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Solo Self-Deception ... !!!

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The Concept of 'Ego' is a mentally constructed Catastrophe!

The blessed Buddha once pointed out: Bhikkhus, these ideas: 'I am...', 'I am this...', 'I will be...', 'I shall not be...','I shall be of such form', 'I shall be formless...', 'I will experience such...', 'I will not experience...', 'I shall be neither percipient nor non-percipient...', are all self-deceptions, are all conceited fantasies, are all whimsy illusions, are all agitated excitations, are escalated proliferations and are all inflated,vain & narcissistic self-love, leading to egotism, puffed pride & arrogance...Such self-deceptions are all diseases, such ego-conceits are all tumours, suchegocentric phantasms are all internal, agonizing and nailing hooks in the mind!!!Therefore, bhikkhus & friends, you should train yourselves in this very way: We will dwell with a mind unperturbed by any 'I exists...' conceiving...We will dwell with a mind purified of any 'I am this or that ...' self-deception...We will dwell with a mind uninvolved in any 'I will be this or that...' illusion...We will dwell with a mind without any 'I shall not be this/that...' agitation...We will dwell with a mind devoid of any 'I shall have such a form' fantasy...We will dwell with a mind cleaned of any 'I shall be formless...' escalation...We will dwell with a mind empty of 'I will experience such...' proliferation...We will dwell with a mind cleared of any 'I will not experience...' excitation...We will be freed of 'I shall be neither percipient nor non-percipient...' dreams...Since these ideas are all self-deceptions, are all conceited fantasies, are all whimsy illusions, are all agitated excitations, are escalated proliferations and are all inflated, vain & narcissistic self-centred ego-love, leading to egotism, pride & arrogance... Self-deceptions are all mental diseases; ego-conceits are all expansions; egocentric phantasms are all internally agonizing & painful hooks nailing any mind to inestimable future suffering!!! The cure is understanding thefundamental selflessness of all things, whether they are internal or external... Thus should you train yourselves...

Comment: This inherent and somewhat hidden 'ego-idea', which seems innocent,is the core cause of all egoism, asocial behaviour, crime, conflicts & even wars !!!Therefore is it advantageous to repeatedly try to understand this absolute truth:

Sabbe Dhamma Anatta: All Phenomena are without any Self!However counter-intuitive, puzzling, paradoxical & strange it may seem initially...


Source (edited extract):The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book IV 202-3The 6 senses section 35: Thread on The sheaf of barley. (248) http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=948507http://www.accesstoinsight.org/canon/samyutta/index.html



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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