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Just by having a name of Devadatta in the mind, we srart flotting in the ocean

of the paarad vigyan. The devine presence of him start feeling us something

special inside us.

He has remained author for 6 great scriptures on paarad vigyan…all are to be

gems for alchemy scholar in which he had described the Samskara, Processes of

metal casting, Paarasmani, Medicines and elixirs and much more. Most important

scripture is Paarad Charitra of him..which is unique scripture just mere

studying this one scripture completely, one can achieve a remarkable height in

paarad vigyan.


I wonder my self a fortunate to meet him once. Medium body, appropriate height

and long hairs. While looking at him he seems just to be age of 20. No one would

rather like to believe his age is in centuries. He is among those yogis group

which is authority for the paarad vigyan to save it from the wrong and

inappropriates. Though he seems very simple and soft & less speaking, his

silence is enough to make you understand what he lay in his own self, an ocean

of knowledge.


He, most of the time, keeps roaming in Himalayas, No more information about him

could be gain by anyone. He is no famous personality as he hides him self too

much. May be he has disliking towards publicity or popularity.


The fragnance of his bosy was more affective than of aroma out of the Dhup made

of various unidentified herbs from nearby.The glow of his face was dectecting

his self realisation. The atmosphere became devine in his presence.


He talked with me for much enough time than I expected. He first time disclosed

that the science of metals is very much complicated and its too much simple at

the same time. The Accomplished alchemist is, who ; can convert anything from

anthing..He explained it more specifically that while for example when you go

through a particular process with some material, the chemical reaction takes

place and a metal change occurs but the acomplishment in this field is belived

when a yogi can convert anything from anything for exaple he said give me any

articles from this earth and ask for any metals to produce from it, It seems

impossible but it is the fact. I noodled but he understood my dis satisfaction

,In actual my non belief. He said to give him anything I Wish. I gave him some

wood, mud and mercury. He asked me what I would like to see? I said if he can

prepare metal gold from that mud given with wood and mercury. He smiled and

noodled. It was night time, moonlight was visible from his cave outside. He took

his morter and stared trituration mud and wood gradually in a specific manner

and with mercury. Meanwhile he was using various techniques of trituration. He

was looking in the mixure in between many time concentrately.


After half an hour, he placed that mixter on fire. And in some minutes it all

became what I could never imagine. Gold, the precious metal. I was surprised

and he smiled again.


He told that this is truth that change in atoms is responsible for the various

form of one. If we change atoms appropriately we can create any material form

any material as all material on the earth contains atoms. He explain me the

theory of sage kanaad about atoms. And now it was time to leave him that he can

go to his meeting place of sages who will discuss and work to help those who

will make this science alive for next generations.


But before I leave, his words were " though I never said to our beloved master

anything but He knows everything. His love only, can give you salvation. " I

think I was not much eligible to understood what he just spoke. I was just

thinking about the field of paarad, its huge coverings, mysteries and Creator of

the Devdatta..Paramhansh Nikhileshwaranandji..beloved master of him and our.


Jai gurudev

Raghunath Nikhil

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