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Please answer these questions on this site or the one listed above.

It is for an article I am writing and for discussion to edify many.


1 If God is in Infinity and therefore beyond us, how can we know God?


--- There is nothing beyond God. We are God too. We are living in

duality, but we do also exist in non-duality. Thus we know God

through knowing our selves. It's not as we are to go on a journey to

God, or to merge with God or to reach some kind of goal. We are

already there, we have always been and we will always be. Basically,

the so-called journey is just a question about accepting that simple

fact. To do that we need to surrender all our beliefs and all our

karmas to God.


2 If God is infinite can there be such a thing as one perfect

religion or best religion for everyone?


--- Duality can never explain or even understand non-duality. What

we need for our spiritual growth differs from person to person.

There is not one truth for all. We have to find our own way, and not

to hang on to any religion.


3 How do you decide which religion or spiritual discipline is good,

bad or not so good?


--- God does not judge things as good, bad etc. Everything just is.

God is laughter and unconditional love in relation to all and

everything. Somewhere on our path we have to let go of the beliefs

that anything is good or bad.


4 Should God be symbolized as Spirit/Energy, as male God, Mother God

or how? What is the best symbolism to you and why?


--- God is all without limitation. You may choose whatever symbol

you like. God does not care!


5 Almost all religions, certainly most, espouse love. Why then has

so much evil ocurred in the name of God?


--- People mix there own ego ideas with God and claim they have the

only truth. Still, God does not judge things ad good or evil.


6 If you are God in the yoga/Buddhist sense of the word, then should

you still pray? Or just work on being God or finding the Self/God

within? Should you work only on nonduality or should you work on the

dual vision also?


--- We exist in duality and in non-duality. We cannot, I believe,

cease to exist in non-duality before we have realised our true

nature as God. What we should do to get closer to that realisation

differs from individual to individual. You will have to ask God

within you own heart what is right for you.


7 Which is more important, finding your own Enlightenment, or helping

others? If tending to others interferes with your meditation and God

presence, should you ignore them or should you tend to them, even

though they disturb your inner state?


--- You don't need to help other find their enlightenment. They are

on their own path and they are ? just as you are ? perfect exactly

as they are, as manifestations of God, and what you should really do

is try to perceive them as such. You should not involve in thinking

that other beings are lesser than you are and that they need your

help. Still you might benefit on your own path from helping others,

if that is what you need.


8 If God is within each person (as well as all creation) why is God

so difficult to find? Shouldn't this be easy?


Basically, this is just a matter about looking in the right

direction. Everything is God, so wherever you see you only see God.

But normally we chose to focus on the dramas created by our egos

instead of facing reality as it is.


9 What is the purpose of mystical experiences; visions, voices,

dreams, revelations and such. Are they good in any way or bad?


--- God does not judge things in non-duality. But we might judge

things in duality. What is good might than be defined as what brings

us closer to perceiving the true nature of the world. Mystical

experiences have no value of their own. They are just phases we pass

through on our " path " to a clearer perception of the world as it

really is.


10 If you had to spend the rest of your life on an island with people

how would you like them to be? Describe the kind of people you could

bear spending the rest of your life with on an island.


--- This is an ego question! So, I would prefer young good-looking

women. ;) Still, for my spiritual growth, I don't actually know what

people I would need to spend my time with. My conscious choice would

be enlightened people.


11 When you see God face to face how will God look? When you die and

go to Heaven, what will you see? Explain what you think you will see.


--- Seeing God " face to face " would looking at some kind of symbol

and understand it is God. Still, we never ever se anything but God,

so it's just a matter of understanding the true nature of

everything. I don't know what will happen when I die. I might be

reborn as another human or as something else. I might cease to

perceive my self as an individual and begin to perceive myself as

only God instead. That would be to " go to heaven " .


--- The above is just what I believe.








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