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Thank you for your message. It is not too naïve to wish we can all

just love each other, speak nicely, and have compassion for others.

As people start to realize that love, compassion, and tolerance for

each other is the only way forward, we will see more of spiritual

re-union than spiritual division among people on Earth.


There is a worldwide spiritual process happening where many are now

realizing that the only way to save mankind and this planet is to

awaken the Spirit within, which is also the Divine Mother, Kundali

within. We can each be instruments of the Divine who speak our truths,

shine our lights, and give our love and compassion to others.


Shri LayaMataji has been the best example for us to follow, for She has

shown us the Way. She has helped everyone regardless, of culture,

race, religion or socio-economic background. Shri Mataji has also

always spoken the Truth, however difficult, because as it says in

the Holy Scriptures & #65533; " A truthful witness saves lives, but he who

speaks lies is treacherous. " (Proverbs 14:25)


We also have to speak the truth, even though it is sometimes

difficult to do so. If we don't speak the Truth at this Last

Judgment and Resurrection Time, many people will remain spiritually

lost because they have not heard the Good News, for which reason

Shri Mataji Priyashri Devi actually incarnated.


The only way that people can survive these calamitous

times happily, is to become their Spirit. Then when enough of

humanity becomes the Spirit, God's Kingdom will be on Earth as it is

in Heaven. This is the 'make or break time.' The signs of this

Special Judgment and Resurrection Time are all around us, though

many will not realize the meaning of these signs, unless we tell



Shri LayaMataji gave us this Great Gift of the Connection to the Divine,

so that we could become active instruments in the Kingdom of God,

while still in our bodies on Earth. The Divine Drama of Shri

Mataji's Vision, Mission and Message on Earth, will continually

unfold through Her human instruments that surrender to the Adi

Shakti Kundalini Within.


That is why Shri LayaMataji has stressed so often that we must connect

and touch the Adi Shakti within in order to get to know our own

individual Mother very well. She is anxiously waiting for this

intimate connection with Her Children, so that She can lead, guide

and direct them from within themselves, rather than them being led

and guided astray by external would-be 'leaders' and 'guides'. The

safest and surest way now is to go within and establish a

relationship with your Spiritual Mother... Adi Shakti, which the

Advent of Shri Mataji Priyashri Devi has made possible at this Time,

for She is the Holy Spirit that was promised to come.


The Adi Shakti will also accomplish Her Divine Will through those

who surrender completely to Her and do not listen to the call of

other 'pipers'. We cannot please God and Man at the same time. It

says in the Holy Scriptures that & #65533; " No one can serve two masters; for

either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to

one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. "

(Matthew 6:24)


When we simply surrender to Her, our own individual Mother within,

She will accomplish Her Divine Will through us and we will have many

surprises as to how She directs this ever-unfolding Drama of Her

Divine Play. As surrendered instruments, we are indeed individual

players through whom She enacts Her Divine Drama. Without human

beings there is no Divine Drama. It is played through us.


The Paramchaitanya does all the living work around us and through us

and when we surrender to this living power and cooperate with it, it

works things out in amazing ways. This Divine Drama is enacted

through us but at the same time, we are also Witnesses of that Play.


However, this Divine Drama is very 'spontaneous'. We have not

rehearsed for this Play. We have only surrendered ourselves

as 'spontaneous players' and we know how to play our part from

within, but we do not know the part that others will play in this

Divine Drama. So it is quite an exciting play which is being

directed by the Divine Mother Herself.


The symbol of the Age of Aquarius is the Water Bearer.

This Water of the Spirit of God is now being poured out

on all people who will accept it. No one is forced to accept it.

The nature of it is the Motherly Love of God for Her Children,

who has come to unite all our Spirits in Love,

undivided by creed, rules, dogmas and divisions.


In fact, those of us who have accepted this Water of Life from the

Water Bearer Herself, no longer have the need for creeds, rules and

dogmas, as we have become the Spirit, which greatly surpasses all

man-made laws. The Spirit, in fact, actually fulfills all the laws

of the and even more.


The Spirit, as part of its new connection experiences Itself as part

and parcel of Collective Spiritual Evolution. As described above, we

become co-creators in this Divine Communion and it is not just a

religious ritual.


We are in actuality treading a new evolutionary path. All the

creeds, rules, dogmas and divisions will be left behind in this new

collective spiritual consciousness. People will see an amazing

difference in this new race of humans who are surrendered

instruments of the Divine that will continue to unite all people,

regardless of culture, race, religion, or socioeconomic background.

All those who follow this new Pied Piper, who is the Holy Spirit of

God & #65533; will enjoy the collective love, joy, beauty, freedom,

compassion and blessing of all others following this same `Pied

Piper', for we will be `One in the Spirit and One in the Lord'.


I would like to encourage all of you to claim this freedom

of your Spirit within and not let mammon tell you what to think,

say, or do anymore, for that Age is passing and will soon become a dinosaur.


And it is the Great Spiritual Mother, Shri Mataji Priyashri Devi, Who

is within us... Who has shown us the Way Ahead.


Jai Shri Mataji!


Om Shree Lalityai Namah

Om Shree Lalitaa MahaaTripurasundaryai Namah!








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