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3 Amordad 3743 ZRE = 25 July 2005 CE

34th Day of Summer â & #65533; & #65533; 127th Day of 3743 & the Solar Year


Read it day after day,

and feel a fresh sway

to live and help live

in a new way.




Ushtavaiti Gatha

Song Nine




Transliterated Text (Form I):


tat thwâ peresâ eresh-môi vaocâ ahurâ

meñdaidyâi ýâ tôi mazdâ âdishtish

ýâcâ vohû uxdhâ frashî mananghâ

ýâcâ ashâ anghêush arêm vaêdyâi

kâ mê urvâ vohû urvâshat âgemat tâ.


Transliterated Text (Form II):


tat thwaa peresaa eresh moi vaochaa ahuraa

mendaidyaai yaa toi mazdaa aadishtish

yaachaa vohoo ukhdhaa frashee mananghaa

yaachaa ashaa angheush araym vaedyaai

kaa may urvaa vohoo urvaashat aagemat taa.


Translated Text:


This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.

In order to bear Your directives in mind, Wise One,

the words which I ask through good mind

and the facts about life to be correctly

understood through righteousness are:

What shall my soul ultimately attain?


(Gathas: 9-8)


Summary Substance: Zarathushtra wants to precisely carry out the principles of

life he

has realized through his good mind and righteousness so that his soul finally

attains its

goal - to be godlike (see the following answering question).


Pondering Points: Principles of life lead to the final goal.


(from " The Gathas, Our Guide, " translated and annotated by Ali A. Jafarey,

Cypress, California, USA, 1989)


* * * * * *

Questions if any will be welcomed with a view to elaborating points not

otherwise clear. The Zarathushtrian Assembly will respond directly to the

person asking the question or through the newsgroup he or she s. One

may also write or call at the following address:


The Zarathushtrian Assembly

1814 Bayless Street

Anaheim, CA 92802

Telephone: (714) 520-9577 (best time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Pacific

Standard Time, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Greenwich Time, Monday to Friday)

Fax: (714) 520-9620


(a) E-mail: assembly

(b) E-mail: assembly

© E-mail: zassembly

p://www.zoroastrian.org/ -- for ENGLISH

(b) http://www.zartoshti.org/ -- for PERSIAN (Farsi-ye Dari)

© http://www.spentaven.org/ -- for SPAINISH/ESPAÃ & #65533;OL

(d) http://www.zoroastrismo.com.br -- for PORTUGUESE/PORTUGUÃ & #65533;S

(e) http://www.spenta.edu -- SPENTA UNIVERSITY

(f) http://www.raasti.com -- for The Assembly, London Branch

(g) http://www.zoroastrianism.cc/ for the World of Zoroastrianism (English

â & #65533; & #65533; Español)

(h) http://www.zoroastriankids.com/ for the Zoroastrian Kids Korner

(i) http://www.booksandbits.com/ for Books on Zoroastrian and Other Religions



is for the ENTIRE MANKIND.

Study it, choose it, become " Zoroastrian " in its full meaning,

and join the Assembly

to practice and spread it.








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