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Is this text understandable and without gramatical etc. mistakes in English? If there are sensless statements or mistakes please let me know... Thank You! _____________________ Who am I Who am I ? Revealing the essence of once being and the purpose of living. Every single man needs to find out the purpose and sense of living for himself. The lack of life purposes and the feeling of nonsensical existence becomes the cause of many crisises, nervous breakdowns, depressions or even suicides. From the very beginning of human existence Orient Masters have recommended searching for oneself inside one’s Self, Ego or Soul, leading to understanding the individual role or place in society and the essence of searching the sense of life. Who am I? Where am I going? Where do I come from? – these are the Three Great Questions that the ancients and contemporary Sages and Pundits have offered people to careful consideration, reflections, afterthoughts and meditation. It only needs to draw few deep breaths, focus and to empathise with oneself, with the own

body, the own soul and than it is only to keep inside one of these scrutinising and inquiring questions with simultaneous observing the own reactions of thoughts, feelings, associations, reminiscences and visualisations. It is important to spend at least few minutes a day for learning ourselves and trying to inquire the essence of oneself during long time period of few and more years to discover the deepest targets and the life sense of our pilgrimage. Who am I? –The very basic question, a kind of reflection, and the answer for sure will crystallise for the most persistent, after some time of attempts and experiments. It is recommended to jot down the most interesting reflections to sum up one day the way of personal cognition. The man should not be satisfied with simple, quick and trivial answers, nor with the common platitudes, which will appear for sure at the beginning, but should patiently bore and explore the depth of his own individualness. We are not restricted by any sex, age, profession, race or religion and as living existences, Souls or Selfs, we can deeply penetrate the internal truth about ourselves, but yet it was a kind of reflection, meditation, well known by each Indo-European nation, including Slavs. When you are lying, lie straight on your back, with hands and legs scattered loose. And if you sit, do it with the straight back as well, sit straight, firmly and stable and for inquiring your internal essence close your eyes and just feel

yourself in your body! The best body position for contemplating and meditation is sitting-kneeling (the Japan way) or cross-sitting with your legs rolled up (the Turkish sitting). Both ways of sitting, called as well as natural, have a good influence to health, the work of heart, circulation improvement and relaxation. The people touched by illnesses are usually very firm and inflexible though, so they must get used to these ways of sitting during reflection or meditation. The great questions are studied as a kind of inquiring oneself by Christian mystics in monasteries, by adepts of Buddhist Zen, meditating yogis or Zaratustra tradition performers. Realising oneself the essence of own nature, the answer of who we are and where does the human Soul or Ego goes liberates man from many problems like shyness, unconsciousness, anxiety, feeling of wandering around, peccancy and inadequatness; and it liberates from many nuisances to set a person in a right place, in appropriate role,

appropriate job, relation, mission, in correct time and company. Life of fate stops interrupting and starts helping only if a man becomes himself, which means to be who he really is and fulfils himself spontaneously! Every Master of Sage or even a clairvoyant could actually point or suggest a man his role and place, his tasks to do, targets to aim in life, but what a poor benefit would be that, if a person is not faithful enough, does not trust enough to believe in it all. That is why true Sages would rather help somebody to get to know how to make this effort of self-recognition

and self-understanding than to inform somebody about individual aims of a soul. We practice the system of guidance, we point the direction and make a description of a place you have to get to. But a man has to face the difficulty of practice to get it. A Master gives certain general knowledge, that makes constant questioning oneself about who I really am leading to better fate an a constant harmony in life; also it relieves a man from depressions, breakdowns and all pessimistic instincts caused by the feeling of senselessness, which is really a lot. A man that understands his heart can also make right decisions quickly, which are always profitable in life! Karman is nothing else but a coincidence, a tangle of conditionings, which cause certain, usually unexpected consequences, and one of the possibilities of a complete analysis, the research of oneself is to realise the way how former desires, thoughts and fears or reflections influence the present human life. The nowadays predestine does usually result from the tangle of former causes, decisions, habits, desires, the upbringing and gained knowledge. Especially the children’s dreams or imaginations can significantly influence the grown-up living decisions and choices or to co-operate in creating many life situations. And many people do not associate these probable causes with further results. Who does remember his dreams, imaginations or desires from ten or more years back, who makes an analysis of the tangle of conditionings, decisions or movements. Inquiring the nature of who we are is of course connected with the influence that parents

which always form a child’s mind according to their will and beliefs. But a human soul does not have to suffer from parent’s mistakes, sins or failures. It is all about to liberate from it! The process of healing chronic illnesses is usually connected to realising oneself everything that could be the simultaneous reason that caused the pathological condition, with taking to a particular consideration the factors which happen to be the own mistakes, bad style of living, inappropriate movements or bad thoughts! Even if a healer suggests probable reasons, the man has to observe them himself completely and penetrate the layers of his memory from many years or decades to

verify the real causes and states which makes present reactions. Self-realising the former causes usually brings a relieve and positive suggestions of therapist or self suggestions help to erase from interior and ease tension of accumulated mental energy of emotions, thoughts, desires, fears, anger, sorrow or bad memories from past! The usual cause of pathological states and suffering are not drastic experiences but a prosaic, mundane, false convictions, for which we have fought with full emotional commitment. The mystique calls believing in false doctrines as a mental cancer. Such dogmas we gain at school during history lessons, such we are taught by parents or wrong religion beliefs or even politics’ lies. The mental leprosy, gangrene or cancer, which we call the false beliefs or doctrines, can be and usually are the important cause of very real physical illnesses, and releasing from false assumptions usually causes the miracle of healing, so the medical sudden, autonomous

resignation of illness, a self-healing! Both when searching for Enlightenment, and more pragmatic, when searching for healing, the methods of exploring oneself, self-analysis and questioning who am I , become very profitable and helpful. The liberation from feeling of senselessness of life if for many people a kind of milestone ahead in life, it is a step that liberates from thoughts of suicide and destructive tendencies, which often can lead to self-extermination both by addictions and accidents, so not only by classical ways of committing suicide! The method of complete observing own interior is addressed to everybody, no matter the age, who got lost in his life and does not know what to do

now. It is addressed to every person that had experienced a kind of crisis in her life, to us all we recommend the three great questions! Who am I, where do I go, where do I come from, these are like three jewels or treasures within all questions that a human can ask himself during the process of realising the depth of his nature out of the time and space! What is important, is the thinking process, wile repeating these questions and feeling oneself patiently, feeling the interior of own nature during asking the question and after that, observing the feeling, emotions, impressions. The Enlightenment in it’s origins is a kind of deepen understanding, intuition and realising oneself and own relations with environment, and also with this, what is higher! Adhikāra is the most important aim in life, the most significant sense of life, is the mission of a human on Earth and the exploration and execution your Great Aim of life means the total fulfilment of yourself- the total Selfrealisation. Although many are searching, only few go away from this Earth with a feeling of complete fulfilment and well-lived life as wholeness. According to mystics the death is a kind of summary, a review of the wholeness of life. And the High Spirit assess everybody, either good or bad. Adhi means , what is the highest and enlightened, and Kāra means exercising, practice, so the fulfilment of life is just the Highest Practice for every human, for each human Soul. Woe betide those who do not discern and miss once vocation, because they miss themselves and separate from their Souls, causing the misfortune and bad fate!

____________ ____________LINUX: http://www.mandriva.pl____________OM SRI LALITAMOHANE NAMAH JAI SRI GURUDEVA BABAJI SIDDHI HUM!!!OM NAMAH SHIVAAYAH! OM NAMAH SHIVAAYAH! OM NAMAH SHIVAAYAH!General Representative of The Himavanti Confraternity Order;Przedstawiciel i Sekretarz Generalny Bractwa Zakonego Himawanti:PRIYASRI-DEVI-MAEWA ALIYAH SARAHP.O. Box 29; 44-100 Gliwice 1; Poland; EU; phone: +48-508-777921 E-mail to: priyasrimatajiwww.himavanti.org www.himawanti.orgDAKSZINA i DLUGI: Ewa Sarah: ING Bank Slaski o/GliwiceNr PL 32 1050 1298 1000 0022 9218 5416Swift: INGBPLPWOM NAMAH SHIVAAYAH! OM


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