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" After years of failing to gain substantial converts by degrading

Hinduism and labeled it as " devil worship " and " heathen idolatry " ,

Christian evangelists have invented a new tactic: hijacking Hinduism.


Pamphlet Distribution: Southern Tamil Nadu


Evangelists use existing elements of Hinduism to misguide followers

into converting to Christianity. Recently Christian zealots have

begun claiming that various Vedic Sanskrit slogans were in praise of

Jesus and not Hindu Gods. Christian propaganda pamphlets and

booklets in circulation especially in and around Madurai district in

Tamil Nadu also make the ludicrous suggestion that the revered Swami

Vivekananda had asked the people to worship Jesus. The pamphlets,

which have been put in circulation by the Madurai-based Infant Jesus

Hospital (headed by Rev Fr. Caleb), also fraudulently invoke verses

from the holiest Hindu scripture, the Bhagawad Gita, saying that

they preach against idol worship. In fact, the pamphlets go as far

as to decree that 'people should not follow any other faith other

than Christianity'. The highly inflammatory pamphlets, delivered by

Christian converts (primarily women), have been appearing at nearly

in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu in the hopes of misleading a few

gullible souls. "





Indian Church Divided on Inculturation Strategy to Entice Hindu



Posted November 3, 2005

Mario Rodrigues

The Statesman

Nov 2 2005


A conclave of priests and bishops at the Papal Seminary in Pune last

week called for the renewed " Indianisation " of the Catholic Church

and the adoption of Hindu rituals, including aarti during Mass,

studying Sanskrit and the Vedas, experiencing ashram life and so on.

The conclave discussed this and other issues besieging the Church

and the laity in the new millennium.


www.christianaggression.org/item_display.php?type==NEWS & id=31077207



Row between Hindus in Britain, Royal mail deepens


Posted November 2, 2005


02 Nov 2005



The row between the Hindus in Britain and the Royal Mail, over a new

Christmas stamp depicting a Hindu man and woman worshipping baby

Jesus, has deepened, after the Royal Mail refused to withdraw the



An umbrella body representing 250 Hindu organisations -- the Hindu

Forum of Britain -- has demanded the withdrawal of

the ''disrespectful'' stamp. The stamp features a man with

a ''tilak'' on his forehead, identifying him as a Vaishnava Hindu,

and the woman with traditional ''kumkum'' mark on her forehead

identifying her as a married Hindu woman. Both are seen worshipping

an image of baby Christ on the stamp.


www.christianaggression.org/item_display.php?type==NEWS & id=30997550



American Scholar on Indian Christian Schools - The War Against



Posted November 3, 2005

By Stephen Knapp



Another way that India is slowly losing its Vedic culture is through

the process of secular or English and Christian education. Of

course, in public schools all Vedic books have been removed from the

curriculum. So there are no possibilities to study the ancient

Indian literature or art. Thus Vedic values are no longer part of

what the children are taught. Furthermore, the Christian schools,

often staffed by Christian missionaries, can teach Christian values

in their classes, and include a short study of the Bible everyday,

or of a Koran if it´s an Islamic school. The so-called secular

govern-ment has even helped them with free land and facilities.

Since these schools offer English in their education, along with

good discipline, many of the middle classes of Indians are favouring

sending the children to these schools. Today, in the Indian cities,

many parents of today´s children are the graduates of Christian

schools, who also send their own children to such schools. As this

trend continues, there will be a decreasing number of Hindus in the

educated sector. Thus, children in India, with the help of the

secular government, are learning Christian values and perceiving

their own history and culture as something less than honourable.

They are taught that such important books as the Bhagavad Gita,

Ramayana, Bhagavat Purana and other Vedic texts are nothing more

than mythology, and not a reuslt of one of the most profound

civilisations of the world. They are also taught that their own God

is but a demon and the only real way to God is through Jesus.





Indian Church Divided on Inculturation Strategy to Entice Hindu



A conclave of priests and bishops at the Papal Seminary in Pune last

week called for the renewed " Indianisation " of the Catholic Church

and the adoption of Hindu rituals, including aarti during Mass,

studying Sanskrit and the Vedas, experiencing ashram life and so on.

The conclave discussed this and other issues besieging the Church

and the laity in the new millennium. According to one report in the

medi... [Nov. 3 2005]



Indian Evangelists Demand Foreign Funding to Proselytize Hindus


The All-India Christian Council (AICC) has opposed a section of the

proposed Foreign Contribution (Management and Control) Bill, 2005

saying that it could be used to target Christian organisations

charging them with conversion. The council plans to agitate against

the proposed bill's controversial Section 5 (iv), which stops inflow

of foreign funding to organisations which engage in " conversion

through ind... [Nov. 3 2005]








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