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Bhakti & Desire

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Bhakti and Desire


When a person goes towards the outer reality ........... that person

is turning towards the world and then Sri Hari makes him search in

the world for HIM... until the jiva (soul) gets exhausted, dies or

gives up searching and returns to thinking of Sri Hari (or what-ever

name you want to call God) in his own heart and worshipping Him

inside himself... Is that not what prayer is? Dide not Jessus say

that kingdom of Heaven is within? Do not all Guru's send us inward?


Death is a complete return inward of the energies that the Jiva or

Soul pushed outward in order to seek for Hari in the world... When

the search is at an end all beings return inward either by dying or

by choosing to do puja for the indwelling Sri Hari in the

heart.... ... Advaitins call him The Self, Saivites call him Siva,

Vaisnaiva's call him sri Hari, the christians call him the holy

spirit or christ, Islam calls him Alah! Needless to say HE is God. He

is Known as Jahweh, Jehovah, Israel, Adonai and countless other names



Many also call Him The I AM.... yet in english I Am means OM.

TheBible is translated to say that God said: " I AM the alpha and the

omega - (the begining and the end) rather it should say The I AM is

The Alpha and the Omega (yet this is not correct english grammar but

it is correct none-the-less)... thus all religions are made to seek

Him outwardly until they have exhausted all means of finding Him

within existence..... .............The heart may break at the point

of exhaustion of this outward seeking........ thus making the seeker

go inward suddenly ... thus a heart attack is something that builds

up over time due to outward seeking..


So then the heart attack will open the heart to the inner-god or

Hari .. or whatever name we may give God. If that man does not then

begin to seek hari inside, if he does not Love the Self... he will

soon die.


All puja's, all bajans, all prayers, all hyms, all glory rises on the

voice of all beings to The Self in All via sound, and thru the inner

self it reaches Hari Himself. In this way It is Sri Hari who is

worshipping Himself in all beings. Do not the scripture say that the

whole of creation arises from Om? Do not the many religions have a

similar story of God being the Word etc?


So then we must seek Him in the heart, thru deep love, devotion and

commitment to The Self who is called OM or I AM....


Sri Hari gives all beings desire the very moment that a being begins

to look outward from hari.... because hari is now looking away from

himself desire for him in the form of LOVE automatically

arises....Hence when a being chases after desires... he gets more

desire and cannot fulfill them

as chasing them only makes them greater, because hari only wants



So then as Siva Sutra Says: " By NON-CONTEMPLATION OF ME (OF SIVA

other-wise known as The Self or Sri Hari) YOU ARE BOUND "


Bound to desire, bound to the wheel of karma, bound to be reborn.



because the desire for sri hari (His OWN DESIRE for Himself) who

dwells in every beings inner-most heart, has not been fulfilled..

Hence Sri Hari will create a new life so that the Jiva (Who is like

an effigy or reflection of him) can be the means where-by He can

Realize Himself .... Jai Sri Krishnaaa!


So then dying or living a man will be subject to desire unless he

seeks hari diligently, consistently and persistently. refusing to go

after desire

as desire means he has not found Hari yet... See above i mentioned

that desire arises due to looking away from Hari...


But why does it arise due to looking away?


Well, Since Har is all there is.. he is reality itself........... ALL

OF what is real, and all of what is not real ........... because one

cannot know the real without comparision to the unreal and one cannot

know the unreal without comparision to the real....



in that case consciousness is only possible because Hari is the ONLY

ONE who pre-exists the comparisons else comparison could not be done.

Hence he is incomparable and Non-Dual... because duality begins in

comparison. (it begins IN KNOWLEDGE ITSELF).... Hence Love is Wisdom

while knowledge is merely ignorance.


with love and respect



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