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{LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS} OM: Constructive Destruction ... !!!

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Dear Friends I have been reading the messages with great interest. Years ago I concluded that all that we are or will ever be comes from within, not without. Life is after all an inward journey toward self recognition. That which we realy are, and not what we imagine ourselves to be. An uncontrolled mind is like a runaway train headed toward self destruction. A controlled mind leads one to balance, harmony and peace.To strive to become the master of ones emotions, and not be mastered by them. Life presents us with many choices. The right ones lead us to spiritual growth and not spiritual retrogression. We are not puppets on strings, and the God Power is within all of us to use as we choose. We choose to do right, or wrong, good or bad. We are the creators of Heaven or Hell. Evil like all ugly and demeaning things is like a fire. If you do not feed it, it will consume itself. Evil can only exist where it is allowed to exist. My motto is: Love what you

believe, and become what you love. A life that isn't shared, isn't lived. May all of your paths lead you to peace and may love be your guide. Your brother Martin.samahita wrote: Friends: Any mental Attraction induces a Non-Satisfied Urge! Friends, when one regards this eye, which actually indeed is impermanent, as transient: that is a quite right view. When one regards this ear, which really is a passing thing, as fleeting: that is a quite right view. When one regards this nose, which also is temporary, as transient: that is right view.

When one regards this tongue, which also is non-lasting, as transient: that is a quite right view. When one regards this body, which is inconstant, as transitory: that is surely a right view. When one regards this mind, which actually also is ephemeral, as momentary: that too is a quite accurate view.Seeing these fading phenomena rightly, one develops dispassion & disgust! With the gradual destruction of delight, comes the full elimination of lust. With the gradual destruction of lust, comes the full elimination of delight. With the complete elimination of both delight & lust, the mind is said to be well released...Comments: The real prison is not physical & outside, but mental & inside!The released mind do not want anything, need anything, seek anything.The released mind do not yearn, hunt, crave, or hanker after anything.Being thus without urge, thirst & hunger, such mind is entirely stilled

....This serene tranquillity is a bliss, freedom & peace not of this world !!! Final Freedom... Yeah! Source:The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book IV 142Section 35: On The 6 senses. The Destruction of Delight!: 156-7. http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=948507http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/samyutta/index.html PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment,

since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!! Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka. Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! NEW WEB !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite

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