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Sahasrara - Lotus for 2006!

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NAME : Thousand petaled

LOCATION : Top of the cranium

PLANE : Truth and reality


Sahasrara, meaning thousand, is the " Lotus of the Thousand Petals "

located four finger-breadths above the crown of the head. Also called

Brahma-randhra, it is the meeting place of Kundalini Shakti and Shiva.

Immortality is achieved within Sahasrara Chakra. Before attaining to

this chakra the yogi is unable to reach the unconscious conscious

state called asama-prajnata-samadhi. In this state there is no

activity of the mind and no knower, no knowledge, nothing to be known

: knowledge, knower, and known all become unified and liberated.



Seventh Chakra






7 Sahasrara


6 Ajna


5 Vishuddha


4 Anahata


3 Manipura


2 Svadhisthana


1 Muladhara



The chakras


17th century

gouache on paper


When the Kundalini is raised up to Sahasrara chakra, the illusion of

individual self is dissolved. The yogi becomes realized, one with the

cosmic principles that govern the entire universe within the body.


Samadhi is the pure bliss of total inactivity. Up to the sixth chakra

the yogi may enter a trance in which activity or form still remains

within the consciousness. In Sahasrara Chakra the prana moves upward

and reaches the highest point. The mind establishes itself in the pure

void of Shunya Mandala, the space between the hemispheres. At this

time all feelings, emotions and desires, which are the activities of

the mind, are dissolved into their primary cause. The union is

achieved. The yogi is sat-chit-ananda, truth-being-bliss. He is his

own real self, and as long as he stays in his physical body he retains

nondual consciousness, enjoying the play of lila without becoming

troubled by pleasure and pain, honors and humiliations.


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