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The 9 Supreme Persons Explained... !!!

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There are only these Nine Superior and Noble Persons!




The perfectly self-awakened Buddha...



The solitary self-awakened Buddha...



The one released both ways...



The one released by understanding...



The body-witness of direct experience...



The view-winner of straight comprehension...



The one released by faith...



The one guided by Dhamma...



The one guided by faith...


What sort of person is an perfectly self-awakened Buddha ?Here a certain person who, in regard to teachings he has not heard of before, himself thoroughly understands the 4 noble truths and attains the omniscience thereof as well as complete mastery over the fruitions! This sort of person is said to be a perfectly self-awakened Buddha...What sort of person is a solitary self-awakened Buddha ?Here a certain person who, in regard to teachings he has not heard of before, himself thoroughly understands the 4 noble truths, but attains neither the omniscience, nor the mastery over the fruitions thereof... This sort of person is said to be a solitary self-awakened Buddha...What sort of person is released in both ways ?Here a certain person himself experiencing directly & touches bodilythe eight stages of liberation, and furthermore by comprehending them by understanding, his mental fermentations are completely eliminated. This sort of person is said to be one released in both ways...

What sort of person is released by understanding ?Here a certain person without experiencing the eight stages of liberation, but having perceived them through understanding, his mental fermentations are completely eliminated. Such one is one released by understanding...

What sort of person is a body-witness of direct experience ?Here a certain person himself experiences the eight stages of liberation, and yet having perceived them also through understanding, only some of his mental fermentations are completely eliminated. This sort of person is said to be a body-witness of direct experience...What sort of person is one who has won view ?Here a certain person truly understands, that this is suffering, that such is the cause of suffering, that such is the ceasing of suffering, and that suchis the Way leading to the ceasing of suffering. The teachings explained by the Thus-come-thus-gone One, are comprehended by him and also practised! Yet having comprehended them, only some of his mental fermentations are eliminated. Such person is a noble view-winner of straight comprehension...What sort of person is released by faith ?Here a certain person truly understands that this is suffering, that such is the cause of suffering, that such is the ceasing of suffering, and that such is the Way leading to the ceasing of suffering. The teachings explained by the Thus-come-thus-gone One, are comprehended by him and also practised! Yet having comprehended them, only some of his mental fermentations are completely eliminated, though not in the same way, nor to the same degree as the view-winner. This sort of person is said to be one released by faith.

What sort of person is one guided by Dhamma ?The ability of understanding of a person, who is about to realize the fruition stage of a stream-attainer develops quite much, when he cultivates the noble way, which brings with it understanding and is initiated by understanding... This sort of person is said to be one guided by Dhamma. Such a person striving after the fruition stage of stream-attaining is one guided by Dhamma, while the same person established in the fruition is one who has won view.

What sort of person is one guided by faith ?The ability of faith of one about to realize the fruition stage of stream-attaining develops to a large extent. He cultivates the noble way, which brings with it faith and is initiated by faith. This sort of person is said to be one guided by faith. Such a person striving after the fruit of stream-attaining is one guided by faith, while the same person established in the fruition is released by faith.

Source:The 4th Higher Science = Abhidhamma Book: The Personality Concept: Puggala-Paññatti.http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=130096



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

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