ornaments, jewels and precious stones.

The girdles on the wrist would be beautiful. The grain of barley should

resemble a garland of pearls and should be of similar shape. They

should neither be thin or be thick and should encircle the wrist

completely. If the girdle is merely encircles the wrist partially, then

it won't be totally beneficial. If the girdles are long and complete

then such a person is long-lived and wealthy and healthy. If the

girdles are faint, unclear, then the person fails to amass wealth and

other evil signs thus accompany it then such a person will emaciate his

health because of over indulgence in sensual pleasures.

If the first girdle is chained then the person is hard working and is

worried all throughout life but the final result is good and auspicious.



If the

backside of the palm is bulged and makes a shape of the hood of a snake

and also if one's nerve is not seen then such a person is considered

lucky and fortunate. On the contrary, if the backside of the palm is

rough with plenty of pores and the colour is faint or is colourless

then such a person is unfortunate and is of bad nature.

The backside of the palm of women should not contain pores but should

be fishy and the nerves should not be seen. Such a woman will be very

fortunate. On the contrary, if the above features are absent, then the

woman will be unlucky.

It is mentioned in Samudra Tilak that if the backside of the palm is

with pores and if the nerves are seen then such a woman will be devoid

of marital happiness will be a widow and will be utterly unfortunate.

RegardsAnu H Kumar

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