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The & #256;jn & #257; Chakra


Left: Hindu symbol of Ajna Chackra , as depicted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.


" Theories of the Chakras " by H. Motoyama, p210).


Description by various Yoga texts:


Yoga-shikk & #257; Upanishad description - & #256;jn & #257; (command), which lies


the eyebrows and has two petals, is the highest of the wheels. It is here that

is set up,

upside down, the great seat called Udd & #257;y & #257;na. [Chapter I, verse 175]


Shat-chakra-nirupana - The excellent S & #257;dhaka, whose & #256;tm & #257; (the

True Self)

is nothing but a meditation on this Lotus, is able quickly to enter another's

body at

will, and becomes the most excellent among Munis (those who are accomplished in


yoga), and is all-knowing and all-seeing. He becomes the benefactor of all, and


versed in all the Sh & #257;stras (sacred texts and commentaries). He realizes

his unity

with the Brahman and acquires excellent and unknown powers (Siddhi). Full of

fame and

long-lived, he ever becomes the Creator, Destroyer, and Preserver of the three


[Verse 34]


Gorakshashtakam description & #8211; with the gaze fixed on the tip of the nose


meditating on the deity, resplendent as a pearl, that resides in the center of

the brows

(the & #256;jn & #257; Chakra), one becomes full of bliss. [Verse 84]


Also known as: Consciousness Awareness Center, Third Eye, Ajna


Location: Centre of the forehead


Associated Color: Indigo, Midnight Blue


Symbol & Element: Thought; Pyramid


Astrology sign: Higher expression of all signs


Physiological influences: This Chakra is associated with the forehead and

temples, and

the carotid plexus


Endocrine gland: Pituitary Gland


Sense: Extra Sensory Perception, Telepathy; Clairvoyance


Consciouse Development Aspect: This Chakra is said to be associated with the

deep inner

level of being that we call the Spirit and the deeper part of our being that


traditions consider the subconscious or unconscious. Also known as the brow

Chakra or

third eye center, it is related to the act of seeing, both physically and


On activation it is believed we intuitively see the high aspects of existence.

Why we

are here? What is the meaning of life? All these questions become clear as we

enter a

new level of understanding.


UMO Perspective: Through this chakra we begin to become aware of our

interconnectivity or

oneness with all existence. On activation it creates a feeling of bliss and one


a strong sense of detachment. We enter into a reflective mood and embedded


knowledge on the absolute reality begins to surface.





The Layayogachakras-Group Owner!


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