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The 3rd Noble Truth on The Ceasing of Suffering ... !!!

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The Third Noble Truth: Cessation of Craving Stops Suffering!!!


The blessed Buddha once said:One should dwell reflecting on all phenomena as mental states in the light of these Four Noble Truths. How does one do so? Here, one sees, understands, and knows this as it verily is:


This and such is suffering! This craving is the cause & origin of all suffering!This absence of craving is the ceasing of all suffering!This Noble 8-fold Way is the method to eradicate all suffering!

And what, monks, is the 3rd Noble Truth on the ceasing of Suffering? It is the complete fading away, ceasing, elimination, & eradication of all craving.It is the relinquishing release from craving, the detaching liberation from craving.And how is such freeing removal of craving, how is such ceasing of craving gained? Wherever in the world there is anything attractive and pleasant, it is right there and right then, on the spot, that this craving is deliberately left behind & ceases...And what is there in this world, which is attractive and pleasant?The eye, in this world, is attractive and pleasant, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body, the mind is attractive and pleasant, and there this craving ceases and gradually fades away. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and mental states are attractive & amusing, & there this craving ceases & bit by bit comes to an end. Eye-consciousness, ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, mental-consciousness in this world is attractive & alluring, and there this craving ceases and finally finish. All Eye-contact, ear-contact, nose-contact, tongue-contact, body-contact, mental-contact in this world is attractive and tempting, and there this craving ceases and slowly leave off. Any feeling born of eye-contact, ear-contact, nose-contact, tongue- contact, body-contact, mind-contact in the world is appealing & fascinating, and right there this craving ceases and steadily die away. The perception and experience of any sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tangibles, & thoughts is quite interesting and captivating, and there this craving ceases & grows dim. Intention, wishing, wanting and hoping for certain sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, thoughts, ideas and mental states is enthralling & intriguing, and there this craving ceases and dissolves itself. The craving itself, the drive, push & rush for various sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tangibles, & many mental-objects in this world is attractive and seductive, and there this craving also ceases & progressively eliminates itself. Thinking of any sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tangibles, and mental-objects in thisworld is attractive & tantalizing, there this craving ceases & falls off drop by drop.Prolonged pondering on certain sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tangibles & the manifold diversity of mental objects in this world is attractive & enticing, & there this craving also fades away, is stilled, ceases, & is finally all eliminated... And that, bhikkhus, is called the 3rd Noble Truth on the Ceasing of Suffering...


Source (edited extract):The Long Speeches of the Buddha. Digha Nikaya. Book II [306-314] Thread: The Foundations of Awareness. Mahāsatipatthāna Sutta 22. http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=251033http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/digha/index.html



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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