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Magnificent Mind ... !!! -- Samahita

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, " Bhikkhu Samahita "

<bhikkhu.samahita@g...> wrote:


> Friends:


> Mind is the Maker & Creator!


> Mind precedes & initiates all phenomena,

> mind is their chief, mind is their maker...

> When one speaks or performs an action

> with a mind that is internally all pure,

> then happiness & pleasure follows,

> like a shadow that never departs...

> Dhammapada 1


This is not so... Not that the bhudda is wrong .. what is wrong is

the translation because when the thought has not arisen the Mind

cannot be found at all.. Vis --


" Because Mind and Thought arise simaultaneously. "


For example: Mind cannot be found to exist without the comparison of

no-mind .. just as softness cannot be known without degrees of what

is not soft.



> Difficult to detect and very subtle,

> mind can seize & take up any object,

> so let any wise being guard the mind,

> for a guarded mind brings happiness...

> Dhammapada 36



Not so. because the mind is like a pool -- when thoughts appear there

is Mind.. Thus when the mind is still there is no telling the

reflection from the sky... yet if there are thoughts they are like

ripples in a pool. And - Just as you cannot make the pool go still by

getting into the pool or interfering with it in any way... nor can

anyone stop the ripples of the mind.... NO we must let it go still by

itself and not interfere.. Guarding a still mind is impossible

because who will guard what cannot be found to exist... or who can

guard what is limitless - seeing as how the existence of the mind

requires the existence of one who notices it. Vis -- Minds existence

depends upon the witness of it... but the Mind does not exist unless

there are thoughts... Thus, only by and in comparison to the

reflection of the sky in the pool can the pool be known as different

from the Sky. But we mustn't make the mistake of thinking the

reflection exists when the mind is still... or that there are limits

to the Conscious Absolute; only by the reflection can limitation be



> Neither mother, nor father, nor any other

> family member can do greater good both

> for oneself and for others as well, than

> the well controlled & directed mind...

> Dhammapada 43


Perhaps so. but again tis needs qualifying...


Unless the mind is directed towards the unity-consciousness (the one-

ness of the Self) then it is egocentric.



> What is Mind ?

> Mind is an ever repeating sequence of:

> Contact => Feeling => Perception =>

> Intention => Attention => New Contact etc.

> Stilling this cycle produces Peace & Bliss!

> This serene tranquillity is called Nibbana!



So thus Mind is of a reflective nature, it is a mirror; but the

mirror without its image is not a mirror at all.. just as the mind

without the reflection of the ripples we call thoughts in it cannot

be said to exist. There will still remain the concept of MIND but

mind will not exist in reality as a concept is an abstractation.


So who or what abstracted? Who imagined mind existing?


Hence the mind is coming into being simultaneously with thought.


But nothing arises .. there is the appearence of having arisen only.


There thus must be one who exists prior to consciousness

(consciousness being that which exists).. where as The Limitelss

Formless indescribable Self is the Conscious One transcending

existence and non-existence also.


offered with love and respect






> --


> PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then

> will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it &



> Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.


> Friendship is the Greatest ...

> Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!!


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> Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.


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