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Openhanded Generosity ... !!!

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Generosity: The first mental Perfection:


And what is the treasure of generosity?When a disciple of the Noble Ones whosementality is all cleared of disgracing miserliness,living at home, is freely generous & open-handed,delighting in being magnanimous,responsive to every request & ,enjoying the giving of alms.Such is this treasure called generosity. AN VII 6 Just as a filled pot, which is overturnedpours out all its water, leaving nothing back,even & exactly so should one give to those in need.whether low, middle or high, like the overturned pot,holding nothing back. Jataka Nidana [128-129] The Generosity of Giving,The Kindness in Speech,The Benefit of Service,The Impartiality treating all Alike,These 4 threads of sympathyupholds this world like the axle do the cart. AN II 32 Giving food, one gives & gets strengthGiving clothes, one gives & gets beautyGiving light, one gives & gets visionGiving transportation, one gives & gets ease.Giving shelter one gives all,Yet one who instructs in the True Dhamma- The supreme Teaching of the Buddhas -Such one gives the quite divine ambrosia! SN I 32These are these five rewards of generosity:One is liked and charming to people at large,One is admired & respected by wise people,one's good reputation is spread wide about,One does not neglect a householder's true duties,and with the break-up of the body - at the momentof death - one reappears in a happy destination,in the plane of the divine worlds. AN V.35 There are these two kinds of gifts:material gifts & gifts of Dhamma.The supreme gift is that of Dhamma.There are these two kinds of sharing:material sharing & sharing of Dhamma.The supreme sharing is that of Dhamma.There are these two kinds of help:Material help & help with the Dhamma.This is the supreme of the two:help with the Dhamma … It 98 The gift of Dhamma exceeds all other gifts. Dhammapada 354 The Bodhisatta once as king Sivi gaveboth his eyes to a beggar who was Sakka theking deity in disguise, who desired to test him.He remembered "While I was wishing to give,while I was giving and after this giving therewas neither contrariety nor opposition in mind asit was for the purpose of awakening itself!Neither were these eyes nor the rest of myselfdisagreeable to me. Omniscience was dear to me,therefore I gave the eyes." The Basket of Conduct Cariyapitaka I-8 Full story: Sivi Jataka no. 499. The Bodhisatta once as the Wise Hare gavehis roasted body as alms by jumping into a fire:He remembered: "There came a beggar and askedfor food. Myself I gave so that he might eat. In almsthere was none equal to me. In alms I had therebyreached ultimate perfection."From then & the rest of this world-cycle the moonwill display a characteristic 'hare-in-the-moon' sign. Sasa-Jataka no. 316 Giving of things, treasures, external possessions, job,position, wife, & child is the first perfection of giving.Giving the offer of one's organs, limbs, & senses isthe second higher perfection of giving.Giving the sacrifice of one's life is the ultimateperfection of giving. The clarifier of sweet meaning 89 (Commentary on Buddhavamsa) Madhuratthavilasini [59] Venerable Buddhadatta: 5th century. Generosity is the first mental perfection (parami):Clinging creates internal panic and social tension.Giving creates internal elation and social harmony...What is gladly given returns more than thousandfold.


PS: Please included the word Samahita in any request, since thenwill my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond! Bhikkhu Samāhita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ! Let there be Happiness !!! http://groups.msn.com/DirectDhamma Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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