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Witdrawal Wins ... !!!

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Withdrawal is the Third Mental Perfection:



Withdrawal is Removal of MiseryWithdrawal is Extraction of Disease.Withdrawal is Pulling out the splinter of Pain.Withdrawal is Retraction from Danger.Withdrawal is Renunciation of Ill.Withdrawal is Letting Go of what is Burning.Withdrawal is Turning Away from what is Sorrow.Withdrawal is Seclusion from what is Grief.Withdrawal is Clearing of Captivating Illusions.Withdrawal is Waking Up from Enthralling Trance.Withdrawal is Freedom from Enslaving Addiction.Withdrawal is Protection of what is Entrapping.Withdrawal is Giving Up what is Detrimental.Withdrawal is Discharge of what is Infested.Withdrawal is Breaking out of the Prison.Withdrawal is Release from all Suffering...

Withdraw, as the man newly freed from prisondoes not at all wish himself back in prison! The Basket of Conduct, Cariyapitaka

Infatuated with lust, impassioned & obsessed,they are caught in their own self-created net,like a spider, which spins it's own web!Cutting through the Noble Friend withdraw & go free,Without longing, without greed, leaving all misery behind. Dhammapada 347

Blissful is solitude for the contented, learned & knowing True Dhamma.Blissful is harmlessness towards all breathing beings without exception.Blissful is freedom from all urge of sensual slavery whatsoever.Yet, supreme bliss, is the withdrawal from the abysmal conceit “I am”!’ Udana – Inspiration: II – 1The Bodhisatta once as the King Culasutasoma gave up his whole kingdom.Knowing this withdrawal to be an advantageous victory, he remembered:A mighty kingdom I possessed, as if it was dropped into my hands...Yet all this tantalizing luxury, I let fall without any even slight trace of longing nor clinging. This was my perfection of Withdrawal. Jataka no. 525 Lust, I say, is a great flood; a whirlpool sucking one down,a constant yearning, seeking a hold, continually active;difficult to cross is such morass of sensual desire...A sage does not deviate from good, but remains steady!A recluse stands on firm ground, when secluded;withdrawn from all, truly he is calmed & silenced!Having directly touched the Dhamma, he is independent.He behaves right & does not envy anyone anywhere...He who has left behind all pleasure arised from sensing,an attachment difficult to cut, is freed of both depression & longing, since he has cut across the flood, and is released. Sutta Nipata IV.15 Any being, that cools down all desires & greedy lusts,by being alert & ever aware of the inherent danger,by directing attention only to these disgusting aspectsof all phenomena, such one withdraw from craving andthereby wears down & breaks the chains of this prison. Dhammapada 350

If one gains an infinite ease by leaving a minor pleasure,the clever one should swap the luminous for that triflingsensual pleasure, by withdrawing from this trivial boredom. Dhammapada 290

The one who has reached the sublime end all perfected,is fearless, freed of craving, desireless and unclinging...Such one has broken the chains of being and is certainlywithdrawing into the final phase, wearing his last frame. Dhammapada 351

The household life is a cramped way, choked with dust.To leave it, is like coming out into the free space of open air!It is not easy for one who lives at home, to live the Noble lifecompletely perfect and pure, bright as mother-of-pearl. SurelyI will now shave off my hair & go forth into homelessness.


Only Misery Arises.Only Misery Ceases.Nothing good is thus lost by withdrawing from it all.



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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