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Lesson for Majewski! KRISHNA-KALA & ONE LORD GOD!!! or SATYA SAI BABA rathe

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You are tragically IGNORANT, AVIDHYANIN! Because you cann't see and recognize


are telling stupidneee ideas against great spiritual knowledge given from

thousend years!

If yor teacher is telling such missguidennees, so really he and you are blind,


blinded. You are not awaken if You cannt see and recognize devilish forces.


about devilish like Rakshasas, Asuras, Pisacas etc, are only small, false and


antispiritual sects in India. esoteric, deeper knowledge teach a lot of about


RAKSHASAS, about devilish beings like RAVANA, KANSA, etc. Knowing even litle

about Durga

or Shiva, each one knows a lot of about Devilish forces to overcome too. Only


Rakshasas teach that such devilish are not existing to hidden themselves! So


Disciple quicly recognize with whom, like You, is talking!

There is secret, sacret knowledge about 25 devilish, asuras, basically, how to


them, and their pupils... And about asuric signs in teachings or attitude!

One of attitude is that Asuric one always attact true Messangers of GOD and

would like to

change SANATANA DHARMA Eternal Rules.. And Asuric Teachers claim to be a Guru,

but they

have no Guru, no Isvara living for themselves. This is great asuric sigh.

So I ask who is Guru of Your Teacher, another way, who is your Param Guru...This


always living being, ones GURU, not kind of astral spirit or galactic voices:)))

And Satya Sai Baba have more than 250 signs of Avatarhood. Your teacher have


known to this time!

And all your pracice for beginers are so secret, but normally there are common


practices for all in begining... Only ASURAS< DeVIL MASTERs asks sekret because

to hide

their false teachings and stupidly given practices:((((

This only very little about this subject. Stop your anandamurti separatism, it

is not for

created better world

Sanathana Dharma teach that You must prise all Divine Guru commonly recognized

and not

only these Gurus but all their Disciples! Not thous who resigne because their

egotic trip

against Guru but those ACTIVE in BHAKTI and SEVA. I hope You know these





--- Tadeusz Majewski <tadeusz.majewski wrote:


> Nmaskar Gochi,


> You are dogmatic man. Your treats could have actually opposite reactions.

> The fact that you believe in asuras and devil beings or bad karmas to the

> family members is

> the best proof of your ignorance and backwardness. You belong to the middle

> ages with your way of thinking. Your group did not learn anything from the

> past. It is you and

> people like you who are getting reactions of your own, collective actions.

> Most of your fellow devotees abounded you because of your angry, vulgar and

> disrespectful way of dealing with other people. There are hundreds who knows

> and experienced disunity and antagonism within your group. It is also

> reflected in your own, internal correspondence. Please be rational, and

> instead of attacking or

> threatening me start cleaning your own mess in your own house. Rebuild the

> trust of the public by implementing the principles which you preach to the

> public in your own small community first and stop be so negative to your

> critics. You are the most disunited sangha and you preach universal love.

> Please do not be a hypocrites. Stop be so nasty to each other and build

> trust within your own community. This will be the best way of reflecting

> ideals of any Guru. Bitterness and crud attitude are poisoning your small

> group. You can only protect further disintegration by being more rational and

> forgiving. You talk about light and Love. Where is it in your correspondence

> , where is it in your own group ? Aggression is not the way. My criticism

> is towards the man, who claims to be Sai Baba. I do not recognize Him as the

> one. This is my right and ability to discriminate. It is you who have lack

> of tolerance and understanding. Sri Shirdi Sai Baba has all my Love and it

> is to Him who I pay my respect. Also for the record: Despite of my

> differences of opinions and disagreements about the way how you interpret

> science of Yoga or Tantra, I always supported the struggle for justice of

> Laliit Mohan and was standing against suppression of the Himavanti Sangha. I

> do not recognize Laliit Mohan as a Guru, but I recognize Him as a sincere

> yogi and devotee. I had many disagreements with Him in our personal

> correspondence, but despite of it I love Him as a my brother.

> I know him personally much longer than any of you and can testify any time

> that he was and is unjustly prosecuted by the regime in Poland. I never

> liked his way

> or style of teaching, I never was able to relate to his eclectic style, but I

> know that he is the most sincere spiritualist and yogi, who ever lived in

> Poland and His

> contribution to the spiritual heritage in Polish Society will be recognized

> by the future generations in the most glorious ways. If I am guilty of any

> wrong doing towards any one, the mother Prakrtii will take care of me

> according to Her wish. Do not waste your energy or time to do what is beyond

> your jurisdiction. This will be the God's will applied by His Long Stick,

> based on my samskaras. Please stop giving me lectures about things which I

> already know. Neither you can impress me with your postings , neither you can

> educate me by your attacks. I care about spiritual freedoms more than you can

> imagine and I have a long record of establishing Seva project all over the

> World. Struggle for tolerance is as important as a struggle to be tolerant.

> Yes I am an advocate of open courts where anybody can proof their innocents,

> and yes a I do recognize that most of the present courts are corrupted.

> Despite of it we as a society have the responsibility to justice and

> transparency and I'm supporting any efforts to establish the Global Sadvipras

> Court where any type of accusation could be solved by honest, open and

> respectful ways. No one should be above the law of the Sadvipras Society,

> including Satya Sai Baba. Brother Laiit Mohan was prosecuted because your

> own people betrayed him, because of your own lack of unity and because of

> the lack of the cohesive voice capable to put pressure on such a traditional

> and very orthodox society like Poles or Catholic Church.

> Also the lack of a strong Himavanti Institution, having the mass, moral

> support of the population was the cardinal mistake of those in charge and the

> weakest chain in your structure. Build the unity. Build the institution

> first. Unity will protect Himavanti and Laliit Mohan. Be rational too.


> In Him


> Trilokesh







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