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-Ananda Marga teachings - Chakras

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Namaskar to All of you my Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Cakra Sadhana in Tantric practices is a secret science.

Initiated person takes an oath of not sharing this personal

instructions with anybody, except Guru. I' m following

this rules as I was thought and can share only this what is allowed.

Each cakra and each petal has a special mantra

starting with the sound root. Most of the schools are teaching only the

sound root: for example

LAM ( read as LANG ).It is incomplete process. Ideation

on each petal must be followed by a long Sanskrit mantra which expresses

inner characteristic of each petal and cakras. It is the essential

part of Sahaja and Vishesh Yoga systems of Rajadhiraja Yoga in Tantra Sadhana.

Ananda Marga Tantra is the middle path and expects from

all devotees to maintain non-compromising strictness and faith regarding


sanctity of adarsha (Ideology) and conduct rules (Caryacarya)?

Below are some of the teachings related to the cakras

given by my Master, Mahasadguru, Taraka Brahma, Sri Sri Anandamurtiji,




The world is moving rapidly from physicality to intellectuality.

A day is sure to come when this intellectuality will be transformed into

spirituality. Just as the intellectual age is fast approaching, the spiritual

age will also come in the very near future.

There are three types of beings. The first are physical

beings, like dogs. If you call a dog an abusive name it remains indifferent.

The second are psychic beings, such as human beings. If you insult a man

he will get angry, and he may even start weeping or commit suicide. The

third are spiritual beings. A time will come when there will also be many

spiritual beings on this earth.

For spiritual advancement spiritual practices are a must,

and in spiritual practices the role of the cakras [plexi] is immense. In

fact, the most important aspect of spiritual practice is cakra shodhana

and cakra niyantran'a [the purification and control, respectively, of the


What is a cakra? It is a collection of glands and sub-glands,

and the location of these glands and sub-glands differs from animal to

animal. In humans the cakras are situated at the intersecting points of

the id'a', sus'umna' and piungala' [psycho-spiritual channels]. In the

human mind various thoughts are constantly emerging and dissolving. Behind

these psychic phenomena are the underlying vrttis [propensities] which

are primarily related to the inborn sam'ska'ras [mental reactive momenta]

of human beings. Propensities are formed according to one's inherent sam'ska'ras,

and the expression and control of these propensities are dependent upon

the various cakras. The fifty main propensities of the human mind are expressed

internally or externally through the vibrational expression of these cakras.

These vibrations cause hormones to be secreted from the glands, and the

natural or unnatural expression of the propensities depends on the degree

of normal or abnormal secretion of the hormones. When these propensities

can be expressed we say that the human mind is alive because the mind exists

as long as the propensities are there. When the propensities are destroyed,

however, the human mind loses its existence.

The names of the different plexi in the human body and

their corresponding man'd'alas are as follows:

terranean plexus (mu'la'dha'ra cakra) -- bhaoma man'd'ala

fluidal plexus (sva'dhis't'ha'na cakra) -- tarala man'd'ala

igneous plexus (man'ipura cakra) -- agni man'd'ala

solar plexus (ana'hata cakra) -- saora man'd'ala

sidereal plexus (vishuddha cakra) -- naks'attra man'd'ala

lunar plexus (a'jina' cakra) -- shashi man'd'ala / candra


* Except for the detailed lists of propensities below,

the source of this chapter is the compiled, typed notes of the author's

"Seminar Training Classes" of 10-12 January 1989. The nomenclature of the

plexi (cakras) and maÚÏalas in this present list and

throughout the chapter, however, follows information found in "Bio-Psychology"

and "Under the Shelter of the Guru". -Eds.

The Sanskrit word man'd'ala means "circle". The thyroid

gland is called Brhaspati Granthi in Sanskrit. The Latin equivalent for

Brhaspati is "Jupiter". "Hormone" is granthirasa in Sanskrit; the parathyroid

gland is Brhaspati

Upagranthi; the pituitary gland is Maha'yoginii Granthi;

and the pineal gland is Sahasra'ra Granthi.

The cakras contain within their folds a number of glands

and sub-glands, the seats of different propensities each with an acoustic


The terranean plexus, or mu'la'dha'ra cakra:

1. dharma [psycho-spiritual longing] va

2. artha [psychic longing] sha

3. ka'ma [physical longing] s'a

4. moks'a [spiritual longing] sa


The fluidal plexus, or sva'dhis't'ha'na cakra:

1. avajina' [belittlement of others] ba

2. mu'rccha' [psychic stupor, lack of common sense]


3. prashraya [indulgence] ma

4. avishva'sa [lack of confidence] ya

5. sarvana'sha [thought of sure annihilation] ra

6. krurata' [cruelty] la

The igneous plexus, or man'ipura cakra:

1. lajja' [shyness, shame] d'a

2. pishunata' [sadistic tendency] d'ha

3. iirs'a' [envy] n'a

4. sus'upti [staticity, sleepiness] ta

5. vis'a'da [melancholia] tha

6. kas'a'ya [peevishness] da

7. trs'n'a' [yearning for acquisition] dha

8. moha [infatuation] na

9. ghrn'a' [hatred, revulsion] pa

10. bhaya [fear] pha

In the igneous plexus, or man'ipura cakra, there is the

maximum accumulation of heat. It is the shelter of heat, and is known as

agnya'shaya in Sanskrit. It is also known as maha'shaya, meaning "the shelter

of greatness", because it is the centre of the body. The igneous plexus

or agni man'd'ala contains within its fold the ten glands and sub-glands

of the man'ipura cakra. The area of the man'd'ala is greater than that

of the cakra.

When a person dies and is cremated, often the navel does

not get fully burnt, which is why it is a common practice in India for

people to throw the remains of a dead body into a river. The burning point

of the navel is higher than the temperature generated by an ordinary funeral

pyre. The navel will only be completely destroyed if the body is allowed

to burn for a long time and is cremated with enormous heat.

The solar plexus, or ana'hata cakra:

1. a'sha' [hope] ka

2. cinta' [worry] kha

3. ces't'a' [effort] ga

4. mamata' [mine-ness, love] gha

5. dambha [vanity] una

6. viveka [conscience, discrimination] ca

7. vikalata' [mental numbness due to fear] cha

8. aham'ka'ra [ego] ja

9. lolata' [avarice] jha

10. kapat'ata' [hypocrisy] ina

11. vitarka [argumentativeness to point of wild exaggeration]


12. anuta'pa [repentance] t'ha

The ana'hata cakra is contained within the saora man'd'ala

and is connected with the respiratory system. When one suffers from hopelessness,

one may even feel a pain in the chest; this is the solar plexus and not

any other part of the body.

Celestial bodies are glittering objects in the sky. Stars,

naks'attras, planets, satellites, meteors, comets, nebulae and galaxies

are all celestial bodies. Naks'attras are also stars, with distances of

many light years from our solar system. Naks'a means "to twinkle"; that

which helps us with its twinkling potentiality is called naks'attra. Naks'attras

influence the solar plexus of the human body, rather of all bodies.

The original light from stars, the reflected and refracted

light from planets, satellites and meteors, and the light from galaxies

and nebulae reflect on all the glands and sub-glands of the body, and especially

on the ana'hata cakra. The reflecting plate of the ana'hata cakra is a

bit bigger than the ana'hata cakra itself. That bigger area containing

the ana'hata cakra is called the "solar plexus", the "plexus of Apollo",

the saora man'd'ala.

Not only is the light reflected or refracted here, but

also microvita, moving along the light rays, affect the body and the twelve

sub-glands of this cakra. Positive and negative microvita move along these

media. What are the media of microvita for their movement, for their status,

for their location, as their abode? Tanma'tras -- inferences and ideas.

The solar plexus is a bit above the igneous plexus, so

positive microvita are more dominant here than negative microvita. The

igneous plexus is mutative and the solar plexus is sentient. Then where

is the position of the static? It is below the igneous at the terranean

and fluidal plexi. Good people, spiritual aspirants [sa'dhakas], absorb

more positive microvita than non-spiritual people, so all their propensities

move with positive vitality. In a spiritual sa'dhaka, all the positive

propensities of the ana'hata cakra are positively strengthened as a result.

This is sentient psycho-panoramic maximitis. If one moves towards crudeness,

there will be static psycho-panoramic minimitis. When this knowledge is

acquired by a large number of people in this world, together they will

absorb more positive microvita. By doing so they will benefit themselves

individually, and at the same time the whole world will be benefited.

So many stars, planets and celestial bodies are influencing

your solar plexus. You cannot remain aloof from such an influence on your

solar plexus. Nobody can live in seclusion. The hermits who lived in caves

in the Himalayas in the ancient and medieval ages should have lived in

society and served society. They failed to do so because they were guided

by a sort of befooling dogma.

One should practise spiritual cult to strengthen the positive

microvita and lessen the influence of the negative microvita. The people

of Germany, called Sharmanya Bhu'mi in Sanskrit, also used to practise

this spiritual cult. The German term for "sun" is Sonne.

When tears come in the eyes from spiritual bliss and spiritual

beatitude as a result of much spiritual practice, it is called a'nanda'shru

in Sanskrit. When the tears are tears of bereavement, it is called shoka'shru.

The sidereal plexus, or vishuddha cakra:

1. s'ad'aja [sound of peacock] a

2. rs'abha [sound of bull or ox] a'

3. ga'ndha'ra [sound of goat] i

4. madhyama [sound of deer] ii

5. paincama [sound of cuckoo] u

6. dhaevata [sound of donkey] u'

7. nis'a'da [sound of elephant]* r

8. onm [acoustic root of creation, preservation,

dissolution] rr

9. hummm [sound of arousing kulakun'd'alinii]


10. phat' [practication, i.e., putting a theory into

practice] lrr

11. vaos'at' [expression of mundane knowledge] e

12. vas'at' [welfare in the subtler sphere] ae

13. sva'ha' [performing noble actions] o

14. namah [surrender to the Supreme] ao

15. vis'a [repulsive expression] am'

16. amrta [sweet expression] ah

* Each animal is controlled by one dominant characteristic

and specializes in producing a distinctive sound. Seven acoustic roots

of the vishuddha cakra correspond to the sounds produced by particular

animals. -Eds.

From below the left ear to the lower point of the right

ear is the sidereal plexus -- the naks'attra man'd'ala. The controlling

point of the naks'attra man'd'ala is just in the centre. Generally positive

microvita come in contact with the human body through this plexus.

There are so many celestial bodies, and they all have

direct contact with the glands and sub-glands in the human body by throwing

out reflected or refracted light. But the maximum influence on animate

and inanimate objects comes from the sun, which is the nearest and biggest

star to this earth. The sun's influence, according to the ancient yogis

and Tantrics [those who practise spiritual meditation], is generally via

the eighteen light waves which influence the sidereal and lunar plexi.

That is, the seven colours of the spectrum (VIBGYOR -- violet, indigo,

blue, green, yellow, orange and red), plus ultraviolet and infrared, have

an internal and external influence. So, 7 + 2 = 9; 9 + 9 = 18. Out of these

eighteen, two light waves do not come directly from the sun but from the

moon; sixteen come directly from the sun. Each has an acoustic root.

Wherever there is any entity, any movement, any functional

activity, there is sound, and that sound is called the acoustic root. Each

and every expression has got its acoustic root. The acoustic root for all

celestial bodies is the sound ha. Ha is the acoustic root for eternal space.

The controlling sound is ha. The influence of these light waves on the

navel and below is ks'a -- the last letter of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Microvita use these inferences as their media. Friend

as well as foe microvita come through sixteen sounds to the vishuddha cakra

and control the human body positively as well as negatively. The controlling

sound of this cakra is ha. There are sixteen sub-glands surrounding the

vishuddha cakra.

The lunar plexus, or a'jina' cakra:

1. apara' [mundane knowledge] ks'a

2. para' [spiritual knowledge] ha

The area between the two end points of the eyes is the

area of the lunar plexus. The collective influence in the upper portion

of the human body and the lower portion below the [navel] is effected by

the reflected light of the moon. The right side of the lunar plexus [from

the viewpoint of the spiritual aspirant] concerns the external influences

of the moon below the navel, and its acoustic root is ks'a. The left side

concerns the external influences or the reflected light from the moon in

the upper portion of the body, and its acoustic root is ha. The acoustic

root of the moon [that is, the a'jina' cakra] is t'ha. It is the controlling

point of the moon -- the controlling point of ha and ks'a. The area of

the lunar plexus is also called the shashi man'd'ala. [The god of the]

sun is "Apollo" in Latin, and the word for "moon" is luna. "Monday" is

the short form of "Moon-day".

All the planets, meteors, stars, etc., of all of the solar

systems, not only of our solar system, affect the individual by their direct

reflected and refracted light. It is beyond the capacity of astrology or

astronomy to calculate this effect on the individual. Astrology only deals

with the planets of our solar system and their effects on the glands and

sub-glands. But this theory relates to all the effects of all the celestial

bodies on the human glands and sub-glands -- not only the celestial bodies

of this solar system, but of all other existing solar systems, stars, planets,

satellites, meteorites, nebulae and galaxies. So this theory is beyond

the scope of astrology and astronomy. Astrology and astronomy consider

only a bit of the effect of the planets on fate, fortune, etc., but this

theory considers the effect not only of the direct rays, but also of the

indirect reflected and refracted rays, on the glands and sub-glands. It

is quite impossible for astrology and astronomy to calculate all these

effects on the glands and sub-glands. Hence, this is a completely new science.

10-12 January 1989, Calcutta


Ofiel Chishty wrote:

My you wright to all listowers about CHAKRA

practicing in your Ananda Marga Tantra Yoga movement?This is our subject

to discuss:))))) Gochi Khan

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Wed, 8 Jun 2005 19:09:44 -0700 (PDT)

Aaron Staengl <aaronananta

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Guest guest

Namaskar to All of you my Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Cakra Sadhana in Tantric practices is a secret science.

Initiated person takes an oath of not sharing this personal

instructions with anybody, except Guru. I' m following

this rules as I was thought and can share only this what is allowed.

Each cakra and each petal has a special mantra

starting with the sound root. Most of the schools are teaching only the

sound root: for example

LAM ( read as LANG ).It is incomplete process. Ideation

on each petal must be followed by a long Sanskrit mantra which expresses

inner characteristic of each petal and cakras. It is the essential

part of Sahaja and Vishesh Yoga systems of Rajadhiraja Yoga in Tantra Sadhana.

Ananda Marga Tantra is the middle path and expects from

all devotees to maintain non-compromising strictness and faith regarding


sanctity of adarsha (Ideology) and conduct rules (Caryacarya)?

Below are some of the teachings related to the cakras

given by my Master, Mahasadguru, Taraka Brahma, Sri Sri Anandamurtiji,


In Him

Trilokesh, BP Toronto, Canada



The world is moving rapidly from physicality to intellectuality.

A day is sure to come when this intellectuality will be transformed into

spirituality. Just as the intellectual age is fast approaching, the spiritual

age will also come in the very near future.

There are three types of beings. The first are physical

beings, like dogs. If you call a dog an abusive name it remains indifferent.

The second are psychic beings, such as human beings. If you insult a man

he will get angry, and he may even start weeping or commit suicide. The

third are spiritual beings. A time will come when there will also be many

spiritual beings on this earth.

For spiritual advancement spiritual practices are a must,

and in spiritual practices the role of the cakras [plexi] is immense. In

fact, the most important aspect of spiritual practice is cakra shodhana

and cakra niyantran'a [the purification and control, respectively, of the


What is a cakra? It is a collection of glands and sub-glands,

and the location of these glands and sub-glands differs from animal to

animal. In humans the cakras are situated at the intersecting points of

the id'a', sus'umna' and piungala' [psycho-spiritual channels]. In the

human mind various thoughts are constantly emerging and dissolving. Behind

these psychic phenomena are the underlying vrttis [propensities] which

are primarily related to the inborn sam'ska'ras [mental reactive momenta]

of human beings. Propensities are formed according to one's inherent sam'ska'ras,

and the expression and control of these propensities are dependent upon

the various cakras. The fifty main propensities of the human mind are expressed

internally or externally through the vibrational expression of these cakras.

These vibrations cause hormones to be secreted from the glands, and the

natural or unnatural expression of the propensities depends on the degree

of normal or abnormal secretion of the hormones. When these propensities

can be expressed we say that the human mind is alive because the mind exists

as long as the propensities are there. When the propensities are destroyed,

however, the human mind loses its existence.

The names of the different plexi in the human body and

their corresponding man'd'alas are as follows:

terranean plexus (mu'la'dha'ra cakra) -- bhaoma man'd'ala

fluidal plexus (sva'dhis't'ha'na cakra) -- tarala man'd'ala

igneous plexus (man'ipura cakra) -- agni man'd'ala

solar plexus (ana'hata cakra) -- saora man'd'ala

sidereal plexus (vishuddha cakra) -- naks'attra man'd'ala

lunar plexus (a'jina' cakra) -- shashi man'd'ala / candra


* Except for the detailed lists of propensities below,

the source of this chapter is the compiled, typed notes of the author's

"Seminar Training Classes" of 10-12 January 1989. The nomenclature of the

plexi (cakras) and maÚÏalas in this present list and

throughout the chapter, however, follows information found in "Bio-Psychology"

and "Under the Shelter of the Guru". -Eds.

The Sanskrit word man'd'ala means "circle". The thyroid

gland is called Brhaspati Granthi in Sanskrit. The Latin equivalent for

Brhaspati is "Jupiter". "Hormone" is granthirasa in Sanskrit; the parathyroid

gland is Brhaspati

Upagranthi; the pituitary gland is Maha'yoginii Granthi;

and the pineal gland is Sahasra'ra Granthi.

The cakras contain within their folds a number of glands

and sub-glands, the seats of different propensities each with an acoustic


The terranean plexus, or mu'la'dha'ra cakra:

1. dharma [psycho-spiritual longing] va

2. artha [psychic longing] sha

3. ka'ma [physical longing] s'a

4. moks'a [spiritual longing] sa


The fluidal plexus, or sva'dhis't'ha'na cakra:

1. avajina' [belittlement of others] ba

2. mu'rccha' [psychic stupor, lack of common sense]


3. prashraya [indulgence] ma

4. avishva'sa [lack of confidence] ya

5. sarvana'sha [thought of sure annihilation] ra

6. krurata' [cruelty] la

The igneous plexus, or man'ipura cakra:

1. lajja' [shyness, shame] d'a

2. pishunata' [sadistic tendency] d'ha

3. iirs'a' [envy] n'a

4. sus'upti [staticity, sleepiness] ta

5. vis'a'da [melancholia] tha

6. kas'a'ya [peevishness] da

7. trs'n'a' [yearning for acquisition] dha

8. moha [infatuation] na

9. ghrn'a' [hatred, revulsion] pa

10. bhaya [fear] pha

In the igneous plexus, or man'ipura cakra, there is the

maximum accumulation of heat. It is the shelter of heat, and is known as

agnya'shaya in Sanskrit. It is also known as maha'shaya, meaning "the shelter

of greatness", because it is the centre of the body. The igneous plexus

or agni man'd'ala contains within its fold the ten glands and sub-glands

of the man'ipura cakra. The area of the man'd'ala is greater than that

of the cakra.

When a person dies and is cremated, often the navel does

not get fully burnt, which is why it is a common practice in India for

people to throw the remains of a dead body into a river. The burning point

of the navel is higher than the temperature generated by an ordinary funeral

pyre. The navel will only be completely destroyed if the body is allowed

to burn for a long time and is cremated with enormous heat.

The solar plexus, or ana'hata cakra:

1. a'sha' [hope] ka

2. cinta' [worry] kha

3. ces't'a' [effort] ga

4. mamata' [mine-ness, love] gha

5. dambha [vanity] una

6. viveka [conscience, discrimination] ca

7. vikalata' [mental numbness due to fear] cha

8. aham'ka'ra [ego] ja

9. lolata' [avarice] jha

10. kapat'ata' [hypocrisy] ina

11. vitarka [argumentativeness to point of wild exaggeration]


12. anuta'pa [repentance] t'ha

The ana'hata cakra is contained within the saora man'd'ala

and is connected with the respiratory system. When one suffers from hopelessness,

one may even feel a pain in the chest; this is the solar plexus and not

any other part of the body.

Celestial bodies are glittering objects in the sky. Stars,

naks'attras, planets, satellites, meteors, comets, nebulae and galaxies

are all celestial bodies. Naks'attras are also stars, with distances of

many light years from our solar system. Naks'a means "to twinkle"; that

which helps us with its twinkling potentiality is called naks'attra. Naks'attras

influence the solar plexus of the human body, rather of all bodies.

The original light from stars, the reflected and refracted

light from planets, satellites and meteors, and the light from galaxies

and nebulae reflect on all the glands and sub-glands of the body, and especially

on the ana'hata cakra. The reflecting plate of the ana'hata cakra is a

bit bigger than the ana'hata cakra itself. That bigger area containing

the ana'hata cakra is called the "solar plexus", the "plexus of Apollo",

the saora man'd'ala.

Not only is the light reflected or refracted here, but

also microvita, moving along the light rays, affect the body and the twelve

sub-glands of this cakra. Positive and negative microvita move along these

media. What are the media of microvita for their movement, for their status,

for their location, as their abode? Tanma'tras -- inferences and ideas.

The solar plexus is a bit above the igneous plexus, so

positive microvita are more dominant here than negative microvita. The

igneous plexus is mutative and the solar plexus is sentient. Then where

is the position of the static? It is below the igneous at the terranean

and fluidal plexi. Good people, spiritual aspirants [sa'dhakas], absorb

more positive microvita than non-spiritual people, so all their propensities

move with positive vitality. In a spiritual sa'dhaka, all the positive

propensities of the ana'hata cakra are positively strengthened as a result.

This is sentient psycho-panoramic maximitis. If one moves towards crudeness,

there will be static psycho-panoramic minimitis. When this knowledge is

acquired by a large number of people in this world, together they will

absorb more positive microvita. By doing so they will benefit themselves

individually, and at the same time the whole world will be benefited.

So many stars, planets and celestial bodies are influencing

your solar plexus. You cannot remain aloof from such an influence on your

solar plexus. Nobody can live in seclusion. The hermits who lived in caves

in the Himalayas in the ancient and medieval ages should have lived in

society and served society. They failed to do so because they were guided

by a sort of befooling dogma.

One should practise spiritual cult to strengthen the positive

microvita and lessen the influence of the negative microvita. The people

of Germany, called Sharmanya Bhu'mi in Sanskrit, also used to practise

this spiritual cult. The German term for "sun" is Sonne.

When tears come in the eyes from spiritual bliss and spiritual

beatitude as a result of much spiritual practice, it is called a'nanda'shru

in Sanskrit. When the tears are tears of bereavement, it is called shoka'shru.

The sidereal plexus, or vishuddha cakra:

1. s'ad'aja [sound of peacock] a

2. rs'abha [sound of bull or ox] a'

3. ga'ndha'ra [sound of goat] i

4. madhyama [sound of deer] ii

5. paincama [sound of cuckoo] u

6. dhaevata [sound of donkey] u'

7. nis'a'da [sound of elephant]* r

8. onm [acoustic root of creation, preservation,

dissolution] rr

9. hummm [sound of arousing kulakun'd'alinii]


10. phat' [practication, i.e., putting a theory into

practice] lrr

11. vaos'at' [expression of mundane knowledge] e

12. vas'at' [welfare in the subtler sphere] ae

13. sva'ha' [performing noble actions] o

14. namah [surrender to the Supreme] ao

15. vis'a [repulsive expression] am'

16. amrta [sweet expression] ah

* Each animal is controlled by one dominant characteristic

and specializes in producing a distinctive sound. Seven acoustic roots

of the vishuddha cakra correspond to the sounds produced by particular

animals. -Eds.

From below the left ear to the lower point of the right

ear is the sidereal plexus -- the naks'attra man'd'ala. The controlling

point of the naks'attra man'd'ala is just in the centre. Generally positive

microvita come in contact with the human body through this plexus.

There are so many celestial bodies, and they all have

direct contact with the glands and sub-glands in the human body by throwing

out reflected or refracted light. But the maximum influence on animate

and inanimate objects comes from the sun, which is the nearest and biggest

star to this earth. The sun's influence, according to the ancient yogis

and Tantrics [those who practise spiritual meditation], is generally via

the eighteen light waves which influence the sidereal and lunar plexi.

That is, the seven colours of the spectrum (VIBGYOR -- violet, indigo,

blue, green, yellow, orange and red), plus ultraviolet and infrared, have

an internal and external influence. So, 7 + 2 = 9; 9 + 9 = 18. Out of these

eighteen, two light waves do not come directly from the sun but from the

moon; sixteen come directly from the sun. Each has an acoustic root.

Wherever there is any entity, any movement, any functional

activity, there is sound, and that sound is called the acoustic root. Each

and every expression has got its acoustic root. The acoustic root for all

celestial bodies is the sound ha. Ha is the acoustic root for eternal space.

The controlling sound is ha. The influence of these light waves on the

navel and below is ks'a -- the last letter of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Microvita use these inferences as their media. Friend

as well as foe microvita come through sixteen sounds to the vishuddha cakra

and control the human body positively as well as negatively. The controlling

sound of this cakra is ha. There are sixteen sub-glands surrounding the

vishuddha cakra.

The lunar plexus, or a'jina' cakra:

1. apara' [mundane knowledge] ks'a

2. para' [spiritual knowledge] ha

The area between the two end points of the eyes is the

area of the lunar plexus. The collective influence in the upper portion

of the human body and the lower portion below the [navel] is effected by

the reflected light of the moon. The right side of the lunar plexus [from

the viewpoint of the spiritual aspirant] concerns the external influences

of the moon below the navel, and its acoustic root is ks'a. The left side

concerns the external influences or the reflected light from the moon in

the upper portion of the body, and its acoustic root is ha. The acoustic

root of the moon [that is, the a'jina' cakra] is t'ha. It is the controlling

point of the moon -- the controlling point of ha and ks'a. The area of

the lunar plexus is also called the shashi man'd'ala. [The god of the]

sun is "Apollo" in Latin, and the word for "moon" is luna. "Monday" is

the short form of "Moon-day".

All the planets, meteors, stars, etc., of all of the solar

systems, not only of our solar system, affect the individual by their direct

reflected and refracted light. It is beyond the capacity of astrology or

astronomy to calculate this effect on the individual. Astrology only deals

with the planets of our solar system and their effects on the glands and

sub-glands. But this theory relates to all the effects of all the celestial

bodies on the human glands and sub-glands -- not only the celestial bodies

of this solar system, but of all other existing solar systems, stars, planets,

satellites, meteorites, nebulae and galaxies. So this theory is beyond

the scope of astrology and astronomy. Astrology and astronomy consider

only a bit of the effect of the planets on fate, fortune, etc., but this

theory considers the effect not only of the direct rays, but also of the

indirect reflected and refracted rays, on the glands and sub-glands. It

is quite impossible for astrology and astronomy to calculate all these

effects on the glands and sub-glands. Hence, this is a completely new science.

10-12 January 1989, Calcutta


Ofiel Chishty wrote:

My you wright to all listowers about CHAKRA

practicing in your Ananda Marga Tantra Yoga movement?This is our subject

to discuss:))))) Gochi Khan

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Thank You for quick answer!

If you we'll something more, send please to our group.


Gochi!Tadeusz Majewski <tadeusz.majewski wrote:

Namaskar to All of you my Dear Brothers and Sisters, Cakra Sadhana in Tantric practices is a secret science. Initiated person takes an oath of not sharing this personal instructions with anybody, except Guru. I' m following this rules as I was thought and can share only this what is allowed. Each cakra and each petal has a special mantra starting with the sound root. Most of the schools are teaching only the sound root: for example LAM ( read as LANG ).It is incomplete process. Ideation on each petal must be followed by a long Sanskrit mantra which expresses inner characteristic of each petal and cakras. It is the essential part of Sahaja and Vishesh Yoga systems of Rajadhiraja Yoga in Tantra Sadhana.

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