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Enthusiastic is Energy ... !!!

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Energy is the Fifth Mental Perfection:




Energy means enthusiasmEnergy means effortEnergy means exertionEnergy means interestEnergy means endeavourEnergy means eagernessEnergy means initiativeEnergy means intensityEnergy means actionEnergy means forceEnergy means powerEnergy means keennessEnergy means devotionEnergy means dedicationEnergy means determinationEnergy means commitmentEnergy means enjoyment

Energy pave the way for success in all & any project ...Energy is thereby instrumental for all the perfections.Without energy can no achievement ever be accomplished. The proximate cause for energy is a sense of urgency !!!The characteristic of energy is striving, it's function iseffort, and the manifestation of energy is endurance.


Get up! Sit up!Of what use are your dreams ?How can you sleep, when sick,stabbed by the arrow of craving. Sutta Nipata 331 Get up! Sit up!Push on your training, until reaching sole peace!Do not let the king of death see you sloppy and thus delude & dominate you like a toy doll... Sutta Nipata 332

Possessed of Energy & Endurancebe always earnest in your training.The clever One is not satisfied before the goal of ending all misery, is wholly achieved. Theragatha 585

It is too cold, it is too hot...,It is too early, it is too late!Such bad excuses, make onegive up the training & miss onemore precious opportunity... DN 31

This straight Way has now been clearly shown:Don’t hesitate, walk forward & do not turn around.Urge yourself to advance further by your own Energy,only thus will you obviously approach & attain Nibbana! Theragatha 637

The effort to prevent & to eliminate evil,to develop & to maintain good: These arethe 4 right efforts, taught by the Buddha. AN II 17

And what, friends, is feeding the Energy Link to Enlightenment, not yet arisen, & food too for boosting of the present Energy ? The element of initiative,The element of exertion,The element of endurance. Systematic attention to these, is feeding the yet unarisen Energy Link to Awakening, & food too for boosting any present Energy. Samyutta Nikaya XLVI 51 Bojjhanga-samyutta

At such times, friends,when the mind is Slow, Sluggish, and Heavy:Then it is the Right Occasion: for cultivating theInvestigation-by-curiosity enlightenment-factor,for cultivating the Energy-of-Enthusiasm enlightenment-factor,for cultivating the Rapture-of-Joy enlightenment-factor...Why is it so ? When the mind is slow, sluggish, and heavy,it is Easily Raised Up by exactly these mental qualities. Suppose, friends, that a man wants a fire to blaze up,and he put on dry grass, dry wood sticks and blow itwith dry hot air and do not cover it with any dust,would that man then see his fire blaze up ? Certainly So, Lord... SN V, 46. Bojjhanga-samyutta Well then, Moggallana, whatever experience you had in mind whendrowsiness demoralized you down, don't attend to that experience,don't follow it. Remember instead the Dhamma, as you have heard & memorized it, reflect on & examine it! Then raise up & repeat aloudthe details of Dhamma, as you have learnt it! Then pull both yourearlobes and rub your limbs with both your hands.! Then get up fromyour seat, and after washing your eyes with cold water, look around & upward in all directions and identify the major stars & planets!Then attend to the experience of inner light, resolve on the clearperception of daytime, by night as by day, and by day as by night!By means of an awareness thus open, unhindered & vivid, develop the bright mind. It's possible, that by doing this, you will shake off yourlethargy... But if by doing this you don't shake off your laziness, then continually noting what is both in front & behind set of a distance to meditate walking back & forth, your senses inwardly settled, while your mind is not getting lost outwards. It is possible that by doing this you will finally shake off your sluggishness. Anguttara Nikaya VII 58

Born as the Brahmin Mahajanaka, the Bodhisatta was once,aboard a ship sinking far from shore. All the crew werein great panic...!!! The Bodhisatta though ate his belly fullof sugar & ghee, oiled his clothes and swam continuouslyfor 7 days towards the shore, until he was rescued by anocean guarding female devata. Later he remembered:"Even far out at sea, where many men were lost, yet still unruffled by worry was my mind. This was my perfection of Energy." Mahajanaka-Jataka no. 539





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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