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AGNI-YOGA - KUNDALINi quotations...

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Leaves of Morya's Garden II,

Illumination, 1925

Illumination, I:IX:11. How to await the development of works? As waves have

their rhythm,

so do the works grow: in measured rising and expectant flowing progression.


the hour of the clarion; heed the pace of life.

In moments of silence store up the teaching on the shelf of experience.

How should one read the writings of the Wise Ones? One must isolate

oneself and

apply what is read to one's different moods.

Here am I, newborn.

Here am I, an old man.

Here am I, and exile.

Here am I, a sovereign.

Here am I, blind.

Here am I, one who has cognized worlds.

To all sources apply all the conceivable greatness of the Lotos.


Illumination, II:IV:9. Sensitive was your feeling that one should gather all

courage to

attain. There are tiresome and dangerous crossings, which may be endured only by

trust in

the Guide. He must lead you to the goal and not overstrain your strength. If He


overtax your forces, with what would He replace them?

The lofty mission of women must be performed by the woman. And in the

Temple of the

Mother of the World should abide the woman.

The manifestation of the Mother of the World will create the unity of

women. The

task now is to create a spiritually sovereign position for the woman. And the

transmission to woman of direct communication with the Highest Forces is

necessary as a

psychological impetus. Of course, through the new religion will come the



I feel how strained the current is, how strained the atmosphere, but soon


pressure of the stars will be altered. Even the approach of the friendly planet


difficulty, because its new rays are piercing the new strata of the atmosphere.

Certainly, they are better than those of the moon, but the new pressure is not

yet evenly





New Era Community, 1926

Community, 86. I call to mind a tale heard by Akbar. A sovereign asked a sage

& #65533;How

do you tell a nest of treason from a stronghold of loyalty? & #65533; The wise man


to a crowd of gaily dressed horsemen and said & #65533;There is a nest of

treason. & #65533;

Then he indicated a solitary wayfarer and said & #65533;There is a stronghold of


for solitude can betray nothing. & #65533; And from that day on the sovereign


himself with fidelity.

The Teacher has accepted the full measure of faithfulness. My Hand is the

hand of

the wayfarer as fire in the darkness. My Shield has the tranquility of the

mountains. I

know, I know, how straitened it is for My Community. The revelation of the bases


construction is manifested in quietude.

Understanding of matter can grow only where treason is impossible.




Hierarchy, 1931

Hierarchy, 23. You heard correctly about sovereign power. Verily, the Hierarch

uses the

power for cosmic progress. We Brothers of Humanity possess this power of acting

in step

with the Cosmic Magnet. I attest, verily, that We create by a strained heart.

Thus let us

understand unity. The cosmic creativeness also achieves in being strained by the

Heart of

Reason. Yes, yes, yes! This law is the attestation of Reason. Only thus does


create. Yes, yes, yes!

To Thee, Mother of the World, the law of Existence is made manifest. To


Ruleress, We Brothers of Humanity pay reverence. Thee, Thee, Thee! Thus the

unified heart

rules the Universe. Yes, yes, yes!


Hierarchy, 388. When a victory was announced to the emperor known to you, he


this message in complete calm. The courtiers whispered, & #65533;Is it

indifference? & #65533; But the sovereign said, & #65533;Not indifference, but


For me this victory is already passed, and at present I am thinking of a great

difficulty. & #65533;

When We say guard your health, or do not give your writings into alien

hands, or do

not leave your home, We have foreseen many circumstances already transpired,

which should

have been avoided. Who else, then, can define the consequences so solicitously

as We, as

the Teacher? When We speak of gratitude it is certainly not because We are in

need of it,

but by this We try to strengthen the bond once more. Each disunity is as

perilous as a

hook with bait in the hands of the fisherman.




Heart, 1932

Heart, 198. To desire means to find the gates to the Subtle World. But it is


for people to learn to desire. They cannot bring their feelings into equilibrium

and so

they cannot create unwavering, unconquerable desire. Verily, desire is a

creative lever

in the Subtle World. This power came from the Highest World, but it also demands


clarity of the Highest World. When We direct you along the line of Hierarchy, We


you for this sovereignty, the clarity of desire. Amidst the intercrossing of

currents of

the lowest sphere it is not so easy to detect the purified desire that is like

an arrow.

One can conquer the pressure of the earthly atmosphere by striving to the


therefore Hierarchy is the sole outlet. The flaming heart, which can reduce to

ashes the

unnecessary debris, also guides one to Hierarchy. From one's own experience, one


notice how the external becomes the inner, the inalienable. First the Yogi hears


music of the spheres, but later, by way of the heart, he himself begins to


with this harmony of the Highest World. But for this a flaming heart is needed.




Fiery World III, 1935

Fiery World III, 260. One should study the network of circumstances. There is a

sort of

surrounding network of subtle currents which, according to the necessity, leads

to that

current which furnishes the best magnetic force. One should know how to assure


undertaking. According to the given seed it is possible to determine the effects


everything. If man would take the great seed of the task in its potential, then


the World would be a great reflection of the Higher Will. Therefore it can be


that the Higher Will purposes but man disposes, and thus perish the best

sprouts. There

is only one path of success & #65533;when the spirit realizes in all its might the


seed of the task. But instead, people re-cut everything to their own pattern,

and only

pitiful remnants remain. Thus, it is necessary to strive in all fiery beginnings

and to

understand how to accept the seed bestowed by the Sovereign. Once uplifted to


Highest, we may also dwell in the Highest. On the path to the Fiery World let us


the Higher Forces.




Supermundane I, 1938

Supermundane I, 35. Urusvati remembers the many changes in the long progression

of her

lives. These memories do not burden her, but only enrich her consciousness. A


attitude toward past lives is very rare. As a rule, remembering past lives does


inspire one toward the future, but chains one to the outlived remnants of the


Therefore, people can seldom be allowed knowledge of their past lives. Today's

consciousness cannot absorb much. People simply cannot understand why


incarnations alternate with ones of hard labor. The illusion of having been a

king or a

queen impedes one's discernment even though perfectment is still needed. The


consciousness does not realize how much an incarnation of hard labor can raise


consciousness above that of many sovereigns of this world. It is even more

valuable when

an understanding of the ascent of the spirit grows while in the earthly state.

Many learn about one of their distinguished incarnations and fall into

pride. It is

even worse when people glean from false accounts certain fantastic traits of


and begin to emulate them, thus obscuring their path. Every old spirit has had


distinguished incarnations, and gained knowledge of leadership. However, of the


needed qualities this ability is not of primary importance. The persecuted learn


than the persecutors, and all domains of hard labor are rife with discoveries.

Tests are

strewn at every crossroad. I speak of this because We, too, have encountered all


We have forgotten the pain, and the suffering has turned into joy. Our

tormentors are

themselves struggling somewhere and ascending through labor. Our Abode could not

exist if

We thought of threatening Our tormentors. The Law of Karma flows immutably.

We remember Our incarnations. We must remember them, not for Ourselves,

but for the

sake of all those whom We have met and whom We have resolved not to forget. The

encounters of travelers on earthly paths bring close the most varied people. The

expectation of dates, the joy of meeting, the sorrow of parting & #65533;none of


human feelings disappear. Those who rejoiced or sorrowed together do not forget

for many


Urusvati remembers many meetings. The feelings generated by them are alive


thousands of years. Such remembrance of feeling can help the broadening of


The fires of feeling blaze in full inviolability. Earthly words cannot express

them, but

the heart will throb exactly as it did thousands of years ago. Thus today the


shines again over Christ just as it did in the desert. Similarly, the joys of


live, and the Great Northern Saint, Sergius, passes nearby. There are many

meetings in

the Subtle World and also in this country in which We now talk.

In the inner life of the Brotherhood this living feeling is never

forgotten, for

the Abode of Knowledge cannot live without feeling. Thought about Knowledge will

also be

thought about the Highest feeling. Without it there would be no martyrs, no


saints, no victors.

We have images and teraphim that serve to strengthen Our help.









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