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Sahasrara Chakra - little by little!

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& #65533;The word Sahasradala-Padma denotes that this Chakra has 1000 petals:

one thousand Yoga Nadis emanate from this centre. . . .


It should be noted that the Sahasrara does not belong to the body, and

that it indicate a transcendent level. This Lotus has his head turned

downward. Within is the full Moon, it sheds its ray in profusion and

is moist and cool like nectar.


In this place it's fulfilled the union (unmani) of Shiva and Shakti.

Inside the Chandra-Mandala constantly shining is the Triangle and

inside this, again, shines the great Void (Sunya , Bindu).

Here is the Deva known to all as Parama-Shiva. He is the Brahaman and

the Atma of all beings.


Sahasrara is the abobe of Lord Shiva (the Visnaivas call it Parama

Purusa; others call it the place of Hari-Hara; other sages call it the

place of Prakriti-Purusa, others call it the abobe of Devi).

This correspond to Satya Loka.


When Kundalini is united with Lord Shiva at the Sahasrara Chakra, the

Yogi loses his individuality in the ocean of Sat-Chit-Ananda or the

Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute and becomes one with the Lord or

Supreme Soul.

The wise Yogi spaeks of it as the ineffable place of Liberation.


The Awkening of Kundalini Shakti


Kundalini in her pogress upwards, absorbs herself the twenty-four

Tattwas commencing with the gross elements, and then unites Herself

and become one with Parama Shiva. The nectar which flows from such

union floods the Kshudrabrahmanda (human body). It is then that the

Sadhaka forgetful of all in this world is immersed in ineffable bliss.


Thus Kundalini who has enjoyed Her union with Paramashiva, sets out on

her return journey the way she came. As She passes through each of the

Chakras all that She has absorbed there from come out from herself and

take their several places in the Chakra. In this manner She again

reaches the Muladhara Chakra. & #65533;

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