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Description Sri Bhuvanesvari is an aspect of the Goddess Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas and consort of Lord Shiva. She is the power of Supreme Knowledge. She is the Lady of the spheres and the Night of Realization(Siddha-Ratri). Bhuvanesvari is also Tripur-Bhairavi the fearful Goddess of Death, thus She is also known as Kali. She is ParaShakti, the Divine Power of Energy, of creation, illusion, dissolution, destruction and dreams. In her beneficient form She is known as Durga and sometimes even Lakshmi. She is truly a Goddess that encompasses all goddesses and gods for She is the Essence of God and as well as God Herself and the God Within. She is the silence of Death and the awareness of Life. She is the Goddess of Yoga and Divine Mother of Compassion and With the moon as Her diadem, with large breasts and three eyes, smiling, She shines like the risen sun. Her hands grant boons, destroys fears, and hold an

elephnat hook and a noose. I bow to the fear inspiring Lady of the spheres and {Shri Bhuvanesvari Tantra}


---Aim Hrim Shrim hail to the sea of nectar; islandof Gems; garden of Various Trees; Aeon Tree garden;Santana garden; Hari Chandana garden; Mandata garden;Parijata garden; Kadamba garden; Enclosing wall of Topaz;Enclosing wall of Ruby; enclosing wall of Gomeda gem;enclosing wall of Diamond; Enclosing wall of Vaidurya gem.Aim Hrim Shrim Hail to the Enclosing Wall ofSapphire; Enclosing Wall of Pearl; Enclosing wall ofEmerald; Enclosing wall of Coral; Jewelled Pavilion;Pavilion Adorned with 1000 Bunches of Flowers; nectarLake; Bliss Lake; Mirror Lake; Shining sun; Shiningmoon; Great Beautiful Gate; Great Forest of Lotuses;Palace made of Wish Fulfilling gem. Aim HrimShrim Hail to the Eastern Face Doer; Southern FaceDoor; Western Face Door; Northern Face Door; Circle ofJewelled Lamps; Great Lion Throne Made of Gems; BrahmaCouch Foot; Vishnu Couch Foot; Rudra Couch Foot;Ishvara Couch Foot; Sadashiva Couch Foot; Hamsa

Mattress;Pillow on the Hamsa Mattress; Mattress strewn withsafflower; the great canopy; Aim Hrim Shrim hail to thegreat curtain. One should worship using these44 temple mantras, employing flowers and rice.

---Bhairavi, Ânanda Bhairavi, or Tripura Bhairavišis sparsha devata. She loves contact. As Sundariresides in the three planes: awareness, existence andbliss, so does Bhairavi. The difference lies only in thedifferent spectral region of the sound one concentrates on.Bhairavi is the low frequency vibrations and currents feltrather than heard, and revelations flowing fromawareness there in. These low frequency currents which arelike the ebb and tide of the ocean, can be felt in theMulâdhâra. In KAli upâsana, the focus is on anger. InSundari upâsana, the focus is three-fold: knowledge,affection and action. In Bhairavi upâsana, there is onlyone centre and one mood. The centre is Mulâdhâra andthe mood is bliss. In Sundari, elimination of themind takes place at Bramharandhra whereas in Bhairaviit takes place in Mulâdhâra. There is no differencebetween Sundari and Bhairavi except in their centering.Bhairavi mantrâ is

Hsraim Hskalarim Hsrsauh. Just as inSundari, the three parts of the mantrâ are called theVAgbhava, KAmarâja and Shakti Kûtams. When H(Shiva),S(Shakti), R(fire of the desire of the union between Shivaand Shakti) are added to Aim, Klim and Souh, themantra of Bhairavi is formed. Bhairavi represents purekâma, not necessarily constrained by the niceties andcontrol of Sringâra characteristic of Lalita.Bhairavi represents the surging, raging, hissing power ofkundalini. She is the hidden divinity, the veiled Godhead,the dormant power, picturesquely described as acoiled serpent in deep sleep. It is the passive power oftapas, the immobility caused by deep concentration. Sheis the smouldering smoky flame in the prime triangleof the Mulâdhâra (Trikonântara Deepikâ). Sheis maddeningly deep joy, not bothered about calmness-- because she knows that deep calmness alwaysexists no matter how involved you are in externalactivity.

The kundalini wants to go up and release Herselfas emotional and epic outbursts. When the Kundalinireserves Her energy, keeps to Herself the tapas, theself-absorbed concentration in her immobile status, She is likea caged lion, Bhairavi, a source of unremittingbliss. When she releases forth Her energy, deploying thetapas, the heat of concentration, She becomes Sundari.Bhairavi and Sundari are two poles of theSupreme, one seated at the Mulâdhâra and the other in theSahasrâra. Between them they complete the circuit. From thestill reservoir of tapas in the Mulâdhâra springchannels of energy reaching the ocean of nectar in theSahasrâra, which in turn surges forth millions of waves ofenergy poring down to fill the reservoir in theMulâdhâra. The tapasya of Bhairavi makes the ascent of thebeing possible. The responding Grace of Sundari makesthe descent of the Godhead possible. This cycle ofascent and descent goes on

continuously between thepoles of consciousness. The sleeping serpent Kundalini,wakes up, rises its hood, shoots forth, licks up thenectar in the Head-lotus, glides back into the abyss ofthe Mulâdhâra and agains shoots forth with renewedenergy. Sundari pours down soma (nectar); Bhairavi burns(Ardram jvalantîm). The Anandâ of Sundari cannot be bornein a body not baked by the fire of tapasya ofBhairavi. The shooting tongues of flame of pure and sinceretapasya alone can taste the dripping honey-bliss ofimmortal delight. Just as Sundari is revealed fromGAyatri, Bhairavi is revealed from the vedic mantrâ:jAtavedase Sunavâma Somam Arâtiyato Nidhâti Vedaha SanahParshdati Durgâni Vishwâ NAveva SindhumDuritâtyagnih Taam agnivaranâm² tapasâjvalantîm VairochanîmKarmaphaleshu Jushtâm Durgâm Devîm Sharanamaham PrapadyeSutarasitarase namaha² She is Saraswati, drunk withknowledge and desiring to procreate immensely, in

Hertâmasic form. But, because of Her knowledge, She isbeyond TAmas, in the nirguna state as well. Thecombination of saguna and nirguna indeed leads one toliberation. Bhairavi sees every man as Her lover. Sheconsumes all the sins in the fire of Her knowledge ofnon--duality; she becomes Svâha in the fire (Svâha: `s' isshakti, `va' is amritam, and `ha' is shiva).Worship of Bhairavi is done by the pancha makarâs: madya,matsya, mAmsa, mudra, maithuna:} No himsa is implied,only Ananda.Madya (wine): get drunk with theknowledge the knowledge that you are the supreme power.Matsya (fish): you are the jeeva floating in theparamâtma.MAmsa (meat): you can offer yourself to Her.Mudrâ (gestures) Maithuna (union): at a spirituallevel using inner consciousness. To the greatgoddess of love, one offers these acts as worship, andattains siddhi. One who understands the essential onenessof all things breaks loose the mental bonds,

getsliberated, and even while enjoying in full the life, attainsjeevan mukti. For Her fearless worshippers She cuts thebonds and liberates them truly in spirit. Others, Sheentangles with Her five arrows of Shabda, Sparsha, Roopa,Rasa and Gandha. and deludes them with the illusion ofseparateness. Bhairavi is the primal power, Âdishakti. Theaspirant who worships Her as the Yoni, the mother of all,never sees a womb again! The aspirant is released fromthe cycle of births and deaths. The bliss of unioncan be used for transcending. When mind is focussedon the blissful union it gets one-pointed. In thisone-pointedness, all names and forms melt away, and non--dualityis perceived. An aspirant who drops his mind tobecome pure Ananda achieves her/his truly cosmic form.In Lalita upâsana, both internal and external formsof worship are valid means. But Lalita is quicker inHer siddhi through internal mode of worship

(Antaramukha samâradhya bahirmukha sudurlabha). In Bhairaviupâsana the external form of worship is the only validmeans of worship. The symbol of Shiva linga in yoni istherefore an ideal object of worship; to get over theinhibitions and treat sex as a pious emotion. Importance ofsex for SAdhana was recognized by the ancient seersand includes as one of the four important aims oflife -- dharma, artha, kAma and moksha (in thatsequence). As an aspirant matures, each of these take moreimportance. May it be said once and for all that mokshasâdhna cannot be true until and unless one has fulfilledall of one's desires. The most importantpromise which a couple makes to each other at the time ofvedic marriage is contained in the saptapadi mantrâ,walking the seven steps around the fire. Themantrâ is as follows: Sakha sapta padibhâva Sakhyam te gameyam Sakhyam te ma Yoshah sakhyam temayoshtyah The meaning of this mantrâ is as

follows:Be my friend for life, walking the seven steps(seven vyâhritis of GAyatri, which are symbols for theseven chakrâs: i) Mulâdhara ii) Svâdhishthâna, iii)Manipura, iv) Anâhata, v) Vishuddhi, vi) Ajna, vii)Sahasrâra. May we be friends with exactly equal rights offreedom. Both are accorded their rightful place in Vedicmarriages. The walking of seven steps around the fire is asymbolic act, which is to be interpreted in real life asengaging in maithuna with a view to transcend. Firstarousing the kâmâgni, the homam is done. By theGrace of Bhairavi, the aspirant accomplishesconcentration of consciousness in his mind and body. In thephysical, he learns to stop the downward course oflife-streams, conserve the sexual energy and turn it upwards(urdhva retas), thus making the retas into ojas. In themental plane, he learns to hold only one thought in hisconcentrated consciousness. Here and now is thecommand to liberate

yourselves. Do not be bound byanything! Your true nature is limitless. Love has astarting point. But all these are waves, which are nothappy unless they extend over the entire cosmos. Do notlimit your love, do not limit your knowledge, do notlimit your affection, do not limit your music, do notlimit your silence, do not limit your vision, do notlimit your God, because you are God.Tat TvamAsi.

LALITA or Goddess of a Thousand Names as it iscommonly called has been a daily practice of Goddessworship for thousands of years in India. Lalita is aTriple Goddess: Mother/Maiden/Crone. Lalita has threeforms as a Maiden (Bala-Sundari), as a Mother (Sundarithe Beautiful), and as Crone (Tripura-Bhairavi). Thisgrouping relates to the Moon's phases and to the flow andcessation of blood. Bala creates, Sundari maintains, andBhairavi destroys. Thus Lalita resumes in Her Triple Formthe three gunas or threads from which is woven therich tapestry of the Cosmos. Thus begins the practiceof the recitation of The Divine Names of theMother.In whom creation, maintenance and dissolution havetheir essence, the fivefold one, ever recurring, evershining and fortune. At morning, remember theguru with two arms and two eyes, peaceful, bestowingboons and removing fear, seated on the top of your headon a white lotus. Meditate on the

rootvidya from the Muladhara to the Brahmarandhra. Takingup your position, assume a steady posture during theperiod that the sun takes to rise above the horizon.Meditating long on yourself as peaceful, free of evil,meditate that the effulgent circle of the sun diffusesaround your body. A mantrin, while bathing,should take water with both hands and pour it over hishead. Using the triple vidya, he should purify thewater and sip three handfuls. Offering threekinds of oblation and again sprinkling water on hisbody, the devotee should make three offerings to thesun and cast the water in its direction.After meditating on the king of chakras, with the Deviat its centre, in his heart, a devotee should repeatthe vidya 108 times. Then the pure saint,with the vidya in his heart, concentrating inwardly,should enter the place of worship. There, facingeastwards, wearing the best sort of valuable clothes andgems, he should

draw the king of the chakras on theground using vermilion. Alternatively, he maydraw the chakra on a gold, silver or copper plate.Beforehand, he should set it on a pedestal and use redsandalwood to make it. The chakra unfolds fiveshaktis and four fires. When it is correctly made, adevotee should collect his thoughts. Theearthsquare, the sixteen petalled lotus, the eight petalledlotus, the fourteen triangles, the two sets of tentriangles, the eight triangles and the middle (are) thebewilderer of the three worlds chakra, the fulfiller of allhopes chakra, the all agitating chakra, the giver ofall prosperity chakra, the accomplisher of all aimschakra, the all protecting chakra, the alldisease-destroying chakra, the chakra giving all power, the chakraof all bliss with the last being at the centre, theforemost of the nine chakras. The chakra attribution is ofnine kinds accompanied with ritualworship.---A devotee

should place perfume, flower and grainat the right side and place a light between himselfand the chakra. He should worship the king ofchakras, and then, using the full vidya, should worshipthe formation of the three cities together with threebija mantras. After doing drying up, burningand bathing with the letters of air, fire and water,he should perform three pranayamas and then rememberthe vidya in the heart again. He should washhis hands thrice with the mantra Am Am Sauh. Usingthese three seed mantras he should wash the backs ofthe hands first and the palms last, doing the handpurification according to rule. Thus by this circle of3 seed mantras he should wash the back of the handfirst and the palm last. He should do this purificationof the hands according to injunction. HrimKlim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari's Atma SeatObeisance. Haim Hklim Hsauh to ShriMahatripurasundari's Chakra Seat Obeisance. Hsaim

HsklimHssauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari's All Mantra SeatObeisance. Hrim Klim Blem to ShriMahatripurasundari's Sadhya Siddha Seat Obeisance. Using thesefour mantras he should create the Seat of the Goddessof the Chakra, of the mantras, and of the devatas,using flowers. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the heart Namah. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the head Svaha. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the forelock Vashat. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the armour Hum. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the three eyes Vaushat. Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the missile Phat. He should put these six mantras on the six limbs using the third andthumb finger according to injunction. HrimShrim am am im im um um rm rm lm lm em aim om aum am ahBlum to Vashini, devata of speech, obeisance.Hrim Shrim kam kham gam gham nam Klhrim to Kameshvari,devata of

speech, obeisance. Hrim Shrim cam chamjam jham nam Nvlim to Modini, devata of speech,obeisance. Hrim Shrim tam tham dam dham nam Vlum toVimala, devata of speech, obeisance. Hrim Shrim tam tham dam dham nam Jmrim to Aruna, devata ofspeech, obeisance. Hrim Shrim pam pham bam bhammam Hsvlyum to Jayini, devata of speech, obeisance.Hrim Shrim yam ram lam vam Jhmryum to Sarveshvari,devata of speech, obeisance. Hrim Shrim shamsham sam ham lam ksham Kshmrim to Kaulini, devata ofspeech, obeisance. He should place these inthe head, forehead, brow, throat, heart, navel,genitals and the adhara. He should make on hisleft side a four square circle. Using pure water,scent, etc., he should worship there using the RootVidya. He should put down a Conch Shell fullof water mixed with various things, and with perfumeand flowers. He should do the 6-fold worship again.Having made the four square circle in the east, heshould place

inside it. a triangle, a circle and ahexagon. By separating the bijas and placing them in thethree triangles, he should worship using perfume andflowers, the bijas, the circle and the 6 lines.There is Fire, Moon, Sun, Atma, Buddhi, the Sacred 3.The devotee should do homage again offering with theremainder. Inside this the wise man should drawthree lines with the seed mantras on the womb-liketriangle, A-Ka-Tha being on the first of the three lines,Sa-Ha-Ksa being contained within. Outside thecircle he should do homage by the mantra Hamsa in the 6lines. He should worship the eastern part first by meansof the 6 root mantras and the 6 limbs.---Having sprinkled the offering again, he shouldrecite the root Vidya 7 times He should worship firstwith perfume and flowers, and then should show incenseand light. He should sprinkle the King of Chakraswith the water within, and should do other acts ofworship, after which all

becomes filled with the Vidya.Then within the heart lotus the supreme Kala vibrates,the supreme Shiva free from the action of the three.Having meditated long on the auspicious Self which isthe Life, by the Trikhanda Mudra he should draw thebreath upwards. The Vidya goes out on thateffulgent Light, and should be placed in the middle of thechakra inside the central triangle, inside theAuspicious Seat of Yoga. Hsraim Hsklrim Hssauhto the Auspicious Mahatripurasundari Obeisance.Resembling the effulgence of the morning sun with four arms,and three eyes, holding the greatly auspicious noose,goad, bow and arrows. Thus having meditatedhe should worship the Goddess with ritualaccessories, with incense, light and food, and lastly heshould display mudra. Again he should giveoblation 3 times to the root Vidya, then he should alsoworship in 3 ways the Eternities which are the days ofthe lunar fortnight.---Beginning with

the 1st day to the Full Moon heshould worship the devis in their order. He shouldworship each of them singly, then he certainly gainssupreme good fortune. He should meditate on the threegreat lines which are the places of the vowels. Heshould worship those letters which are the 15 lunardays, then the 16th. Am Aim Klim Saum Am ImUm Yam Ram Lam Vam Sam, Lady of Lust, Giver of theFruit of Desire and Sexual Passion, Most Pure Subduerof All, Creatrix of World Agitation Hum Hum Hum AimDram Drim Klim Blum Sah Hsauh Klim Aim, I worship thelotus feet of the Eternity called Lady of Lust.(Kameshvari). Am Aim Yoni Enjoyer, Yoni Lady, HollowYoni with Garlanded Yoni, be in the Yoni, in theSecret Yoni, in the Yoni Womb, Dweller in the Yoni, theYoni Subduer in the form of Yoni, O wet Eternity withYoni as your true form, all Yonis to me come!Conferring boons with effusion of Semen, with beautifulDischarge. With your Wet Yoni

with Wet Juice Moisten! MakeWet! With no shame, with Yoni parting, tremble! Throwinto Confusion! All Pure Yoni Goddess Aim Blum JemBlum Bhem Blum Mom Blum Hem Blum Hem. Subdue all wetYonis for me! Strim Hrblem Hrim. I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Bhagamalini.Im Om Krom Bhrom Krom Crom Krom Chrom Jhrom Svaha, Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledFearful. Um Om Hrim to the Dweller in FireObeisance. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEternity called Dweller in Fire. Um Hrim Phrem, OWet Eternity with Intoxicating Juice Svaha, I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called theGreat Lady of Supreme Knowledge. Rm Om Hrim tothe one who makes Shiva Her Messenger, obeisance. Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledShe who makes Shiva Her Messenger. Rm HrimHum Khe Ca Che Ksah Strim Hum Ksam Prim Phat. Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the

Eternity calledThe Quick One. (Tvarita) Lm Aim Klim Sauh Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledBeautiful In Group Woman. (Kulasundari) Lm DramDrim Klim Blum Sah I worship the auspicious lotus feetof the Eternity called The Eternal One. (NityaNitya) Em Hrim Phrem Srum Bhrum Klim Am HrimKrom, O Eternity with Maddening Juice Hum Phrem Hrim, Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledSapphire Banner. (Nilapataka) Aim Jhmryaum Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledThe Victorious One. (Vijaya) Om Svaum Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity calledAll Auspicious. (Sarvamangala) Om obeisanceto the All Powerful Goddess of the Gods whowithdraws all Creation into Herself, Origin of the Veda,Kindling One, Kindle! Kindle! Cause to Catch Fire! Causeto Catch Fire! Hrim Hrim Hum Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram RamRam Hum Phat Svaha. I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of

the Eternity called Garlanded in Flame.Am C Kraum I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Variegated Eternity. (Chitra) Ah (rootmantra) I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEternity called Mahatripurasundari.---The mantrin should then worship the feet of theGuru on the inside of the lines in 3 ways. He shouldworship the supreme Ones, the Most Supreme Ones, and theUltimately Supreme Ones numbering 7,4 and 8. He should alsoworship unknown gurus, these all being the Very Self ofthe Sacred Trinity. Hrim Shrim should precede themantras. He should collectively worshipaccording to the precepts and injunctions of the Vidya. Onthe outside of the chakras the highest worshippersshould meditate and worship the collective (groups of)Yoginis. (These are) the Patent Ones, the HiddenOnes, the More Hidden Ones, the Ones Concealed byTradition, the In Group Ones, the Ones without Origin, theSecret Ones, the Ones who are

Very Secret, and the HolySecret Ones. He should meditate on these 9 kinds ofYoginis with their names and attributions.(The forms of Tripura ruling these are) Tripura, LadyTripura, The Beautiful One, the Indweller, the AuspiciousOne, the Garlanded One, The Perfected One, and TheMother, followed by Mahatripurasundari. This 9 fold Vidyaattribution which gives Enjoyment and Liberation is to behidden and kept very secret. He shouldworship the respective Lady of the Chakra worshippingfrom the outside to the inside, and should reveal themudras in their order. Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi Making One as Small asan Atom; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Siddhi enabling Levitation; Hrim Shrim Iworship the auspicious Lotus feet of the Siddhi ofInfinite Expansion; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Siddhi giving Power to Create; HrimShrim I worship the

auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhigiving Dominion over the Entire Creation; Hrim Shrim Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi givingFreedom of Will; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Siddhi giving the Power of Enjoyment;Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theSiddhi giving the Power of Desire; Hrim Shrim I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving thePower to Reach Everywhere; Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving all SexualDesire.---Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofBrahmini; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofMaheshvari; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofKaumari; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofVaishnavi; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofVarahi; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofIndrani; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet

ofChamunda; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofMahalakshmi. The devotee should worship 4 in thewestern and the other doors in their order. Then 4 shouldbe worshipped from the north-west corner in orderand then above and below. He should worship Brahmiand the others in a clockwise direction (and theremaining) four in the intermediate points. Am Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity-Kalacalled the Attractor of Sexual Desire; Am I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called theAttractor of Intellect; Im I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of theEgo Nature; Im I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Sound; Um Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kalacalled the Attractor of Touch; Um I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called theAttractor of Sight; Rm I worship

the auspicious lotus feetof the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Taste;Lm I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEternity Kala called the Attractor of Smell; Lm I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala calledthe Attractor of the Screen of Mind; Lm I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called theAttractor of Steadiness; Em, I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor ofMemory; Aim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEternity Kala called the Attractor of Name; Om I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala calledthe Attractor of Semen; Aum I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor ofthe Self; Am I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Amrita; AhI worship the auspicious lotus feet of the EternityKala called the Attractor of the Body.---He should

worship these Eternity Kalas startingfrom the western petal first in reverse order.Kam Kham Gam Gham Nam I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Goddess called Love's Flower; Cam Cham JamJham Nam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theGoddess called Love's Girdle; Tam Tham Dam Dham Nam Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess calledSexual Love; Tam Tham Dam Dham Nam I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Goddess ,called Smitten withSexual Love; Pam Pham Bam Bham Mam I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Line; YamRam Lam Vam I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Goddess called Love's Excitement; Sham Sham Sam Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess calledLove's Goad; Lam Ksam I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Goddess called Love's Garland. Thefirst set of four he should worship in the East etc. inorder. The second set should be worshipped in this

eightpetalled lotus from the South East direction in(clockwise) order. Hrim Shrim, I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Energy called the Agitator ofAll; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Energy called Melter of All; Hrim Shrim I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Energy calledAttractor of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Energy called Gladdener of All; Hrim ShrimI worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energycalled Deluder of All; Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Paralyser of All;Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEnergy called Devourer of All; Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Subduer of All;Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEnergy called Charmer of All; Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Energy called One Who Makes AllWanton; Hrim

Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Energy called One who Gives All Desired Things;Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theEnergy called She Who Gives All Prosperity; Hrim Shrim Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy calledOne Consisting of All Mantra; Hrim Shrim I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called OneDestroying Duality.---These 14 Energies (Shaktis) are placed in the 14triangles and give all success. The devotee should worshipthem from the East first in an anticlockwisedirection. Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess called the All Success Giver;I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddesscalled the Giver of Wealth; I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess called the Beloved of All; Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess calledCreator of all Auspiciousness; I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess

called the Giver of AllSexual Desire; I worship the auspicious lotus feet ofthe Goddess called Liberator from All Unhappiness; Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess calledDestroyer of All Duality; I worship the auspicious lotusfeet of the Goddess called Alleviator of All; Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess calledBeautiful in All Limbs; I worship the auspicious lotus feetof the Goddess called the All Great Good FortuneBestower. In these triangles are placed theseGoddesses who give all things. The devotee should worshipthem from the west direction first in anticlockwiseorder. Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess Knowing All; Hrim Shrim Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the GoddessConsisting of All Energy; Hrim Shrim I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Giving All Dominion;Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theGoddess Consisting of,

All Knowledge; Hrim Shrim Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the GoddessDestroying All Ailments; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess Who is the Basis of All; HrimShrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of theGoddess the Destroyer of All Evil; Hrim Shrim I worshipthe auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Consistingof All Bliss; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspiciouslotus feet of the Goddess Who is the true Form of AllProtection; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feetthe Goddess Who is the Giver of the Fruit of EveryDesire.---One should worship these great fruit-giving Devisin the inner wheel of ten triangles from the westerntriangle first in an anticlockwise direction.In the centre of this (last) wheel the devoteeshould worship, in anticlockwise order, Vasini and theother eight (saying) I worship the lotus feet(according to the method prescribed for their nyasa).Dram Drim

Klim Blum Sah Yam Ram Lam Vam Sam obeisanceto the All Piercing Arrows; Dham Tham obeisance tothe All Deluding Bow; Am Hrim obeisance to the AllSubduing Noose; Krom obeisance to the All Paralysing Goad.One should worship the bow and the other weapons inthe west and the other directions. Iworship the auspicious lotus feet of the Kameshvari, theGoddess who is Rudra's Shakti, who is the VagbhavaSyllable in the Fire Chakra, who is centred at the SacredSeat (Pitha) of the Mountain Kamagiri, who is the verySelf of Mitrisha Natha. I worship theauspicious lotus feet of the Vajreshvari, the Goddess who isof Vishnu's Shakti, who is the Kamaraja Syllable inthe Sun Chakra, who is centred at the Sacred Seatcalled Jalandhari, who is the true self of ShashtishaNatha. I worship the auspicious lotus feetof the Goddess Bhagamalini, who is the Shakti ofBrahma's, who is the Shakti syllable in the Moon Chakra,who is centred at the

Sacred Seat of the MountainPurnagiri, who is the True Self of Oddiyana Natha.I worship the auspicious lotus feet of ShriMahatripurasundari Devi, who is the Shakti of the Supreme Brahman,who is centred at the Sacred Seat of Oddiyana, who isthe True Self of Charya Natha. Thedevotee should worship Kameshvari etc in the corners ofthe central triangle with their bija mantras,preceded by giving incense, light, mudra and wineoblation, and also offering food, ghee, white cake, and soon. In a devoted mood, reciting the rootmantra, (the devotee) should pay homage and shouldmeditate on Kamakala, which is the heart of great goodfortune. Making a square with a circle insideon his left side, the man should place the flowerthere. Aim to the diffusion circle Aim.The devotee should place there the offering, the foodand the water, and should worship there. Reciting thesyllables thrice, he should then give meat offering

(bali).Om Hrim to those Creating Obstacles, to all theelements Hrum Svaha. Having bound these usingthe Khechari Mudra, he should proceed according toinjunction and should give offerings to the Guru he isdevoted to. Then meditate that all the various Shaktisare dissolved in the root Shakti, to which they owetheir origin. He should worship the root(shakti) as consisting of his Self in the form ofConsciousness. Then he should smell the flower and abandon it onpure ground or in water. Namaste.---

7 Tantric Keys to Awakening

---The practices and rituals you will find here aredoorways that reveal the inherent beauty and meaning ofour ordinary moments. Say yes to life in allits erotic passion. Go with the flow ofthe life force within and all aroundyou. Trust yourself, and allow your personal power tomanifest in life. Open your heart in lovingcompassion to the self and others. Authenticallyexpress your creativity and your truth. Lookwithin to achieve clarity and insight in yourlife. Surrender to your Source and know gratitude, spiritualpeace, and a new capacity to live at your maximumpotential in every moment. These seven Tantric keyscan open us up to our essential selves and unleash inus that abundant, joyous energy -- EveryDay Ecstasy-- that allows us to be all that we can be as humanbeings with our partners and our children and in ourwork, our community, and the world. In the process, wediscover the meaning of elegance, the art of

achievingmaximum results with minimum effort. Elegant people arein love with life. And their love calls them to makecontributions beyond the call of mere duty, to participatefully, to share their joys, pains, gifts, and truthswith others. And, by their example, they remind usthat beyond our apparent differences, we are connectedin Spirit, We are One. My own spiritualjourney, which led me to the path of EveryDay Ecstasy,began in Paris, when I was eighteen years old. I waswildly in love with my boyfriend; and the first time wemade love, at the peak of orgasm, my consciousnessexpanded until, suddenly, unexpectedly, nothing was leftbut the absolute certainty that I was utterly andtotally free and that this absolute freedom was, for me,the secret of life. This realization set the courseof my life. This may seem like an unusualbeginning to many people. Yet most of us have enjoyed oneunforgettable peak moment that

leaves us with a yearning forthat sense of ecstasy, wholeness, or exquisite peace.Unfortunately, our culture does not teach us the value of suchexperiences or the skills to cultivate them. But after thisfirst ecstatic moment, I knew I wanted to discover howto integrate spirituality with sexuality in my dailylife.My studies and degrees in psychology and philosophyat the Sorbonne in Paris did not bring any answersto my quest. Later, my practice as a therapistfailed to satisfy my hunger for experiential wisdom. Iturned to the study of bodywork therapies andself-development groups: bioenergetics, encounter groups, rolfing,Gestalt, Arica, integral yoga. And still I found no directanswers that explained the connection between sexualityand spirituality. I set out on a journey toexplore the traditions of sacred sexuality around theworld. I soon was introduced to the ancient Easternscience of Tantra; like yoga, Zen, and

Sufism, Tantra isa spiritual path to enlightenment. But unlike mostmystical paths, Tantra includes sexuality as a doorway toecstasy and enlightenment. The essence of the Tantricteachings can be summarized as this: Choose with awarenesswhat gives you joy, and it will lead you to Spirit. Aparticularly attractive approach, I thought, for us Westernersso deeply influenced by the puritanicalJudeo-Christian tradition, which conceives of pleasure not as adoor to heaven but rather as a shortcut tohell!---What Is Tantra?<br>Many people today mistakenlybelieve that Tantra is a spiritual bastardization ofsexual therapy, an excuse to indulge in sensual games,an addiction to hours of sexual orgasms. Nothingcould be farther from the truth. The Tantric pathteaches us to embrace and unify the ordinary, the erotic,and the sacred dimensions of life, which all havetheir roots in Spirit. The beauty and wisdom ofTantra is

that it embraces sexuality as a doorway to the"ecstatic mind of great bliss". Truly, at the peak oforgasm, we pierce through the illusion of fragmentationand separation, and glimpse the unity andinterconnectedness of all beings. And through the other -- ourpartner -- we fall in love with life. Because sexholds this great potential for opening our being to theexperience of ecstasy, Tantra has for millennia taught thecultivation of sexual love as an art, as a skillful spiritualpractice. Then, as now, Tantra challenges the beliefpromoted by most spiritual and religious paths that wemust suppress or transcend our sexuality to practicemeditation or awaken our Spirit. Tantra arose in rebellionagainst these ascetical and life-negating creeds. Itacknowledges that sex is at the root of life and that to makehuman sexuality and erotic union a form of worship andmeditation is to practice reverence for life, leading usdirectly

through the pleasure of the senses to spiritualliberation. Tantra teaches that we master desires not by avoidingthem but by immersing ourself in them. Once known andexperienced deeply, they can be transcended. In fact, Tantrateaches that nothing is to be excluded from ourunderstanding of reality. We need not suffer by sacrificingpleasures. We can cultivate them as opportunities forawakening. Tantra teaches us to embrace every moment in ourtotality, to respond bodily, feel from the heart, perceivewith clarity, and be fully present to others and tolife. Tantra is a Sanskrit word derived fromthe root tan, "to expand". In the process of my studyand practice of the Tantric arts, I developed thisdefinition: Tantra is the art of weaving the oftencontradictory aspects of our self or personality into a unifiedwhole, for the purpose of expanding our consciousness.Scholar Ajit Mookerjee defines Tantra as "knowledge of

asystematic, scientific, and experimental method which offersthe possibility of expanding man's consciousness andfaculties, a process through which the individual's inherentspiritual powers can be realized."---Create an Ecstatic Life. What if you beganeach day from a state of creative awareness, with aclear vision of what you want and how it can beachieved? For example, when you want to create a perfectdinner party for good friends, you begin with a visionof a warm gathering filled with intimate friendship,laughter, and good food. You begin, first imaginatively,then actually, to feel and create the atmosphere --you choose a menu, the lighting, the dishes you willuse, the music or games you will play. You feel theenjoyment of the evening itself as you prepare for it andanticipate it throughout the day. Below is a ritual forstarting your day with clarity, by opening all yourcenters.

---A Ritual for Beginning the Day Purpose: Toremind yourself that each day represents a brand newopportunity to taste the sacredness of life; a chance to benurtured by the mystery; a chance to relate lovingly,happily, and even with laughter to everyone aroundyou. Preparation: Have on hand a candle, incense, and matches.Prepare a good sound system with slow, meditative music.(Be sure to pick music that will not interfere withyour thoughts and that will not run out before theritual is completed.) Sit on a comfortablepillow. Wake up fifteen minutes earlier to allowyourself the time to perform this ritual without feelingrushed. Practice: As you wake up, openyour eyes slowly, and close them. Then open themagain, this time with awareness. Take a few slow deepbreaths and remind yourself that you wanted to get upearly this morning to perform thisritual. Get up, put on a robe (make sure you're warm andcomfortable), and

stretch slowly or shake your body loose fromthe night's sleep. Light a candle andstick of incense to begin creating your sacredspace. Play your music. Sit on your meditationpillow, in a comfortable position. If you are doing thisritual with a partner, sit opposite each other, holdinghands. Relax for a few moments, eyes closed, watching themovement of your breath. When you feel calm and quiet, goon to the next step. Begin to focusgently and effortlessly on the day ahead, breathingslowly and deeply. Go through the day, envisioning eachmoment. See if one difficult challenge presents itself(for instance, you have too much to do today and notenough time to do it, or your child is home sick fromschool). Look at the thoughts as you would look at apassing landscape through a car window. Let the thoughtscome and go. Pay attention to your body.How does your body react to these thoughts? Do youfeel any tight spots? A

constriction in your chest,stomach cramps, heart palpitations, a simple tensing ofthe muscles of your jaw and neck? Zoom in on the partof your day's vision that is causing your body pain.This is what you will transform in the ritual. (If youfind more than one painful area, take them one at atime. Don't try to do too much atonce.) Keep breathing calmly and deeply. Create a mentalpicture of the difficult moment that you're dreading inyour day to come. (We'll use the example of astressful project at work, one you have to work on withdifficult people.) Now release the image, let it travelthrough your chakras, allowing the energy of each chakrato transform it.---The Root of Creation: Let your awareness dwellin the first chakra, in your genitals. Relax yourgenital muscles into the earth and allow them to feelvibrant, ready, grounded. Here is where you will generatethe vision. See the difficult situationexisting

inside your first chakra, let it resonate, andbegin the transformation. Say (to yourselfor out loud), "There is enough time, money, trust,love, understanding to heal thissituation." Envision the scene filled with a sense of abundance andresolution. Feel that this is already true, that it hashappened. You should not feel pressure to make it happen.When you have this vision firmly in mind, go on to thenext chakra. The Flowing Stream<br>Let yourawareness dwell in your navel area. Breathe into your bellyand soften the muscles. See the difficult situationexisting inside your second chakra, and surround it with asea of fluidity and flexibility. Say toyourself, "I am open to change." See yourselfenjoying the flow of conversation. See everyone findingthe place of flexibility in the situation, being opento changing opinions and positions, adaptingeffortlessly to the currents of energy that your visioncarries. When

you have an image of the situationtransformed by openness and possibility, go on to the nextchakra. The Radiant Sun Let your awarenessdwell in your solar plexus. Breathe into your solarplexus, feel it expanding, relaxed, andpowerful. See the difficult situation existing inside yourthird chakra, and infuse it with energy andpower. Say to yourself, "I have all the energy I need tocomplete this project." See yourself and allthe people in your image feeling alive and onpurpose. You make correct choices, you are innovative andresponsible. Your authority is respected. When you have animage of the situation transformed through positiveaction, go on to the next chakra. The Pulse ofLife Let your awareness dwell in the center of your chest,in your heart area. Open your chest, relaxing themuscles that surround your heart. Feel your heart openingto receive. See the difficult situationexisting inside your fourth chakra, and

surround the imageand everyone in it with love andacceptance. Say to yourself, "I am ready to create a commonground". Don't dwell on successes or failures, or pettyantagonism, but simply appreciate what everyone has done sofar. Let yourself see how much happier everyone is whenthey feel acknowledged, how much more motivated theyare toward positive results. When you have an imageof the situation transformed by love and acceptance,move on to the next chakra. The Song of theSoul Let your awareness dwell in your throat. Relax yourthroat, your jaw. See the difficult situationexisting inside your fifth chakra, and allow everyone inthe vision to express their truth in a creativeway. Say to yourself, "I enjoy sharing my creative ideasand hearing others express theirs." Seethe comical side of the situation. Exaggerate theimage if you need to. See everyone dancing a jig aroundthe office, diving off desks, flying paper

airplanesover cubicle walls. See thought balloons coming out oftheir heads, filled with brilliant, witty, outrageousideas. When your image is transformed by laughter andcreative expression, go on to the next chakra.---)The Full Moon) - Let your awareness dwellin your third eye, the area between youreyebrows. Feel the eye opening, taking in the scene with greatobjectivity. See the difficult situation existing inside yoursixth chakra, and envision everyone in the scenefeeling connected, integrated between body, mind, andSpirit. Say to yourself, "I act to realize my vision withintention and purpose. I am clear in my action and make theright choices." Now you see the big picture;you are no longer bogged down by details oridentifying with criticism. You are witnessing the situationbut are not lost in it. You have achieved a balancebetween understanding the context and listening to yourintuitive guidance. Move on to

the next chakra. TheOpen Sky Let your awareness dwell in the top ofyour head. Relax the muscles of your scalp and allowthis chakra to open, like a cup waiting to be filled.See the newly transformed situation existing as purepotential inside your seventh chakra. Say toyourself, "I am ready to receive what I need to heal thissituation." See yourself linked with everyone in your image at asoul level. Your Spirits are connecting. You all havea role to play in this situation, and you all knowexactly what needs to be done to move the projectfurther. See all of you surrendering your ego needs ("Iknow better") to your greater purpose: harmony. Youbecome one Spirit. You respect each other. All is well.When you have created this joyous image, let it go outof the top of your head and into the universe,knowing that it has already been accomplished. Move intoyour day with calm and certainty of success.Completion Review your

meditation. Have you created a joyous,harmonious day? Do you feel ready to move into your day withease and confidence? If you're not quite ready, movethrough the chakras again to heal any remainingblock. Take a moment to center yourself. Breathe calmly anddeeply for a few more moments, and allow yourself tocome back to the present moment. Namaste.---

I am trying to find information about the Goddess Jyoti.All the information I could collect so far comes from these sites:http://murugan.org/jyoti.htm, http://murugan.org/jyoti2.htm, andhttp://kataragama.org/research/krishnapillai.htm.

According to what is written there, Jyoti is the sister of Lord Skanda and represents the female principle of light. She was born of one spark of light from the forehead of the Universal Mother . When Skanda went for his fight against the asura Surapadman, Devi fashioned outof herself a weapon, the Vel, which was not just an instrument but a deity - Jyoti Devi.Jyoti Devi is also known as Saravanabavayai to indicate that she is always intertwined with Sarvana or Skanda and acts for him.At Tiruvannamalai Jyoti is worshipped every year during the month of Karttikai of the Tamil calendar.Jyoti is called here Arul Perum Jyoti, or the graceful and great Jyoti.The most important day for worship of Jyoti is the day of her birth when theUniversal Mother fashioned the spark in her forehead into Vel and gave it toSkanda.This is the day of Visaka Nakshatra in May.Shiva as Nataraja carries Jyoti in his left hand as fire.A saint

who merged with her in recent times was Ramalinga Swamigal.Some things, however, remain unclear.Is Goddess Jyoti really the same as Jwalamukhi as Dr. Alappan writes in hisarticle on murugan.org?I could find quite a lot of information about Jwalamukhi on web, but is thisreally the same Devi as Jyoti?Is there any connection between Jyoti and BalaTripuraSundari, the form ofLalitaMahaTripuraSundari as a 16 years old girl (who is sometimes calledShodashi)?How does one worship Jyoti?How does the Yantra of Jyoti Devi look like?What is her Nyasa ritual?I would be most grateful for some help and information.Is there any book where I could find these details?


---Shri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt,Mantralayam, Kurnool District,Andhra Pradesh - 518345, INDIA.

Phone- (91)-(8512)-279429, 279459


MantralayaTungabhadra Dam - 340 Kms. From BangaloreHampi - 353 Kms. From Bangalore / 74 Kms. From Bellary.

Address of the Mantralaya Temple:Sri Raghavendra Swamy MathaMantralayam 518 345Kurnool DistAndhra Pradesh, India.The Administrative Officer to contact is Mr. Rama Rao.Telephone number: 59429 and 59459.STD code: 8512

Mantralaya History

The temple of Sri Guru Raghavendra Tirtha is on the eastern bank of river Tungabhadra in the small town of Mantralaya of Yemmignur Mandal of Kurnool District. The venerable seat of Madhva Matacharya sitting in the holy Brindavan is 300 years old. Sri Guru Raghavendra Thirtha has taken birth at the instance of Mahavishnu in Kaliyuga to restore moral order on our earth and taking the mankind towards pantheism. With his extra-ordinary genius he vanquished several pandits and won many titles like "Mahabashayacharya", "Venkata Bhatta" and was appointed as "Asthana Pandit". He was having a wife called Saraswathi and son named as Lakshminarayana. Saraswathi died, on learning that her husband renounced the wordly life. He became Pitadhipati at the instance of his Guru Sri Sudheendra Thirtha and commenced his journey for the propogation of lofty ideals and to establish Dharma. On his journey, with his super natural powers he turned

an illiterate man like Venkanna as a scholar, gave life to the dead son of Raghunatha Desai, made the pieces of meat, mischievously offered by Nawab of Adoni into fragrant flowers and fresh fruits and offered to the dieties, cured incurable stomache ache of Mallappa Scindia and prevailed upon Sri Thomas Munro to resume the Jagir gifted away by Nawab of Adoni. Shri Guru Raghavendra, the incarnation of Vayu and Prahalad, is one saint/guru who has been practicing the principles of Madhava. He is one of the greatest guru’s born in the 16th century. He has been helping and blessings the people from all walks of life since 16th century. He has been living in his Brindavan (a tomb made of stone) for the last 3 centuries and continues to stay for the next four hundred years and bless his devotees. He is known as the miracle god and he resides in his tomb in a small town called Matralayam (Miracle Place) in Andhra Pradesh,




----Letters---The Esoteric Teaching is the most ancient original source material onYoga and Meditation in the world. For many years, the actual historyand methods of Yoga, Meditation and Tantra have been hidden behind asmokescreen of disinformation and deception deliberately created toconfuse and defeat anyone who tried to research these esotericsubjects. As a result, Yoga teachings and practices in the West, andeven in India, have become completely distorted from the original.

The Brotherhood of the Esoteric Teaching is a secret resistancemovement against the worldwide conspiracy to pollute and disempowerthe sacred truths of the Vedas. Finally, the time has come to releasethese confidential truths and expose the sinister movement that keepsthem from benefiting the whole world with peace, prosperity andenlightenment.

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya


Yoga schools in the West claim to be teaching hatha-yoga, but they donot follow the instructions in the original yoga teachings. In fact,they do not even make the original writings available for theirstudents. Why not? They don't want the students to know that they havechanged all the practices, and that what they are teaching cannotdeliver the actual results of yoga.

For example, they are teaching asana before yama-niyama. But withoutyama-niyama, asana will not have the desired effect. Then theycompound the error by advancing to pranayama, while the students haveyet to complete even the basic preliminaries of yama-niyama. No wonderno one is attaining samadhi...

The Esoteric Teaching is the most ancient original source material onYoga and Meditation in the world. For many years, the actual historyand methods of Yoga, Meditation and Tantra have been hidden behind asmokescreen of disinformation and deception deliberately created toconfuse and defeat anyone who tried to research these esotericsubjects. As a result, Yoga teachings and practices in the West, andeven in India, have become completely distorted from the original.

The Brotherhood of the Esoteric Teaching is a secret resistancemovement against the worldwide conspiracy to pollute and disempowerthe sacred truths of the Vedas. Finally, the time has come to releasethese confidential truths and expose the sinister movement that keepsthem from benefiting the whole world with peace, prosperity andenlightenment.

The Introductory Seminar, "The Hidden History of Yoga and Tantra,"tells the complete story and introduces you directly to the originalsource materials of Yoga, Meditation and Tantra. No other school orteaching of Yoga does this. Why not?

To get access to the preliminary video series of the Seminar, visitthe site and join our online discussion group.http://www.esotericteaching.org

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya


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