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jai gurudev,



dear friend 


i have humbly suggested that we all become brahmins by karma.


it is high time we all trun to spirituality,and carry on the divine work

of rpeserving and restoring the work of our divine rishis.


i am not saying brahmins r superior or inferior,fact remains that

there is too much apathy among brahmins theself due to various

reasons primary being no govt support for hindu dharma.


man is evoled by nature,and so those who chose

spiritual activity etc became brahmins and so on.


casteism is created by our own ppl with vested interests,

to keep rigid the old systems and it is stifilying creativity

and sipritual yearning of all.


so best is forget abt being brahmin or not by birth [ this is most imp ]

and let us all strive to be bhramins by akrma.


all those who seek the gods r brahmins.



let us restore our own evdic and tantric culture back,

by putting pressure on political aprties and also ourself

striving to expound our divine tantra etc,bcoz i think that

is the best way.




om shakti








On 5/12/09, Khatri Anand <khatrianand wrote:











Jai Gurudev,Guys we have to stop here....  I do not want this group becoming a forum of  fight between different religions, and thoughts, comments by everyone around.So far I kept quite as I want your anger to fuel energy to Sadhana.... which will help in setting examples.  .... thats where our discussion started.

There would be many different groups on religion etc. Interested people can join relevent group and share their ideas and knowledge on those groups.


Please spare this group, purely for deciples of Nikhileshwarananda, and discussion related to tantra and related branches of ancient Indian knowledge base.


Regards,AnandAnand's Knowledge Series: /

Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ISSP--- On Tue, 12/5/09, kishore parvatikar <kishore_bp wrote:


kishore parvatikar <kishore_bp

Re: TRUTH ABT BRAHMINS Date: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 1:29 PM








Namaste to all gurubhais..

jai Gurudev!!!

I read Gopal Narayanji's message and Anand bhai's letter also. Although it is painfull fact that hindus have become minority in our own country, because Hindus by their action have conveyed the message that you can messup with us and we are unable to defend ourselves. Why?, First of all We are  not United.Frog mentality is rampant here. atleast in brahmin community everybody thinks that he is smarter than the other. It will not stop at that. Further they see that the person who have in  intimidated them has to perish. like in muslim community, no support is there.More painfull  fact is that Our idoit brahmin girls are succumbing to muslim or christian boys and parents are busy grazing cattle. we dont have tough laws as our muslim counterparts. We cannot marry more than one girl unlike in muslim community.eating Non veg and denying our culture is fashion here.Our own people make fun of pure brahmins who sport small braid at the back of their head, You know what i mean, where as they are ready to sport long hairs and tie also immitating western pop singers.How many of us have read about our saints, swamiji's biography?. we pay heavy prices reading  harry potter books and wonder about those flying, magic etc etc where our puranas have so much of miracles which is a REAL THING.I cannot stop writing for the story is endless.WE HINDUS HAVE TO UNITE, be it brahmins, lingayats, blah blah smaller hindu communities. We Hindus have to Roar like lion not make noise like mouse.Dare to Die, rubbish politicians altogether, challenge them.Lastly, I have not insulted any community but resolved to inculcate good things of theirs.


Kishore.--- On Mon, 5/11/09, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123@ gmail.com> wrote: 

gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123@ gmail.com> TRUTH ABT BRAHMINS

Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:30 PM







from : gopal


to : all friends,



all those who seek gods r brahmins.



pls visit foll site :  http://www.votebank politics. com/



due to our own apathy we have neglected our own dharma.


we choose useless and anti hindi [ pseudo secular ] govt's.


govt of india gives grants to christian and islamic madrassa

etc to study arabic/urdu/ islam etc.


but no money is spent on hindu temples.


govt in all states have taken over hindu temples.and yuse this

money to fund churches and madrassa,but no money or very less

money is used to fund hindu activity.


if govt does not support hindu activity it has no

right over hindu money but they loot temples

and giove money to church/masjid [ which is unchristian/ unislamic]

and take their votes and we r left high and dry.


infact rs1800 crores earned from balaji temple every year

majority is used by govt to give grants to churches/masjids etc.


the govt dare not take chruches and masjids under its control,but

it has no problem to loot hindu temples.


in andrapradesh alone oevr 28000 hindu temples were closed

due to lac of funds but oevr 6000 madrassas were give per month

12000/- grant.


we think brahmins r to blame,but problem is we oruself r to blame,

we will go out and eat drink etc inr estaturant and spend rs2000-3000

at 1 time,but of brhamin comes to do pooja in our house we pay

him rs251/- or rs501/-.


the ved,uopanishad, puran,tantras r invaluable,and the custodians

of these divine treasures r shunned and ridiculed,everywher e,and

have nowhere to go.


i am myself a brahmin [ gurjarati brahmin ] from saurashtra the

place which gave india SWAMI DAYANAND SARASWATI



even under bjp the position of brahmins is pathetic,and appaling,

due to no support from govt and general public bramhins are taking

up other vocations [ i did electronics engineering but still continue

my family tradition of doing pooja sandhya etc but in my house

i dont go out and do pooja due to people ridicule brahmins and

do not seem to be interested in spirituality ].


i dont know if my kids will be interested,although i have

taught them some basic stuff like durga saptashati,

panch mahadev pooja etc.


all this due to suimple act that brahmins ahev no

place in today's westernised india.


this is a fact.


so let us ourself leave casteism and all ebcome brahmin by karma

become dwuijwar,wear janeu and do mantras and sadhana etc everyday,

and push sawsat sanatan hindu dharma to greater heights.




om shakti













On 5/11/09, Anupam Shil <anupamshil > wrote:





Very nicely said Anand. True and apt.Thanks,Anupam, Khatri Anand <khatrianand@ ...>

wrote:>> Jai Gurudev,> Its good to see you guys taking so much of efforts to maintain valuesand Hindu culture. Let's sit back, and ponder why this happened?>>> Brahmins were suppose to do Trikal Sandhya, regular mantra jap,

maintain high order of spirituality and values. When ever anyone havesome issues, say graha pida etc, doing poojs through that brahmin givesgarunteed results.>> Today at least I haven't seen a single Brahmin, who does trikal

Sandhya (doing Santhya three times a day).> Forget about maintaining level... every thing is so commertialized,that the brahmin runs from one pooja to other. And that also he does notcomplete in a shastrokt way, lot of shortcuts are applied.

> We were suppose to give 20% of our earnings in Dana... which thoseBrahmins use to get. We pay Taxes, but nothing to Brahmin as Dana.> Brahmins are pressed on financial needs to meet their family needs and

they got commertial.> Most of the Brahmins who do pooja are not very intelligent type. Onewho is not able to study well get a good job... tuns to this profession.As a result he is also not able to give good guidance to samaj / people.

> There were Gurudev who use to control the overall operations. Theycheck the level of a person and give him that kind of job. TodayBrahmins doing pooja and havan... there is no check /certification as to " whether this guy is able to do this pooja havan properly or not? " . I

had seen Brahmins doing pooja in the morning, and eating non-veg in theevening !!> Just with stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata .... and doingBhajans.... to me... I do not think its enough to maintain our great

culture. If we tell the stories... kids will listen... but in today'sworld.... perticularly in Kalyug... its difficult to maintain that highquality of standerd of life. Evenyone is running behind maintaining

higher and higher standard of living... and none thinks about standardof life !! When people value only money... people behave differentlywith people who are poor. Our own rating of someone is depending onMoney he has!! How to maintain the culture??

> What do we lack?>> Overall we lack to have examples in front of us.> Parents by themselves are lacking in setting examples for their kids.> How many of Hindus actually do pooja everyday?

> How many Hindus knows ganapati Atharwa Shirsha... where as everyoneparticipate in Ganesh Festival. We love to take kids to show ganapatidecorations etc. But how many of us are able to tell the complete story

of Lord Ganesh?> If there is any problem family faces.... is there a tredition in ourfamily that doing some japa etc, you get rid of that problem for sure...so that kids know down deep in their hearts that this is the way to

solve the problem. You will find millions visiting Shirdi or someDevasthana and only give responsibility to the Lord, but does not doanything themselves !!> I had seen thousands of people taking hell lot of efforts to arrange a

trip to some devasthana.. .. spend days in the whole trip.... but fail todo 20 minutes dhyan of our lord.... can not sit for japa for 11rounds.....> When you and your own God do not unite at the stage of Dhyana and

japa.... how to expect results?> What is culture?>> A set of people living in certain Geographical area, respectingcertain values and ethics. The fregrance emanating from it is calledculture.....

> Today what most of the people end up in teaching to their kids is " Karma kanda " / rituales.... but the core essence is lost... becausethey themselves do not know it !!> What do we do?>

> SET Examples.... . We ourself need to be so strong that people willautomatically look forward to you, and will start following you.> We can not force someone to follow just because we think its good. In

today's kalyuga, if money is what people value. Let's do LakshmiSadhana, Kuber sadhana... gain so much money that what we talk... peopletake it as words from a learned.....> Make your Guru and Ishta strong. Take Darshan of Ishta.... once the

Ishta devata darshan is taken.... you never forget that in your lifetime.... doing dhyan for hours is not a problem..... results willautomatically follow.....>> Regards,> Anand> Anand's Knowledge Series:

>> http://groups. / group/guru- nikhil/> Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSP

>> --- On Mon, 11/5/09, Raghuveer Vojjala mail2rv wrote:>>> Raghuveer Vojjala mail2rv Re: Question on Siddhashram returned scientistgroup

> > Monday, 11 May, 2009, 2:20 AM

>>>>>>>>>>>> | Jai Gurudev |>>>> Dear Anand bhai,>>> Thanks a lot for your reply. Was very glad to go thru your mail.

>>> These days I find it more challenging to bring up kids whileinfluencing them to focus towards God and Sadhana as the environment issurrounded by all atheists and anti-hindu groups who have significant

influence on the kids brought up now.>>> Added to this, we hindus have forgotten our kshatriya dharma ofprotecting our hindu dharma. I dont mean to say here that we should takea knife and stab hindu haters.There have been so many things happening

against hindus and we people have been keeping quite. Minorityappeasement has become to main agenda of many political parties at thecost of hindu sentiments. To spread bhakti and awareness about whatHinduism teaches, we started a foundation here in Dallas,TX,USA by name

" Sanatana Dharma Foundation " . We launched 2 hours radio program everySat'day here in Dallas where we interview many great saints , Swamijisand also other people who have been fighting out many cases for Hindu

Dharma protection.>>> Anyways, thanks for your response one more time.>>> Thanks> -Raghu>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Khatri Anand <khatrianand@ >

wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jai Gurudev,>> Other than knowing the fact as what you stated, I do not have muchinformation, other Gurubhais can contribute.

>> Why I thought of replying to you is, it does not matter whether peoplewho came back from Siddhashram, were changed, were spreading some bhaktior not..>> Even though you have THAT person in-front of atheists, he will still

question, its all dreams and what is thr proof of it?>> For a learned, he sees God everywhere. Where as an atheists couldberely understand it as a worldy phenomanon happening aropund and keepquiet.

>> One is alive itself is a proof of Atma. The person how dies the momentnext.... physically there is no change ...(over a period of time bodywill deteriorate) ... but before the actual deacy start, till date

science could not explain what is that vitalizing thing which keeps allthe cells of the body working perfectly... and what is that which hasgone now....>> Coming to the point raised by you....>

> We all are nothing but part of supreme... and God's Ansh / part only.Because of lots of vasanas and papa, we have detached from the supreme.There is an evolution happening... and it probably takes many births to

happen.....>> Generally around 10 Lack years need to be spent in Mineral form> 10 Lack in trees... plant form>> 10 Lack in animal form>> and 10 lack in Human form.>

> Beyond human is what we call a devata / siddha level. The hurdle to gothere is we ourself. Unless we purify ourself we can not cross thisbarrier. Naturally over 10 lack years one would get purifird. Gurukrupa

and Sadhana can burn your papa karma, and you could even jump earlierthan 10 lack years to the next level.>> So do not worry about the atheists around you. Just think... how muchthey are behind you !!

>> It really takes lots of years and many births to develope bhakti...get Guru... do Sadhana.... may be more births again... connect back tothe same spiritual level of sadhana you left half way in previous

births... and march forward till you become siddha.>> So forget about them, just concentrate your efforts on yourself....reach to the level of recalling previous birth, sadhana, siddhis yougot.... and get further guidance from Guru to march forward..... Any

such distraction and involvement activities will only kill your time ofthis birth,>> Regards,> Anand> Anand's Knowledge Series:>> http://groups. / group/guru- nikhil/

> Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSP>> --- On Thu, 7/5/09, Raghuveer Vojjala mail2rv (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

>>> Raghuveer Vojjala mail2rv (AT) gmail (DOT) com>> Question on Siddhashram returned scientistgroup> > Thursday, 7 May, 2009, 2:31 AM

>>>>>>>> || Jai Gurudev ||>>> Dear brothers,>>> As we all know that a group of scientists were taken to Siddhashram bypoojya Guruji thru his yogic shakti, I wanted to know a little more

about this group members. I am curious to know if there life was changesafter having such a great experience. Wanted to know if they werespreading the bhakti.>>> Does anybody has any authentic information about them. This also helps

me to deal with some atheists around me who not only ignore if theydon't believe in the god but make fun of others who believe in the god.>>> Appreciate your help.>>> Thanks

> -Raghu>>> Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition * Click here!>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>>>>>> Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Editionhttp://downloads. / in/firefox/ ?fr=om_email_ firefox



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