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Good Friendship Shines ... !!!

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The Good Friend can show one the Right Way even to Eternal Bliss!!!


At Savatthi the Blessed Buddha once said: Bhikkhus, as dawn is the initiator and messenger of the rising sun, exactly & even so too, Bhikkhus, is Good Friendship the forerunner and originator for the arising of the Noble Eightfold Way, since when a Bhikkhu has a good friend, it is to be expected that he will develop, cultivate & complete this Noble Eightfold Way...And how does a Bhikkhu develop, cultivate & perfect this Noble Eightfold Way...A Bhikkhu first develops Right View, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion,ceasing, and culminating in release....Then he develops Right Motivation, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and culminating in release.... Then he develops Right Speech, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, andculminating in release.... Then he develops Right Action, which also is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and culminating in release.... Then he also developsRight Livelihood, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, & culminating in release. Then he develops Right Effort, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion,ceasing, and culminating in release. Then he develops Right Awareness, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and culminating in release.... Finally he developsRight Concentration, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and culminating in mental release.... It is in this way, Bhikkhus, that a Bhikkhu, who has a good & mentally beautiful friend develops, cultivates & consummates this supreme Noble Eightfold Way!


Source (edited extract):The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book V [30]45: The Way. Magga. Good & Beautiful Friendship. Kalyānamittatā 244. http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=948507http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/samyutta/index.html


With good will for the entire cosmos,cultivate a boundless & infinite mind,Above, below, across & all around,unobstructed, freed of irritation & hate.Sutta Nipata I, 8

The friend who is a helpmate,the friend in happiness and woe,the friend who gives good counsel,the friend who sympathizes too -- these four as friends the wise beholdand cherish them devotedlyas does a mother her own child. Digha Nikaya 31Who is hospitable, and friendly,Tolerant, generous and unselfish,A guide, an instructor, a leader,Such a one to honour may attain.Digha Nikaya 31One is not wise justbecause one speaks much. He who is peaceable, friendly & fearless is called wise. Dhammapada 258If you find a wise and clever friend who leads a good and pure life, you should, overcoming all obstacles, keep his company joyously and aware. Dhammapada 328



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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