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Feeling: Causes and Effects ... !!!

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What is the Causes & Effects of Feeling (Vedanā)?






There is Pleasant Feeling = mental joy & bodily pleasure...There is Painful Feeling = mental sadness & bodily pain...There is neither Pleasant nor Painful Feeling = Neutral equanimity...These are the 3 basic feelings!


Near Cause: Contact!


The immediate Cause of Feeling is Contact: Eye-contact, Ear-contact, Nose-contact,Tongue-contact, Body-contact and Mental-contact...At the momentary arising of Contact, the associated Feeling also immediately arises...At the momentary ceasing of Contact, the associated Feeling also immediately ceases...Contact between sense organ, object & consciousness is the proximate cause of feeling...


Remote Causes:


The distant causes of Feeling is 1: Ignorance of the fact that all feeling ultimately issuffering. In this ignorance 2: Craving for certain feelings causes feeling to arise later.The 3: Kamma (Action) of wishing (mental action) to be able to feel & be touched by various contacts later conditions feeling to arise. Ignorance, craving and past actions are thusthe remote causes conditioning the arising of feeling also and even many lives later...




The Effects of the phenomena Feeling is, when Unawareness is co-existent:Craving towards the object = Attraction, when the feeling is pleasant... Craving away from the object = Repulsion, when the feeling is painful... Craving towards another object = Neglect, when the feeling is neutral... If Unaware, Pleasant Feeling will thus cause the arising of Desire & Craving! If Aware, Pleasant Feeling will not thus cause the arising of neither Desire nor Craving! If Unaware, Painful Feeling will thus cause the arising of Aversion & Anger. If Aware, Painful Feeling will not thus cause the arising of neither Aversion nor Anger. If Unaware, Neutral Feeling will thus cause the arising of Neglect & Ignorance. If Aware, Neutral Feeling will not thus cause arising of neither Neglect nor Ignorance. The secondary side-effects of Feeling may thus indeed be: Greed, Hate, & Ignorance...




Pleasant Feeling is only agreeable when arising, yet disagreeable when ceasing!Painful Feeling is only disagreeable when arising, yet agreeable when ceasing!Neutral Feeling is only quite agreeable, when one is aware of it's presence, yet it is quite dull & disagreeable, when one is unaware of it's presence!




Feeling is - as everything else - that is conditioned & constructed:Transient, impermanent, passing, unkeepable & unmaintainable...Dissatisfactory, disappointing, frustrating, painful & miserable...Impersonal, selfless, ownerless & not-Me-nor-I-nor-Mine-nor-Self...


Apparent Paradox:


There exists indeed this changing phenomena Feeling, yet there is no Feeler behind it...Conditioned by contact it comes into being, without any agent creating or using it...Question: Who Feels? Answer: Nobody feels! Q: What feels? A: Feeling itself feels!Q: What does feeling feel? A: Feeling feels pleasure, pain and neither-pleasure-nor-pain!


The blessed Buddha said:


Everything - all mental states - come together, converges and merges on this Feeling ...




PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.

Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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