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Ajna Chakra and Meditation

The Ajna Center


The sixth chakra is called Ajna which in Sanskrit means it is located between


eyebrows and is commonly known as the third eye. Within the symbolic

representation of

the Ajna center is the syllable Ohm which represents the beginning and end of

all things.

It is from this center that a person harmonizes the forces within him/herself


achieves a balance between Yin and Yang.


The third eye radiates a deep blue which in the developed personality borders on


It functions as the central point where different flows of Prana meet and are

distributed. (Sushunma branches through it, and the Ida and Pingala go right

through it

after they branch off to the nostrils.) The chakra has control over seeing, not

only in

the physical sense but in the mystical sense of seeing into the higher planes;


seeing, clairvoyance and the other paranormal forms of knowing. And when active,

the seat

of Divine Intelligence. The Ajna center controls all higher mental activities.


includes intuitive thought, rational thought and memory. Intuitive thought

includes all

forms of paranormal activity.


When the sixth chakra is active, consciousness and unconsciousness merge and


gulf there was beforehand is permanently abolished. Integration becomes complete

and a

person sees himself as the union of selves, the I AM. A person in this condition

remembers and experiences himself at every stage of his life from the cradle

upwards, and

he remembers all those individual energy fields that combined to create his


energy field, including those two most important fields " mother and father.

Because his

remembrance is complete, he can go beyond the point of terror, beyond the moment

he first

experienced separation from the universal field to a time when there was only

union and

unconditional love.


Ajna Meditation


In the Ajna meditation, you will get in touch with the quality which harmonizes

everything within you. To begin the Ajna meditation, find a comfortable position


your back straight. Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply through your nose


separation between inhalation and exhalation, and feel yourself relaxing. Take

your time

and become conscious of your body by following your breath for about five

minutes. After

five minutes, bring your attention to your sixth chakra, between your eyebrows.


bring your breath to your sixth chakra. On each inhalation feel the energy

centered in

your third eye grow stronger. You will feel it as a heat and intensity which

will grow

stronger on each inhalation.


As it grows more powerful, visualize the energy there as a ball of indigo light.

Experience and visualize it growing stronger and brighter for about two or three


Then feel your consciousness move upward until it reaches a point between your


and feel your consciousness centered in the ball of energy. Then become the ball


energy and feel yourself radiating from that center through your body and into

the outer



Feel yourself as the union of selves. Feel your mind radiate in all directions

simultaneously and feel yourself fill the room with your consciousness. Pay

attention to

how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. The more you are centered in

the third

eye, the more complete will be the union between consciousness and

unconsciousness. In

this condition you will feel what seems like an electrical current running

through your

physical body, and your entire head will begin to glow with the center of this

fire being

the third eye.


Take at least ten minutes for this part of the meditation. After ten minutes, or

when you

are satisfied, take a deep breath through your nose and as you exhale mentally


& #8220;Every time I come to this level of consciousness, I learn to use more of

my mind

in more creative ways. & #8221; Then let your breathing return to normal, release

the ball

of energy by your sixth chakra and the imagery associated with it and mentally

return to

the room and relax. After a few moments begin to count mentally from one to five

and when

you reach the number five, open your eyes. You will feel wide awake, perfectly


and better than you did before.





The Layayogachakras-Group Owner!


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Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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