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How to Cure Anger & Irritation ... !!!

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Anger, Aversion, Irritation & Opposition are all diluted Hate:



How to cure these painful derivatives of Hate:

1: Review the Danger in Hate like this: 'Ooh this can bring me to a bad destination, the downfall, to pain, even to hell!'

2: Know the outlet is Patience, Tolerance and Forbearance:The Buddha once said: The greatest praxis is patience...

3: Begin and Cultivate meditation on Infinite Friendliness:Sit down a silent & empty place with closed eye and beam from this the heart:'May I be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!' then:'May my friends be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May my enemies be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this village be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this town be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this city be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this country be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this earth be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this galaxy be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!''May all in this universe be successful & happy, calmed & freed from all hostility & anger!'so gradually expanding up to and beyond the limitations of space and into the infinitude!!!

4: Note the acute elation & joy of the mind so cultivated by infinite goodness as the 'sign'!Whenever aversion, anger or irritation reappears, then immediately redirect mind to thisremembered sign=nimitta of the mind released into infinite good-will. Please indeed note that the anger instantly evaporates and an ability to smile of ones' own foolish temper canbegin to shine outward.

5: Know that this training on Infinite Friendliness can induce the first jhāna absorption,and therefore can lead to a high rebirth as a divinely fine material brahma deva.

6: Keep on doing that 15-45 min every day. Note the difference in mentality during the day!

May all beings be free from suffering, pain and frustration. May all beings live happily.May all beings be free from hate, anger, aversion, irritation, opposition & stubbornness!




Let no one deceive anotheror despise anyone anywhere,or through anger or irritationwish for another to suffer. Khuddakapatha 9

Slay anger and you will be happy, slay anger and you will not sorrow. For the slaying of anger in all forms with its poisoned root & sweet sting that is the slaying the nobles praise; with anger slain one weeps no more. Samyutta Nikaya I, 161

Not by anger is Hate ever quenched.Only by Kindness is Hate always quenched.This Ancient Law is an Eternal ... Truth ...Dhammapada 5


see also:The Elimination of Anger, Slaying Anger




PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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