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Lesson for Majewski! KRISHNA-KALA & ONE LORD GOD!!! or SATYA SAI BABA rather now!

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Majewski have to start learning TANTRA little by little! He knows nothing about


Tantra means to honour all MAHASIDDHAS and SRI GURUS living now on this Earth!

Without honoring Siddhas and Mahasiddhas like SAI BABA there is no Tantra!

And not only Sai Baba he has to learn honoured and prised but even Disciples of


MASTER'S. This is according TANTRA, this is basic morality of TANTRA. And He

have to

learn about main TANTRA schools another way he has nothing to say about TAntra!


Tantra honoure 84 Mahasiddhas and Southern Tantra 18 more Mahasiddhas honoure!


more than Yoga honoure all SIDDHAS (Miraculous Masters) and MAHASIDDHAS (Great


Masters), so without respekt and honoring such Mahasiddhas like Satya Sai Baba

that is

imposible to practice Tantra at all!

Devilish attack against Shree Satya Sai Baba shows only illmental disciple of

one of many

false teachers which are not GURU, not have Realization of GOD!!!! This Majewski

and his

false teacher of something which is not TANTRA, because Tantra never neglects


Power manifested through Siddhas and Mahasiddhas!


Om Namah Shivaaya Shubham Shubham Kuru Kuru Shivaaya Namah Om!

This is Shiva Mantra which all Tantrikas (Saadhakas knows and practice!

Shivaaya read more like soft Sivaya and similar with Shuba, Siubha..


And next article possible to find in net!


Siddha Mahayoga: The Lineage of Swami Shivom Tirth

By Kurt Keutzer Narayan Prakash



The Path of Siddha Mahayoga


There are numerous ways to awaken kundalini but generally these approaches may


into two groups. In the first group are paths such as Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga,

Laya Yoga

or Raja Yoga. In these paths the kundalini is awakened through the effort of the

individual. In the second group is the path that is variously called Sahaja


Kundalini Yoga or Siddha Mahayoga. In this path the kundalini is spontaneously


by the grace of the Siddha guru in a process that is called shaktipat.


This path is called Siddha Mahayoga because the processes of Mantra Yoga, Hatha


Laya Yoga and Raja Yoga all take place spontaneously after being initiated

through the

grace of a Siddha. This path of Siddha Yoga can be briefly described as follows:


Siddha Guru conveys shaktipat initiation to the disciple by means of touch, word


intention. Upon initiation the various practices of Mantra Yoga and Hatha Yoga


spontaneously due to the activation of kundalini. After some time the mind


concentrated the prana becomes steady, and with this Laya Yoga is said to be

accomplished. Finally, through the steadiness of prana the union of the

individual soul

with the supreme Self is achieved and the goal of Raja Yoga is accomplished. As


Narayan Tirth said:


Mantra, Hatha, Laya and Raja Yogas are not separate from one another. They are

merely the

divisions of categories of a single yoga. Through practicing these four in their

respective order and attaining competency is called Mahayoga. Knowledge will not


attained by depending on only one of the four, and only by attending wholly to

all four

will natural yoga, that is the union of the individual soul with the supreme

Self, be



The path of Siddha Mahayoga is not a modern invention but in fact it has a

history of at

least one thousand years. References to initiation through shaktipat can be

found in

classical works such as the Yoga Vashishta, Shiva Purana, the Kularnava Tantra

and in the

works of the great scholar and yogi, Abhinavagupta. In many works the role of

the guru is

emphasized but in no work is it better epitomized than in the Shiva Sutras which


in Chapter 2, Verse 6:



In translation, this verse states that: ``The guru is the means (to



If one is intrigued by the promise of the path of Siddha Mahayoga it is natural

to seek

out a teacher who can offer shaktipat initiation. Traditional sources on the

path of

Siddha Mahayoga encourage a careful review of the prospective disciple by the

Siddha Guru

as well as a review of the qualities of the Guru by the disciple. The qualities

of a Guru

are described in classical works of the path of Siddha Mahayoga and the


Chapter of the Kularnava Tantra gives an extensive list of the qualities. First


foremost a Guru is expected to have a high degree of self-realization. Secondly

a Guru is

expected to have the knowledge and the capacity for conveying (shaktipat)


Thirdly the Guru is expected to have a knowledge of the aspects of the path.

Finally a

Guru's behavior is expected to reflect his state of realization.


Even the literature of one thousand years ago discuss the difficulty of finding

a Guru

who embodies all these characteristics and in the selection of a guru the

classical works

are quite pragmatic. They encourage a critical attitude in the beginning and

only after

the Guru has met one's criteria does one take initiation from him. From this


onwards they encourage unwavering devotion to the Guru. Unfortunately these days


students choose the opposite approach. They quickly adopt a devoted attitude

toward a

teacher and take initiation but over time some students become more and more

critical of

the teacher. This approach is generally ill-advised and is especially disastrous

in the

path of Siddha Mahayoga. Once one's kundalini is awakened through Guru's grace a


of experiences may occur, some of these potentially terrifying. At these times a


confidence in the Siddha Guru is absolutely necessary to calm the anxiety. If,

on the

other hand, at these moments one has residual doubts regarding the Guru then


anxiety and discomfort can become even more amplified. The literature of Siddha

Yoga does

acknowledge that a student may progress from one teacher to another but in doing

so the

student should never doubt or criticize prior teachers.


The Lineage of Swami Shivom Tirth


The known tradition of the contemporary Siddha Guru, Swami Shivom Tirth, begins

with the

figure of Swami Gangadhar Tirth. From there it continues with Swami Narayan

Tirth. Swami

Narayan Tirth passed the tradition of Siddha Mahayoga to Shri Yogananda Maharaj.


Yogananda Maharaj passed this tradition onto Swami Vishnu Tirth. Swami Vishnu


received his initiation into the renunciate tradition of the Tirtha order from


Purushottam Tirth, an initiate of Swami Narayan Tirth. With Swami Vishnu Tirth


tradition began to appeal to a broader public. For over forty years Swami Vishnu


book Devatma Shakti has been one of the most reliable references on the path of


Mahayoga. Swami Vishnu Tirth passed on this tradition to his most favored

disciple Swami

Shivom Tirth. Having retired from his duties as Swami Shivom Tirth has, in turn,


on his lineage and responsibilities to Swami Shiv Mangal Tirth. Brief

biographies of

these inspiring individuals are given below. These biographies are drawn from


writings and discourses of Swami Shivom Tirth and Swami Shiv Mangal Tirth.








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