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Which things can enable the realization of Stream-Entry?


Bhikkhus & friends, these four states, when developed & made much of

leads to the realization of the fruit of Stream-Entry (sottapatti-phala)!

Which four ?

Meeting, frequenting, listening to & waiting on pure & truly great men.

Hearing, reading & reflecting on the true ideas of the Saddhamma.

Practice in accordance with this original & genuine Saddhamma.

Continuous, careful & rational Attention thereto...


These 4 states, when developed & made much of leads to the fruition

of Once-Return (anagami-phala)!

These 4 states, when developed & made much of leads to the fruition

of Never-Return (sakadagami-phala)!

These 4 states, when developed & made much of leads to the fruition

of Arahat-ship, Awakening, final Enlightenment (arahatta-phala)!


Bhikkhus & friends, these four states, when developed & made much of

leads directly to the reaching, attaining & realizing of Understanding;

To the state of Awakening of Understanding;

To the state of Wealth of Understanding;

To the state of Great Understanding;

To the state of Open Understanding;


To the state of Wide Understanding;

To the state of Profound Understanding;

To the state of Deep Understanding;

To the state of Unequalled Understanding;


To the state of Universal Understanding;

To the state of Extensive Understanding;

To the state of Quick Understanding;

To the state of Instant Understanding;


To the state of Light Understanding;

To the state of Laughing Understanding;

To the state of Discriminative Understanding;

To the state of Penetrative Understanding;


What four ?

Meeting, frequenting, listening to & waiting on pure & truly great men.

Hearing, reading & reflecting on the true ideas of the Saddhamma.

Practice in accordance with this original & genuine Saddhamma.

Continuous, careful & rational Attention thereto...


So is it verily... It is not otherwise!



Having entered the stream, one have maximum 7 lives to Enlightenment.

Stream-Entrants cannot be reborn as animal, ghost, demon nor in the Hells.

Once-returners come back here as humans once, and then awakens here.

Never-returners never returns to here, but is reborn as high brahma deva.

Arahats is not reborn at death, but enters the stilled happiness of Nibbana...


Source: The Path of Discrimination XXI The Patisambhidamagga [ii 189]

The Essay on Great Understanding. By Venerable Sariputta.



Found in net







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