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SHIRDI SAI NATHA is videly recognized as DATTATREYA AVATARA, so Satya Sai Baba

is the

second part od Dattatreya - threefold Great Incarnation. Very God teachings for




Krisha was simply a Prophet of GOD and really he was humble Disciple of SHIVA


reciting OM NAMH SHIVAAYAH 1008X!

There is many stories even in Shiva Purana in nglish, so You may read not tell


Krisha prised Lord God, but DEVA, DEVATA is Divine Form but not The Lord God in


sense like PARAMBRAHMAN, PARAMSHIVA! Jesus similarly was not a GOD but only


messanger, prophet, siply Disciple of God. GOD is somthing much more greater

than any

human incarnation of even the most HOLY AVATARA of His time living 50 or 120

years in

human form... Godly souls are Devatas by personalities like Devas in Heaven but


power is restrictivly limited and under GOD controll....


According TANTRA there is 5 mostly known levels of SHIVA consciousnes manifested

in form,

and there is several mode to named them, like Ishana, Sadyojata, Vamadeva etc.

There are

different stage or grades of Avataras, godly mens, different stages of evolution


different GURU,s


1. Brahma-Shivaic - Sadyojaata

2. Vishnu-Shivaic - Vamadeva(tic)

3. Rudra-Shivaic - Aghoradeva(tic)

4. Ishvara-Shivaic - Tatpurusha Deva(tic)

5. Ardhanareshvara-Sadashivaic - Ishana (I¶ana) Devatic


And the first one is a teacher, kind or Guru level but based on manasic tattva,

intelectual only, very philosophical and sophistic. The second one is savior but


personal, egoic and their disciple mostly knows only his teaching and nothing


The third is more open and very in traditional lineage and leading toward

Enlighment and

Awakening!!! And you have to study by practices all the masters of humanity!!!

The forth one is sometimes called true ancient guide - Api Guru, real Shiva


representative of God but not a God as a human beings in form...

The fifth one is higher GURU, very rare, superior for all other authorities in

spirituality... This is very shorten glimpse on this subject but you may

diagnosis your

teacher even becouse only his teachings:)))) and nothing else:))) Of course this


Saviouuring Divine Ego but leading not so much High:(((


Om NAMAH Shivaayah!




--- Tadeusz Majewski <tadeusz.majewski wrote:


> Namaskar Dear Brother,


> Your letter looks like a big vegetable soup with many ingredients ( concepts


> contradicting each other. You are mixing a tantric views with hindu dogmas and


> other

> religious myths. It is a dangerous combination which is confusing to the


> seekers

> of truth.

> Lord Krsna is of the multiply dimensions and meanings , but in nutshell He is

the same

> entity like Brahma. A difference is only in the name and role which he

performs as a

> Taraka Brahma or Purusa Ottama or Mahasambhuti. Krsna in Sanskrit means to

Attract. It

> means

> that He is the nucleus ( the hub ) of this Universe and He is the ultimate

goal of

> all

> devotees. In the physical form he is Mahasatguru who thanks to the five


> factors

> ( solid, liquid, luminus,arial, ethereal ) descended to this planet to bring

changes to

> all

> living being and emancipate them with the help of Tantra Sadhana and Bhakti

Yoga. The

> concept of Avatara is incorrect, since is based on the believes of the


> of

> God in the physical body. It is illogical and backward theory adapted by the


> demagogues. Brahma cannot incarnate Him self into crud dimension of the


> relative

> reality. HE is the ultimate reality beyond the influence of the Gunas, This

is why He

> is

> called Nirguna Brahma. On the other hand Saguna Brahma is qualify under the


> of

> Prakrtii and cannot play role of the liberator. Only tangible point between

two ,

> Nirguna

> and Saguna, called Taraka Brahma can perform this function as the bestower

of the

> Mukti

> and Moksa. Here confusion comes, because many practitioners believe that

this entity

> is

> called Avatar. It is not the case. This entity is Brahma which with the help

of the

> rudiment factors, temporary uses this physical dimensions to perform HIS lila


> infusing

> portion of His Grace unto the form of the medium.

> This is why Lord Krsna was playing the physical role during Mahabharata

times. In the

> past

> the same entity ( 3.5 thousand years early ) in the form of Lord Sadashiva


> the

> Agamas and Nigamas of Tantra. It is the same entity playing different

roles. Lord

> Shiva,

> Lord Krsna, both are Taraka Brahmas using temporary mediums in their plays.

> Lord Krsna was not a God prophet but God Himself using temporary body to


> humanity

> and the rest of living beings. The same was with Lord Shiva. And the same

is in

> the

> present times with another Mahasatguru who only can by recognize by His Own

Grace to

> those who are ready. And definitely it is not Satya Sai Baba or Laliita



> In Him,


> Trilokesh


> Ofiel Chishty wrote:


> > Namaskaram!

> > There is 5107 year of Krishna-Kala, the cycle from Krishna entrance into the


> > Krishna was only Godly prophet like Jesus, Buddha, Mose, Zarathushtra,


> > Padmasambhava, Abraham etc.

> > It is very similar story of Melechsedec (Melkhisedec) to Zarathushtra story


> > similarity of time life... It may be this same person even as Godly Priest!

> > Absolute, God, The Highest One is something and someone another then

prophets sent by

> > HIM.



> > Prophets are similar beings like DEVAS - ANGELS... but still in human bodies


> their

> > lives..

> > There is the second Krishna-Kala because of 5000 period of cyckle duration.

> > 5107 year of Krishna - Kala, but only 2005 about from Jesus Kala, and only

3743 y of

> > Zarathushtra Kala. That is fine.

> > What prophet (avatara) Krishna did?

> > He prayed toward the Lord God, called Him SHIVA-MAHADEVA-MAHESHVARA....


> > What Jesud did?

> > He prayed toward the LOrd God, Highest then him, called Him ELOHIM-YAHVAH!


> > But what Zarathusthrian pray I cant understand from this list after reading

about 400

> > post:)))))

> > Seriously,

> > Zarathustha prayed toward the LORD GOD: AHURA MAZDA. Surely....

> > There are different languages but only ONE HIGHEST LORD GOD and ONE HIS

LIGHT, like

> ON

> > FIRE and ONE Lightening AURA of This FIRE...

> > And YOGIN named SHIVA-YOGESHVARA was as a prophet living about 12 thausand

years ago

> > there is KALA from Him with spiritual YOGA teachings...but still this same


> GOD...

> > This world is designed to be a training-ground for the SOUL (JIVA-ATMAN)

and, as

> such,

> > cannot be changed into something else. There is good and evil in this world,

but GOD

> is

> > One above and highest, not connected with goods and evils of this world we

live as

> souls

> > alive in material bounds and bodies...

> > KAIVALYA means the greatest aim of human evolution, to ascend above into

GOD,S region

> to

> > changed into ANGELIC, DIVINE, DEVAIC Beings....


> > Best wishes and all the best for all.

> > Namaskaram!

> >

> > www.himawanti.org

> > and

> > www.himavanti.org

> > (see English version)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Tadeusz Majewski napisał(a):


> Satya Sai Baba is a very commercial, indian commodity, who is using

> occult powers and magic to attract people like you into his egocentric

> play. He is under investigation for pedophilia and abuse of

> his devotees ( specially young boys ).You must remember the murder of

> four boys in Sai Baba's personal quaters.You must remember why some of

> the prominent devotees and sponsors of His projects

> are taking him to court for a sexual abuse . I hope you've seen this

> year BBC documentary about all those abuses made by Him in the name

> Dharma.What kind of Avatar he can be? He is the shame to

> all who are genuine sadhakas. He represents avidya in its full spectrum.



Have you ever read any book of main Sai Baba's enemy: Conny Larsson? He

is the main source of all revelations and propaganda against Sai Baba


You must be really lost in the darkness of illusion if you are writing

things like that. I read a book of Conny Larsson in the time when he was

so called 'dedicated devotee' of Sai Baba and after reading of very few

pages I knew he is really CLOWN, but not Divine as he describes himself

in the book title. Autobiography of Conny Larsson is a very good source

for studies on his terribly twisted mind.

What kind of spiritual source is BBC or any other TV? TV always lies,

you should know it since the time when Sri Sri Anandamurti was

prosecuted, and if you don't it means you are really blind. Only Asuras

talk against Sri Sathya Sai Baba, so you surely must be one of them or

at list a good candidate for one. All great spiritual teachers of India

call Sai Baba an Avatara and none of them say things like you, Conny

Larsson and BBC. So I can easily see who your dark daddy is...

I have been always tought, that True Avatara can be recognised by His or

Her actions for the welfare of all humanity and the whole world. You

should go to India and see how Sai Baba's work looks like and then you

wouldn't talk like nastily mad person.

To talk so badly about Avatara is the greatest sin, worst than killing a

man. It brings to person a lot of bad karma and leads straight to the

hell, so for me surely you are person who " is the shame to all genuine

sadhakas " and " represents avidya in its full spectrum " .




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Forty-Third Birthday Discourse, 23 November 1968.

(appears in Sai Baba - Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, by Samuel Sandweiss.)


[Editor's note. In this discourse, Swami speaks for almost the first time in a


discourse about his being the Avathar and proclaims his mission on earth: the

establishment of righteousness.]


For the protection of the virtuous, for the destruction of evil-doers and for

establishing righteousness on a firm footing, I incarnate from age to age.


disharmony (asanthi) overwhelms the world, the Lord will incarnate in human form


establish the modes of earning peace (prasanthi) and to reeducate the human

community in

the paths of peace. At the present time, strife and discord have robbed peace

and unity

from the family, the school, the society, the religions, the cities, and the



The arrival of the Lord is also anxiously awaited by saints and sages. Spiritual

aspirants (sadhus) prayed and I have come. My main tasks are fostering of the


(Hindu scriptures) and fostering of the devotees. Your virtue, your

self-control, your

detachment, your faith, your steadfastness: these are the signs by which people

read of

my glory. You can lay claim to be a devotee only when you have placed yourself

in my

hands fully and completely with no trace of ego. You can enjoy the bliss through


experience the Avathar confers. The Avathar behaves in a human way so that

mankind can

feel kinship, but rises into his superhuman heights so that mankind can aspire

to reach

the heights, and through that aspiration actually reach him. Realizing the Lord


you as the motivator is the task for which he comes in human form.


Avathars like Rama and Krishna had to kill one or more individuals who could be

identified as enemies of the righteous (dharmic) way of life, and thus restore


practice of virtue. But now there is no one fully good, so who deserves the

protection of

God? All are tainted by wickedness, so who will survive if the Avathar decides

to uproot?

Therefore, I have come to correct the intelligence (buddhi), by various means. I

have to

counsel, help, command, condemn and stand by as a friend and well-wisher to all,

so that

they may give up evil propensities and, recognizing the straight mark, tread it

and reach

the goal. I have to reveal to the people the worth of the Vedas, the Sastras and


spiritual texts which lay down the norms. If you will accept me and say " Yes, " I

too will

respond and say, " Yes, yes, yes. " If you deny and say " No, " I also echo " No. "


examine, experience, have faith. This is the method of utilizing me.


I do not mention Sai Baba in any of my discourses, but I bear the name as

Avathar of Sai

Baba. I do not appreciate in the least the distinction between the various

appearances of

God: Sai, Rama, Krishna, etc. I do not proclaim that this is more important or

that is

less important. Continue your worship of your chosen God along lines already

familiar to

you, then you will find that you are coming nearer to me. For all names are

mine, and all

forms are mine. There is no need to change your chosen God and adopt a new one

when you

have seen me and heard me.


Every step in the career of the Avathar is predetermined. Rama came to feed the


truth (sathya) and righteousness dharma. Krishna came to foster peace shanti,

and love

prema. Now all these four are in danger of being dried up. That is why the


Avathar has come. The righteousness that has fled to the forests has to be

brought back

into the villages and towns. The anti-righteousness that is ruining the villages


towns must be driven back into the jungle.


I have come to give you the key of the treasure of bliss ananda, to teach you

how to tap

that spring, for you have forgotten the way to blessedness. If you waste this

time of

saving yourselves, it is just your fate. You have come to get from me tinsel and


the petty little cures and promotions, worldly joys and comforts. Very few of

you desire

to get from me the thing that I have come to give you: namely, liberation

itself. Even

among these few, those who stick to the path of spiritual practice (sadhana) and


are a handful.


Your worldly intelligence cannot fathom the ways of God. He cannot be recognized

by mere

cleverness of intelligence. You may benefit from God, but you cannot explain

him. Your

explanations are merely guesses, attempts to cloak your ignorance in pompous


Bring something into your daily practice as evidence of your having known the

secret of

the higher life from me. Show that you have greater brotherliness. Speak with


sweetness and self-control. Bear defeat as well as victory with calm

resignation, I am

always aware of the future and the past as well as the present of every one of

you, so I

am not so moved by mercy. Since I know the past, the background, the reaction is

different. It is your consequence of evil deliberately done in the previous

birth, so I

allow your suffering to continue, often modified by some little compensation. I

do not

cause either joy or grief. You are the designer of both these chains that bind

you. I am

the embodiment of bliss (Anandaswarupa). Come, take bliss (ananda) from me,

dwell on that

bliss, and be full of peace (shanti).


My acts are the foundations on which I am building my work, the task for which I


come. All the miraculous acts which you observe are to be interpreted so. The


for a dam requires a variety of materials. Without these it will not last and

hold back

the waters. An incarnation of the Lord has to be used in various ways by man for




The Lord has no intention to publicize himself. I do not need publicity, nor

does any

other Avathar of the Lord. What are you daring to publicize? Me? What do you

know about

me? You speak one thing about me today and another tomorrow. Your faith has not


unshakable. You praise me when things go well and blame me when things go wrong.

When you

start publicity you descend to the level of those who compete in collecting

plenty by

decrying others and extolling themselves.


Where money is calculated, garnered or exhibited to demonstrate one's

achievements, I

will not be present. I come only where sincerity and faith and surrender are

valued. Only

inferior minds will revel in publicity and self-aggrandizement. These have no


in the case of Avathars. Avathars need no advertizement.


The establishment of righteousness (dharma): that is my aim. The teaching of

dharma, the

spread of dharma: that is my object. These miracles, as you call them, are just

a means

toward that end. Some of you remark that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (an Indian

saint) said

that yogic powers (siddhis) are obstructions in the path of the spiritual


(sadhaka) Yes, yogic powers may lead the spiritual aspirant astray. Without


involved in them he has to keep straight on. His ego will bring him down if he

yields to

the temptation of demonstrating his yogic powers. That is the correct advice

which every

aspirant should heed. But the mistake lies in equating me with a sadhaka, like

the one

whom Ramakrishna wanted to help, guide and warn. These yogic powers are just in


nature of the Avathar -- the creation of things with intent to protect and give

joy is

spontaneous and lasting. Creation, preservation, and dissolution can be

accomplished only

by the Almighty ... no one else can.


Cynics carp without knowledge. If they learn the Sastras or scriptures, or if


cultivate direct experience, they can understand me. Your innate laziness

prevents you

from the spiritual exercises necessary to discover the nature of God. This


should go. It has to be driven out of man's nature in whatever shape it appears.

That is

my mission. My task is not merely to cure and console and remove individual

misery but is

something far more important. The removal of misery and distress is incidental

to my

mission. My main task is the reestablishment of the Vedas and Sastras (spiritual

scriptures), and revealing the knowledge about them to all people. This task


succeed. It will not be limited. It will not be slowed down. When the Lord

decides and

wills, his divine will cannot be hindered.


You must have heard people say that mine is all magic. But the manifestation of


power must not be interpreted in terms of magic. Magicians play their tricks for


their maintenance, worldly fame, and wealth. They are based on falsehood and

they thrive

on deceit, but this body could never stoop to such a low level. This body has


through the Lord's resolve to come. That resolve is intended to uphold truth


Divine resolve is always true resolve. Remember there is nothing that divine

power cannot

accomplish. It can transmute earth into sky and sky into earth. To doubt this is

to prove

that you are too weak to grasp great things, the grandeur of the universe.


I have come to instruct all in the essence of the Vedas, to shower on all this


gift, to protect the ancient wisdom (sanathana dharma) and preserve it. My

mission is to

spread happiness, so I am always ready to come among you not once, but twice or

thrice --

as often as you want me. Many of you probably think that since people from all

parts of

India, and even foreign countries outside India, come to Puttaparthi, they must


pouring their contributions into the coffers of the Nilayam (Prasanthi Nilayam:

name of

Sai Baba's ashram). But let me declare the truth. I do not take anything from


except their love and devotion. This has been my consistent practice for the

last many

years. People who come here are giving me just the wealth of faith, devotion,

and love.

That is all.


Many of you come to me with problems of health and mental worry of one sort or


They are mere baits by which you have been brought here. But the main purpose is

that you

may have grace and strengthen your faith in the divine. Problems and worries are


to be welcomed, as they teach you the lessons of humility and reverence. Running


external things produces all this discontent. That type of desire has no end.

Once you

have become a slave to the senses, they will not leave hold until you are dead.

It is an

unquenchable thirst. But I call you to me and even grant worldly boons so that

you may

turn God-ward. No Avathar has done like this before, going among the masses,


them, guiding them, consoling them, uplifting them, and directing them along the

path of

truth, righteousness, peace and love (sathya, dharma, santhi and prema).


My activities and movements will never be altered, whoever may pass whatever

opinion on

them. I shall not modify my plans for the establishment of righteousness

(dharmasthapana), my discourses, or my movements. I have stuck to this

determination for

many years and I am engaged in the task for which I have come: that is, to


faith in the path of the highest spiritual peace (prasanthi). I shall not stop

or retract

a step.


Not even the biggest scientist can understand me by means of his laboratory

knowledge. I

am always full of bliss. Whatever may happen, nothing can come in the way of my


That is why I am able to impart joy to you and make your burden lighter. I never


when I am extolled, nor shrink when I am reviled. Few have realized my purpose


significance, but I am not worried. When things that are not in me are

attributed to me,

why should I worry? When things that are in me are mentioned, why should I

exult? For me

it is always, " Yes, yes, yes. " If you give all and surrender to the Lord, he

will guard

and guide you. The Lord has come for just this task. He is declaring that he

will do so,

and that it is the very task that has brought him here. I know the agitations of


heart and its aspirations, but you do not know my heart. I react to the pain

that you

undergo and to the joy that you feel, for I am in your heart. I am the dweller

in the

temple of every heart. Do not lose contact and company, for it is only when the

coal is

in contact with the live embers that it can also become live ember.


Cultivate a nearness with me in the heart and it will be rewarded. Then you too


acquire a fraction of that supreme love. This is a great chance. Be confident

that you

will all be liberated. Know that you are saved. Many hesitate to believe that

things will

improve, that life will be happy for all and full of joy, and that the golden

age will

recur. Let me assure you that this divine body (dharmaswarupa) has not come in

vain. It

will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon humanity.












General Representative of The Himavanti Confraternity Order;

Przedstawiciel i Sekretarz Generalny Bractwa Zakonego Himawanti:





P.O. Box 29; 44-100 Gliwice 1; Poland; EU;

phone: +48-508-777921 E-mail to: priyasrimataji

www.himavanti.org www.himawanti.org











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You write a lot about dogmas, but you are plunged in delusion of your own

dogmas. You have trust in your own mind, but have you asked any of great known

living spiritual masters about Sai Baba's true Nature? Even Anandamurti used to

teach his disciples on example of Sai Baba.

You talk about overwhelming corruption in India and than you state, that Sai

Baba should face the court. This is demagogy in its purest form. No more

comments on your poor chicanery.






Dnia 20-07-2005 o godz. 18:12 Tadeusz Majewski napisa³(a):

> Namaskar Marici,


> I feel sorry for you. Your dogma is your mantra.

> God will be my judge not you. I do not recognize Sai Baba as an

> Avatar.

> I do not base my opinion about Satya Sai Baba on gossips or BBC news or

> Conny Larsson .

> It is my personal view based on many independent sources and personal

> experiences.

> I've been to India many times and I was not impressed by over the board

> commercialization of the Sai Baba Industry.

> According to the international law, everyone on this planet is equally

> responsible and accountable for their own actions.

> If He is innocent it could be proofed by the court. Unfortunately, some

> government lobbyist, police and religious

> demagogues are blocking all legal procedures and are suppressing

> evidences.

> Over the years I've met hundreds of disillusion Satya Sai Baba's

> devotees

> upset and repulse by the public displays of his occult powers and his

> magic.

> It is against all principles of Vidya Tantra.

> Any time someone criticize establishment, become an enemy, asura, clown,

> idiot, or even worse If you know that your Satya Sai Baba is innocent,

> why

> you react like

> a mad man, full of emotions and venom. Sri Sri Anandmurt was

> prosecuted, but

> also he agreed to go within a legal frame of the court system to proof

> His

> innocents.

> He was acquitted and pardon by the state and why not to the same with

> your

> Satya Sai Baba? I give you the answer. He is protected by the Indian

> Government, since He is the

> symbol of Hindu Doctrine. Questioning His personality or authority will

> be

> also a direct attack on the Hindu and political establishment. Many of

> the

> cabinet members in Indian

> government are His devotees and are getting a very regular audiences

> with

> him. You know very well that most of the government official are

> corrupted

> to the core. Who you believe more

> government or mass media ?. Ofcourse one is not better than the other ,

> but

> do not be naive that by listening to the official versions of Satya Sai

> Baba's case you are getting honest and transparent evidences or proofs.

> Regarding to Satya Sai Baba work. He is getting not only protection from

> the

> political spectrum of the Indian society, he also gets a lot of

> donations.

> This money are spend for the social causes because this is the nature

> of His

> teaching, this what attract people and makes them a regular sponsors

> of his

> Seva work. It will be a conflict of interests not to do what He

> preaches.

> This is not a proof of anything. Many other teachers are doing the

> same or

> more. The case is about child molestation. This must be resolved in the

> court.

> Regarding to : " who your dark daddy is... " - It is a very low

> statement and

> primitive reaction to my critic. Is it a good karma ? Please do not be

> so

> dogmatic and blind. I cannot stop you from following Satya Sai Baba,

> neither it my intention. The main intention of this letter is to

> dismantle

> religious propaganda and blind, irrational thinking. I admire your

> conviction but I'm sadden by your stubborn blindness and irrationality.

> Keep

> your inner eye open. If this is the tantric mailing list, it should

> reflect,

> the tantric opened mind...


> Good luck.


> In Him


> Trilokesh




> > Tadeusz Majewski napisaÅ & #65533;(a):

> >

> > > Satya Sai Baba is a very commercial, indian commodity, who is using

> > > occult powers and magic to attract people like you into his

> egocentric

> > > play. He is under investigation for pedophilia and abuse of

> > > his devotees ( specially young boys ).You must remember the murder of

> > > four boys in Sai Baba's personal quaters.You must remember why some

> of

> > > the prominent devotees and sponsors of His projects

> > > are taking him to court for a sexual abuse . I hope you've seen this

> > > year BBC documentary about all those abuses made by Him in the name

> > > Dharma.What kind of Avatar he can be? He is the shame to

> > > all who are genuine sadhakas. He represents avidya in its full

> spectrum.

> > >

> > Namaskaram!

> > Have you ever read any book of main Sai Baba's enemy: Conny Larsson? He

> > is the main source of all revelations and propaganda against Sai Baba

> > Avatara.

> > You must be really lost in the darkness of illusion if you are writing

> > things like that. I read a book of Conny Larsson in the time when he

> was

> > so called 'dedicated devotee' of Sai Baba and after reading of very few

> > pages I knew he is really CLOWN, but not Divine as he describes himself

> > in the book title. Autobiography of Conny Larsson is a very good source

> > for studies on his terribly twisted mind.

> > What kind of spiritual source is BBC or any other TV? TV always lies,

> > you should know it since the time when Sri Sri Anandamurti was

> > prosecuted, and if you don't it means you are really blind. Only Asuras

> > talk against Sri Sathya Sai Baba, so you surely must be one of them or

> > at list a good candidate for one. All great spiritual teachers of India

> > call Sai Baba an Avatara and none of them say things like you, Conny

> > Larsson and BBC. So I can easily see who your dark daddy is...

> > I have been always tought, that True Avatara can be recognised by His

> or

> > Her actions for the welfare of all humanity and the whole world. You

> > should go to India and see how Sai Baba's work looks like and then you

> > wouldn't talk like nastily mad person.

> > To talk so badly about Avatara is the greatest sin, worst than killing

> a

> > man. It brings to person a lot of bad karma and leads straight to the

> > hell, so for me surely you are person who " is the shame to all genuine

> > sadhakas " and " represents avidya in its full spectrum " .

> >

> > Regards

> > Mariici

> >

> >

> >

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Dnia 21-07-2005 o godz. 17:03 Tadeusz Majewski napisa³(a):

> Namskar Dear Mariici,


> Well, congratulation for your great devotion. It looks like you are very "

advance sadhaka " .


Am I? Wow, I didn't know it :-))) Did you deduce this by yourself or asked for

advice your always-well-informed sources also?


>I wish you the best on your path to emancipation.

> There is no point to discuss with you any more. You know all and I know



If you know nothing, then how can you know that I know all? he he. Or is it

another tricky imagination of your mind?


>The next time when you use Sri Sri Anandamurtiji example ,

> please back it up by the source of your information ( which book, or

> discourse, page , year of publication ) or please do not use

> his example at all.


The Spiritual Philosophy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (Denver: A M Publications,

1981), 86-87. First I found in the Net.


>This is type of attitude perpetuate all sort of

> dogmas and misinformation which you enjoy doing from the beginning of this



Oh, is it? Is it me who accuse Sathya Sai Baba being paedophile? Or is it you? I

can clearly see that you really enjoy gossips and misinformations.


>Despite of all corruption of the state, public, or rather

> society as whole has the rights to participate in the open court

> and make a judgment based on available evidences. By rejecting any >tape of

investigation, you are making more disservice to your Guru >and His

> credibility . If all allegations are false, Dharma will proof it one

> way or another. Why to be worry. Or maybe there is something to

> hide ? I have also : ... " No more comments on your poor chicanery. "


Why don't we make a case against you in India? What do you say? I can find few

Indian people who (just for few quid) will prepare an evidence and make a case

against you. Will you go to India to face trial? According to your logic you

should go just to prove that you are innocent. Bullshit? But this is how Shri

Shri Anandamurti was jailed, this is how Aurobindo was jailed, this is how Swami

Premananda or Sri Lalita Mohanji is jailed. It's the same shitty story. So you

can stick your shitty story straight into your ***


> Keep well,


> In Him,



In Whom?


> Trilokesh



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