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Leaving Desire & Lust ... !!!

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Leaving Desire & Lust Releases the Strain of any Urge!

Friends, you should abandon desire and lust for whatever is absolutely impermanent, vanishing, an addictive pain & neither me nor mine nor self !!! And what is impermanent, suffering & neither me nor mine nor any self ??? The eyes and all forms are impermanent, suffering and all impersonal...The ears and all sounds are transient, affliction and without a self...The nose and all smells are fleeting, miserable and both core & egoless...The tongue & all flavours are temporary, frustrating & always ownerless...The body & all touches are passing, much tribulation & remotely non-self...The mind and all thoughts are momentary, trouble & both alien & no-self...Friends, you should eliminate desire and lust for whatever is absolutely impermanent, suffering and impersonal, whether these phenomena are past, present or future, internal or external, high or low, fine or gross,far or near... That will indeed ease your well-fare for a long, long time...Why so? Because - Craving in itself! - is the cause of all Suffering ...This is the 2nd Noble Truth, unheard of before, the Buddha discovered !!!


Source:The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book IV [149-151]Section 35: On The 6 Senses. The abandoning of desire & lust: 168-183. http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=948507http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/samyutta/index.html



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

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