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The Animal That Hides in Your Heart:

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The Animal That Hides in Your Heart: Your Animal SignAccording to the Chinese, the animal ruling the year of your birth has a profound influence on your personality (that is, this is the "animal that hides in your heart.")Check the below table for your animal sign. If your year is not listed, keep adding or subtracting twelve to the year of your birth until you match one of the years listed.Please note that if you were born in January or February, you may have fallen into the previous lunar year listed. To verify your animal sign, click here, enter your birth date, and Send. Your Chinese animal sign (and element) will then appear.Rat 1960 1972 1984 1996 Ox 1961 1973 1985 1997 Tiger 1962 1974 1986 1998 Rabbit 1963 1975 1987 1999 Dragon 1964 1976 1988 2000 Snake 1965 1977 1989 2001 Horse 1966 1978 1990 2002 Ram 1967 1979 1991 2003 Monkey 1968 1980 1992 2004 Rooster 1969 1981

1993 2005 Dog 1970 1982 1994 2006 Pig 1971 1983 1995 2007 Check below for what you can expect for your sign's characteristics, recommended career, compatibility, and predictions for the Year of the Rooster.Rat: Energetic, creative, intuitive, charismatic, extremely ambitious, alluring, imaginative, witty, honest, thrifty (but taken in by bargains), hard-working, generous, bright, happy, lucky, sociable. Can be restless, overcritical, quick-tempered, manipulative, small-minded, and gossipy. Good as a leader, publicist, salesperson, writer, or critic.Compatible with Dragons and Monkeys, not Horses.In 2006: Rat, expect success in business endeavors; however, expect a difficult year with your individuality curtailed and you may worry a lot. Try not to be pessimistic or critical, especially regarding relationships. This is a time for patience as many issues occupy your mind. Ox: Patient,

down-to-earth, precise, diligent, honest, reserved, strong, persistent, conservative, solid, trustworthy, introverted but a commanding and eloquent speaker and good leader. Also vengeful, obstinate, demanding, slow, proud, jealous, naive in relationships, and a loner and sore loser. Good as a surgeon, general, or hairdresser.Compatible with Snakes and Roosters, not Ram.In 2006: Ox, expect a problems that will be less serious than they first seem. You may be temporarily separated from family or a love one but overall you'll find no overwhelming problems that can't be resolved by honest communication.Tiger: Noble, enthusiastic, aggressive, passionate, emotional, frank, generous, polite, courageous, deep, sensitive, good leader. Also conceited, undisciplined, stubborn, disobedient, hasty, hot-tempered, argumentative. Good as a boss, explorer, or race car driver.Compatible with Horses and Dogs, not Monkeys.In

2006: Tiger, though you may feel unsettled expect to charge ahead with your plans. You may find a cause to support this year. Also expect success in investments and business, though you may feel tired and lonely from your efforts. However, expect influential people to help you along the way.Rabbit (aka Cat): Clever, peaceable, affectionate, prudent, cultivated, imaginative, cooperative, gregarious, tactful, sensitive, companionable, virtuous, artistic, articulate, compassionate, well-liked, and the luckiest and least aggressive of all signs. Also old-fashioned, devious, unimaginative, touchy, private, fussy, and a hypochondriac. Good as a lawyer, diplomat, or actor.Compatible with Sheep and Pigs, not Roosters.In 2006: Rabbit, expect a pleasant year as the dog is your friend and defender. You will come out ahead and find time for fun and smooth family relations. However, at work you may be criticized by

higher ups or be held back by coworkers so try to be diplomatic and patient. Dragon: Dynamic, astute, confident, enthusiastic, conscientious, popular, scrupulous, sentimental, emotional, fun-loving, healthy, generous, dynamic, artistic, lucky, successful, influential. Also hasty, anxious, stubborn, willful, loud, irritable, grouchy, exacting. Good as an artist, priest, or politician. Compatible with Monkeys and Rats, not Dogs.In 2006: Sorry, Dragon, but this is your most uncomfortable year of the 12 year cycle. Expect plans to go awry, problems to pop up, and people to seem contrary! Try to avoid confrontations this year. Consider changing your environment to ease some stress. Not a good year to get married.Snake: Refined, charming, wise, entrancing, deep, accommodating, deep, romantic, attractive, amusing, sympathetic, calm, confident, gentle, intuitive, shrewd. Also lavish, stingy, a sore loser,

prone to procrastinating, possessive, pushy, fickle, lazy, self-critical, vindictive, quick-tempered, proud. Good as a philosopher, instructor, writer, psychiatrist, or prophesier.Compatible with Roosters and Ox, not Pigs.In 2006: Snake, if you keep your feelings and insights private you can accomplish much. This is a good time for pursuing new ideas as opportunities come your way, though minor health problems may arise. This is a great time for travel and entertaining.Horse: Friendly, athletic, busy, articulate, sentimental, intelligent, witty, confident, hard-working, independent. Also unfeeling, selfish, egocentric, hot-tempered, rebellious, unemotional, rude, impatient, pragmatic. Good as an adventurer, scientist, poet, or politician.Compatible with Tigers and Dogs, not Rats.In 2006: Horse, expect a great year as Dog and Horse are great buddies. Expect to succeed in business and academics. Important

and influential people will come along to help you. No health problems or financial problems foreseen.Ram (aka Sheep or Goat): Persistent, charming, rational, peace-loving, elegant, gentle, inventive, adaptable, cultured. Also pessimistic, discontented, intrusive, unsure, undisciplined, late, self-indulgent, materialistic. Good as an actor, gardener, or beachcomber.Compatible with Pigs and Rabbits, not Ox.In 2006: Sheep, expect a year of unhappy changes, lack of support from family and coworkers, problems with romance and family, and financial woes. This is not a good time for travel or investments. Try to optimistic, patient, and conservative to best get through the year. Also, try not to become involved in other's problems as they will not necessarily appreciate your help. Monkey: Sharp, analytical, humorous, inventive, intelligent, skilled in business, independent, versatile, magnetic

personality. Also opportunistic, conceited, unprincipled, untrustworthy, unfaithful, childish, distrustful. Good in any field.Compatible with Dragons and Rats, not Tigers.In 2006: Monkey, especially watch your finances and do not lend money to anyone. Also take care with health. If possible, avoid risks and new endeavors. This year you will find out who your real friends are.Rooster (aka Phoenix): Passionate, lively, decisive, candid, resourceful, courageous, generous, adventurous, hard-working, feisty, industrious, tough, confident, sincere, talented. Also arrogant, nit-picky, suspicious, a braggart, sermonizing, brazen. Good as a publicist, soldier, world traveler, restaurant owner.Compatible with Snakes and Ox, not Rabbits.In 2006: Lucky Rooster, this is your time for gaining back lost power or position! Expect travel and socializing this year. You'll gain some and lose less because of the dog's

influence on integrity and honesty. Watch out for brooding and unhappiness.Dog: Brave, honest, faithful, generous, intelligent, caring, philosophical, reliable, unpretentious, unselfish. Also guarded, introverted, critical, stubborn, worrisome, fault-finding, sardonic, pessimistic. Good as a business person, activist, instructor, secret agent.Compatible with Horses and Tigers, not Dragons.In 2006: Dog, this is the best year of your 12 year cycle! Endeavors are successful and career achievements are attained, though there will be no large profits. You will gain knowledge and find time for study or meditation. Pig (Boar): Devoted, cheerful, scrupulous, charitable, fair, sensitive, generous, peaceful, impartial, sincere, tolerant. Also defenseless, cynical, obstinate, insecure, gullible. Good as an entertainer, lawyer.Compatible with Rabbits and Sheep, not Snakes or other Pigs.In 2006: Pig, try

not to expect too much so as to avoid disappointment. Your past neglect, miscalculations, or errors in judgement come back to bite you now. Be careful who you trust and try to take criticism constructively. Moderation is the key to your success this year.________________________________HIMAVANTThe Layayogachakras-Group Owner!_______Join to:- prema-dharma- http://www.himavanti.orghttp://www.himawanti.orghttp://www.sacred-texts.com_______

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