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Ajna Chakra


Ajna Chakra is situated within Sushumna Nadi, between the two eyebrows. This

point is

known as Trikuti.

Within this Lotus dwells the Manas (subtle mind).

Aum (Pranava) is the Bijakshara.


The Sushumna goes along the spinal cord up to where the Brahmarandhra is

situated. Thence

by a certain flexure it goes to the right side of the Ajna Lotus, whence it

proceeds to

the left nostril and is called the Ganges.

The Lotus which is situated in the Brahmarandhra is called Sahasrara. In the

space in its

center dwells the Moon. From the triangular place elixir is continually exuding.


Moon-fluid of immortality unceasing flows through the Ida. Going to the left

nostril it

receives from the Yogis the name Ganges.

From the right-side portion of the Ajna Lotus and going to the left nostril

flows the

Ida. It is here called Varuna.

Let the Yogi contemplate on the space between Ida and Pingala as Varanasi.

The Pingala also comes in the same way from the left-side portion of the Ajna

Lotus and

goes to the right nostril and has been called Asi.

The Lotus which is situated in the Muladhara Chakra has four petals and in the


between them dwells the Sun. From that sphere of the Sun poison extudes

continually. That

excessively heating venom flows full through the Pingala and goes to the right


and the Moon-fluid of immortality goes to the left.

Rising from the left side of the Ajna Lotus and going to the right nostril, this

northward flowing Pingala has been called Asi. (Ram Kumar Rai)

The presiding adept is called Sukla Mahakala.

The presiding deity, Paramashiva (Shambu), is in the form of Hamsa.

There is Goddess Hakini (Sakti), whose six faces are like so many moons. She

holds a

skull, a small drum, a rosary, a book, two other arms are lifted up in the

gesture of

dispelling fear and granting boons .

Inside the pericarp is Shiva, called Itara, in His phallic form.

Granthi Sthana (Rudra Granthi) is there.

The Yogis describe three more sacred stages situated in this Lotus.They are

called Bindu

(Vindu), Nada and Sakti .



Corresponding nerve plexus in the physical body. Cavernous Plexus

Location Bhru-Madhya. At the space between the two eye-brows

Petals, or No. of Yoga Nadis Two

Colour of Petals White

Letters on the petals, or the Vibrations of the Yoga Nadis Ham dic,Ksham dic

Mandala, or the region of Tattwa, or Element Avyata Ahankara Manas Tattwa


Region of Mind Round

Yantra, or Shape of the Mandala Oval (Round)

Bija Akshara, or Seed A U M dic

Bija-bearer Nada

Presiding God Lingam

Sadasiva, or Shambhu Nada

Goddess Hakini

Deva or Tattwa Manas

Loka Tapah (Tapo)

Colour of Tattwas -

Function of Tattwa, or quality (Sankalpa Vikalpa)

Sense-organ -

Motor-organ -

Granthi Sthana Rudra

Result of Concentration Perfection of Speech




The Awkening of Kundalini Shakti

Piercing Lalana Chakra, the Devi reaches the Ajna Chakra, where Parama Shiva,


Kali, the Deva-Gana and all else therein are absorbed into Her body.

Ether along with Sound are dissolved into Ahamkara and the latter into Buddhi.

The Bija of Akasa Ham dic is merged in the Manas-Chakra and mind itself in the

body of


After this Chakra has been pierced, Kundalini, of Her own motion, unites with






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