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LAYA & Kundalini

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The text by Revered Swami Bhaskarananda is: Signs and symptoms of genuine spiritual progress "An abbot of the Kânchipuram monastery of the Shankara Order in India was well-known for his saintliness. Once a devotee came to him and asked, "Sir, What's the difference between genuine spiritual visions and hallucination?" The abbot replied, "The difference can be seen in their effects. A person having hallucinations gradually loses touch with reality and turns insane. On the other hand, one who has genuine spiritual visions becomes spiritually illumined." Psychotic people suffer from various types of fantasy. Among them two are most common�religious fantasy and sexual fantasy. In my life I have met some mentally ill people with religious fantasies. One believed that God had ordained her to teach the world. Another considered himself a reincarnated apostle of Jesus. Both claimed to

have heard the voice of God. Many years ago when I was in India, a young man whom I knew came to see me. He said that he had acquired the power of clairaudience, that he could hear people talking about him miles away. He also said that twice or thrice he had seen Divine Light. He was convinced that these were all genuine spiritual experiences. But I knew that his mother had a history of mental illness and had had to be institutionalized. I was somehow able to persuade the young man to go and see a psychiatrist. The young man got rid of those symptoms after prolonged treatment. Another mentally disturbed woman used to have visions of Lord Krishna and considered them genuine spiritual experiences. Proper psychiatric treatment eventually helped her to get rid of that fantasy. The Yoga scriptures say that a spiritual aspirant can have genuine spiritual visions only when the awakened Kundalini power enters the

highly purified mind of the spiritual aspirant. When the awakened Kundalini starts coursing through the different Chakras toward the Sahasrâra, the spiritual aspirant has various genuine spiritual experiences. For instance, when the Kundalini rises to the Anâhata Chakra at the heart level, he sees Divine Light, or luminous figures of Divine beings. When the Kundalini reaches the Vishuddha Chakra at his neck level, he longs to talk and hear only about God. Talk on worldly topics gives him pain. At this stage he only likes the company of those who love God." ________________________________HIMAVANTThe Layayogachakras-Group Owner!_______Join to:- prema-dharma- http://www.himavanti.orghttp://www.himawanti.org_______

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