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How to Cure Cruelty and Revengefulness ... !!!

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Cruelty, Brutality, Mercilessness & Revengefulness are all diluted Hate:



How to cure these painful derivatives of Cruelty:

1: Review the Danger in Cruelty like this: 'Ooh this can bring me to a bad destination, the downfall, to pain, even to hell!''Ooh this is a path of thorns, an evil way, a dark state, conflict, violence, pain!'

2: How does a friend dwell pervading one direction with his heart endued with pity (karuna) ? Just as he would feel pity on seeing an unlucky, unfortunate person, so he pervades all beings with infinite pity. Therefore first of all he imagines a poor man, unlucky, unfortunate, in every way a fit object for pity, ugly, reduced to utter misery, with hands and feet cut off, sitting in the shelter for the helpless, with an empty pot in front of him, with maggots oozing from sores on hands and legs, moaning, infinite pity should be felt for him in this way: 'This being has been reduced to utter misery! If he just could be freed from this misery...' Then later one can arouse the same pity & compassion for a neutral person and later even any wrong-doing person! This is mastery of pity: Compassion even with an Evil One!

3: All wrong doing is caused by blindness and craving. A real pity for the wrong-doers! All wrong-doers will thus suffer immensely in the future. How sad for these beings!

4: Begin and Cultivate meditation on Infinite pity:Sit down a silent & empty place with closed eye and beam from this the heart:May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating awareness of infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating examination of infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating energetic infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating joyous infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating stilled infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating concentrated infinite pity.May I and all beings be free from all cruelty by cultivating imperturbable infinite pity.Beaming first out in front, then right, then left, then down below and so also up above:May all beings be free from suffering, pain and frustration. May all beings live happily.May all beings be free from hate, cruelty, brutality, mercilessness & revengefulness!




One who is virtuous and wiseshines like a blazing fire;like a bee collecting nectarhe acquires wealth by harming none! Digha Nikaya III, 188

May all creatures, all living things,all beings one and all,experience good fortune only.May they not fall into harm!Anguttara Nikaya II, 72

Solitude is happiness for anyone who is content, sees clearly,who has heard the Dhamma.Gentle kindness is happiness in this worldHarmlessness towards all living beings!Udana 10


see also:Detachment and Compassion in Early Buddhism, AN VI.13, SN XLII.8, AN V.161



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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