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Brian Cotnoir speaking on Alchemy and the Ascent of the Soul in NYC 11/21/09

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On Saturday, November 21,

2009 tahutiu Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis is proud to present ...


Special Guest Lecturer and noted author




Author of The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy


Will be presenting a lecture on

alchemy and the Ascent of the Soul




4:00-6:00 PM




The quest for gold is

as old as recorded history. In the popular imagination, alchemists have

toiled in their laboratories throughout history to turn lead into gold.


But unbeknownst to

most, the 'gold' that true alchemists seek is not simply a metal that can be

used to buy bread in the marketplace. The currency that they seek is as

much spiritual as it is physical, and the essential ingredient comes from the

seeker's own soul.


Please join noted author and practicing alchemist Brian Cotnoir, as he surveys

the techniques and methods used by alchemists throughout history in their

search for enlightenment and spiritual transformation.


THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD In Manhattan 440 STUDIOS440 Lafayette St

New York, NY 10003-6919 STUDIO 3C (3rd floor) Between Astor Place and East 4th St. Directly across from The Public Theater. Elevator to the 3rd & 4th Floors. For directions and transit info see here: http://440studios.com/how-do-i-get-there/ Check out our web page for the studio room. http://www.tahutilodge.org/




is $11 in advance and $13 at the door


Seating is limited

Please reserve

your seat using Paypal


Send Paypal payment

to: tahutilodge(at)tahutilodge.org

You will get a

confirmation for your payment by email.



Copies of The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy will

be available for purchase.



To RSVP for this event or to receive information or directions, please email tahutilodge(at)tahutilodge.org * * * * *



Saturday, December

5, 2009


In commemoration of the 100th

anniversary of the Rider-Waite tarot deck,

Tahuti Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis is proud to present…..



Professional Tarot

Reader Courtney Weber for a




Burning the F****G book:

when to let the cards do the talking

Read tarot like A pro





–7:00 pm


THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD In Manhattan 440 STUDIOS440 Lafayette St

New York, NY 10003-6919

Since beginning the study of Tarot at the age of

15, Courtney Weber has gained a bi-coastal clientele and is a highly

popular Tarot consultant at corporate, community and underground arts events in

the Northeast Region. She has lectured on the Tarot at the Harvest Home

Gathering, Pagan Odyssey, Laurelin Community Center and at the NYC Pagan Pride

Day. In the fall of 2009, she was a featured Tarot reader in Time

Out New York. She has been a featured astrologer on Oomph.net and

Bakespace.com. Courtney's writings on Witchcraft and Paganism have been

published on Witchvox.com, and her fiction and erotica has appeared in

Failbetter.com, Bank Street Magazine and Barebackmagazine.com.

For two years,

Courtney wrote (under the pen-name of Sister Mary Manhattan) the

weekly cult-favorite astrologyexplained.blogspot.com and continues to maintain

readership on agirlcalledwoo.blogspot.com,

a chronicle about being a Tarot reader and practitioner of Witchcraft. She is

the creator of Tarot of the Boroughs, a contemporary Tarot deck set in

New York City. Courtney lives in Manhattan.



"Courtney has an incredible talent when it comes to

reading Tarot.

Her insight and ability to interpret the cards

shows years of wisdom

and experience. I'd let her read for me any


—Liz Guerra, author of Stewart Farrar: Writer on a Broomstick


"Courtney's razor keen insight and graceful honesty

transform her readings

into a real soothsaying experience. She is an intuitive

force of nature.

Not for the `novelty' query...Courtney swims in the deep


—Velocity Chyaldd, burlesque performer and lead singer of band Vulgaras


"Courtney gives you the basics so you can make sense of the cards, drawing

out your intuition to fill in the rest of the cards'

meaning with your own personal experience. In this way, one is able to walk

away with both the logic and intuition

needed to read cards, along with practice, practice, and

more practice!"

—Alison Levy, Tarot student


440 STUDIOS440 Lafayette St

New York, NY 10003-6919 Between Astor Place and East 4th St. Directly across from The Public Theater. Elevator to the 3rd & 4th Floors. For directions and transit info see here: http://440studios.com/how-do-i-get-there/ Check out our web page for the studio room. http://www.tahutilodge.org/



Admission is $20


Seating is limited

Please reserve your seat using Paypal


Send Paypal payment

to: Tahutilodge(at)tahutilodge.org

You will get a

confirmation for your payment by email.





4:00-4:15 Welcome and

Introductions--Why are we here? What is it we're wanting to learn?

What major challenges do we find in the Tarot?

4:15-4:30 History and Composition of the Tarot: Where did it come

from? What is the Major Arcana? What is the Minor Arcana? How

do they connect to us?

4:30--5:00 Exercise: The Fool's Journey--Connecting your life story to that of

the Tarot

5:00-5:15 Question and Answer


5:15-5:30 Break


5:30-6:15: BURN THE FUCKING BOOK: Learn to read the Tarot like a

professional--without that little white book!

6:15-6:45: Reading practice

6:45-7:00: Final Question and Answer session, closing meditation.



* *

For more

information about Ordo Templi Orientis,

Tahuti Lodge, and

our events,

please visit our






To RSVP for an event and receive directions, please email







Love is the law, love under will.





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