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Decisive is Determination... !!!

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Resolute Determination is the Eighth Mental Perfection:


Only determination can completely fulfill the other mental perfections!It's characteristic is an unwavering decision, it's function is to overcome it's opposites, & it's manifestation is unfaltering persistence in this task... The proximate cause of determination is strong willpower to succeed!Only the vigour of resolute determination lifts any praxis to perfection...

When the Future Buddha turned his back to the trunk of the Bodhi tree,then he right there made this mighty decision: 'Let just the blood & flesh of this body dry up & let the skin & sinews fall from the bones. I will not leave this seat before having attained the absolute supreme Enlightenment!' So determined did he invincibly seat himself, which not even 100 earthquakes could make him waver from. Jataka Nidana

A female lay follower (Upasika) at the time of the Buddha kept theprecepts, comprehended the nature of impermanence, the consequentfragility of the body and thereby won stream-entry (Sotapanna).After passing away, she re-arised as the favourite attendant of Sakka,the king of Gods. Reviewing her own merit, she remembered her prioradmonition to herself:



‘Let this body break up as it may,herein will not be any excuse orrelaxation of the effort...!!!’

Whose mind is like a rock, unwavering, immovable,without a trace of lust of urging towards the attractions,without a trace of aversion of pushing away the repulsive,from what, can such a refined mind ever suffer ? Udana IV - 4 Using the tools of Faith, Morality, Effort, Determination,Meditation and true Understanding of this Dhamma,one gradually perfect first knowledge & then behavior.So equipped & aware, one may eliminate all of this greatheap of suffering once and for all ... Dhammapada 144


My mind is firm like a rock,unattached to sensual things,no shaking in the midst of a world, where all is decaying.My mind has been thus well developed,so how can suffering ever touch me? Theragatha 194



The four decisive determinations:One should not neglect the Dhamma,One should guard well the Truth,One should be devoted to Withdrawal,and one should train only for Peace. Majjhima Nikaya 140

What is being determined for right Motivation ?The decision for being motivated by withdrawal,The decision for being motivated by good-will,The decision for being motivated by harmlessness:This is being determined for right Motivation. Samyutta Nikaya XLV 8

Fearing being predestined for Hell if he became a King, who had to punish criminals violently, the Bodhisatta determined not to show anyintelligence, and play dump, deaf and cripple for sixteen years, onlyshowing his abilities, when he was on the verge of being buried alive!This was his ultimate perfection of resolute determination... The Basket of Conduct: Cariyapitaka


PS: Please include the word Samahita in any request, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond! Bhikkhu Samāhita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm Free Bliss !!! http://groups.msn.com/DirectDhamma Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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