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Laya yoga. Introductory definitions

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Laya yoga. Introductory definitions


by Acharya Lait Mohan G.K.





Laya yoga is a path of chakra's purification and development. It contains

all sadhanas of yoga - the ways of practicing. It particularly introduces

internal structure of human being and all it's substances. Laya is

well-known for presenting ways of purifying chakras and this what we call

aura, an energetic trimming of a man.





Sthulla- sarira is our physical cover, a thick substance. Linga-sarira is

more subtle substance called an ethereal double. It is a substance of Chi

(energy of life) and a substance of instinct or biological needs. Kahuns use

to call it a spectral substance, kinoaka. Kama-sarira is a substance of

emotions and passion, desire and emotional devotion or wishes as well.

Simultaneously it may be called an astral body. Manas-sarira is a substance

of intellect, memory, thinking and imaginations. It is a lower mind, mental






Kama and manas are usually strongly connected with each other. It means that

a thought and emotion are usually synchronous. Kahuns call conglomeration of

kama-manas unihipili. It is like our thinking and excited child, lover ego

or personality. Whole body of linga-kama-manas is called prakriti i.e.

nature, matter. It is entirety of psychical matter, whole element of lover

ego (widen of energy and sex level below unihipili).





Chakras - centers of energy seem to be like organs in ethereal body, inside

them in linga-sarira develops our conscience and energetic potentials. These

centers influence varied part of physical body. We can cause healing

influence to certain parts or functions of our organism. Chakras exist in

each substance. The most perceptible for use are centers of ethereal body

(linga). Part of human deeper than personality is purusha or brahman, our

eternal essence. It is threefold in it's aspects so it creates three upper






Sutrama-manas is a higher mind, a causal body - kazaul. Here is located the

memory of karma, so the record of previous lifes. It is a level from which

the law of karma functions, it is a law of return, law of repayment. This

level creates our future incarnations. It is a substance of abstraction,

ideas, understanding and cosmic intelligence.





Budhi is a substance of awaking, intuition, wisdom, peace, synthesis,

feelings and knowledge. Here we achieve the level of consciousness

development as Rama, Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Zarathushtra,

Jesus, Muhammad, Sai Baba and many others great masters of our planet did.





Atma is a substance of will and strength, power and freedom. It is called a

breath of God. Cosmic, nourishing breath is located here, from which reveals

the screenplay of humanity formation. Kahuns call Sutrama-manas and budhi as

Aumakua, so the higher ego or parental pair of higher egos. Atma is a source

of contact called Poe Aumakua, which means the field or space of divine






Three upper substances create the spiritual area of our interior. Is a

primary nature by Buddhists and Christ's awareness of Christian mystics. We

are speaking about higher Trinity.


So there are four important planes, on which person is spiritually






Sthulla- physical, material, corporal consciousness. Greeks used to call

physical body as soma.


Prakriti- physical consciousness, the consciousness of soul, also called

lunar, lower personality or ego. Greeks used to call it psyche.


Purusha (Brahman) - spiritual consciousness, higher and solar one,

consciousness of masters and saints. Greeks used to call it as pneuma. It is

a sun supporting and illuminating lower nature.


Ishvara- divine consciousness of avatar, existence of God. Greeks used to

call it as Theos. Ishvara can be expressed in two rings: Anupadaka -

external part of divinity (arab. Sifat) and Adi (zat) - internal part of

divinity. Logos, primary, uncreated light, source out of which everything

comes from, even the manifestation of God.


Antahkarana- a thread of life, an energy canal, which links all stages and

levels of consciousness. It consists of three main energy channels,

connected with each other, which we call gunas. Their colours are blue, red

and yellow. Prakriti and Brahman are synchronised and controlled by energies

which come from Ishvara. Kahuns call it as aka, a thread, line or lead. It

is berth in the center of heart, in anahata. More about read below.



Yoga means mainly unification or communion. It is harmonized path of all

human's substances by surrounding them with consciousness. When taking the

width of consciousness under consideration we can distinguish four human

types: materialist, intellectual, holist, yogin.



The source, founder and highest teacher of yoga on Earth is master known as

Shiva, revered by many as God or Half-God. In invisible spaces he lives

around of the top of Kailas Mountain in India. He comes down in different

ages and initiates various ways of yoga, which are presently helpful to

humanity. He is well known for these descents as Babaji, which means

Honourable Father. He is a father indeed and is directly or indirectly a

founder of various forms of yoga. Advanced trainees of yoga are his primary

students. There is a mantra (sound formula) calling up for Shiva. It sounds

like Om Namah Shivaya. It serves to deeper meditation with Shiva, the master

of yoga. As a master he gives the deepest initiations in arcana of yoga in

all it's various forms.



Shiva recommends the path of self-discipline, moderation, friendship,

openness, joy, sacrifice; self-realising, favour, resistant, freedom and

mastery, which all describe the essence of yoga.


Hatha yoga is the most external training formula of yoga, and laya yoga is

the most internal one. They are like one coin, and all it's variations are

like fragmentary aspects of work one and the same yoga at different stages

of our development.



Because of physical body and it's energy appears hatha yoga. Because of

energy's substance appear it's varieties as prana yoga, considering energy

of life, lingam yoni yoga working on energy of life, or tantra yoga which

links two of them. Yogis sometimes show controversies in European culture,

the cause is lack of knowledge basic symbols of yoga and the general lack of

knowledge in the field of basic spiritual matters, like understanding of

Ishvara- divinity as a pair of cosmic parents, fulfilling themselves

energies. Chinese symbol yin-yang can be appropriate for those great forms

of yoga. Third level is bhakti yoga connected with development of astral

body- kama. And fourth is connected with mental body- manas, and it is

called as jnana yoga. It is a path of wisdom and knowledge and spiritual

knowledge as well.



Methods of laya yoga that refer to development and purifying center of

energy in ethereal body (linga-sharira) are generally called as kundalini

tantra yoga. Methods of Tantra contain breathing exercises, sound and vision

techniques. Generally breathing yoga is called as raiyu yoga. It contains

all activities with breathing. Work based on sounds is called as mantra yoga

and vision or imaginations methods are called as dhyana yoga or yoga of

light (adhi yoga). It is about meditation on imagination of chosen item of

practice. Usually these items are lights, balls or canals of energy.



All these detailed forms of yoga are basic practice system for purifying and

deeper development of our physical interior and finally for opening canals

and unification of psyche and spirit.


Work with chakras is like first step to self-purification and broadening of

consciousness, to higher levels. Through chakras we have an insight into

deeper fields of reality than the deepest part, which is material world.


Prana is energy of life or vital force of our organism. Linga-sharira leads

it through energy canals called nadi. It is a basic force of life and it

flows in every single canal of energetic body and can be perceived as many

various lights. The colour of primary prana energy penetrating universe is

white. The colour of prana penetrating and healing our physical body is




The source of prana for our body and psyche is our higher ego, so purusha or

brahman. Hebrews used to call it nefet, Muslims call it baraka, Polynesians

call it mana, Taoists call it chi and Japanese - ki.



Flows or prana, no matter direction and source, have different names and

functions. These are two exemplary streams:





Udana: stream of energy lead to the top of head which works from up there to

the navel or a little lower to the interior of abdomen. It is cosmic energy.

It can be lead in through legs or indrawn of breath. This energy enables

conscious passing away and it protects from physical and psychical dirt. It

enables levitation. It's like a breath of water.


Samana: stream of energy which starts around navel and leads vital force to

every part of body. Vital force broadens from the navel to whole body and

fill it all. It is fiery breath.





This is list of basic chakras in ethereal body. There is seven of them and

they are symbolically described in blossom of lotus forms (padma).


1. Muladhara - center at the basis of trunk, which root is around coccyx and

the central part at height of crotch. Mula means root and dhara - reservoir.

Speaking symbolically this flower has got three petals, which are three

energy canals (nadi). It rules over Earth element and is penetrated by

energy of tamaguna (inertia). Basic colour of aura is blue, and the symbol

is a cross or triangle with its top downward (symbol of womb). It contacts

us with ethereal.


2. Svadhishthana - center below navel, in lower part of abdomen. Sva- is

ego, dhi- light, shthana- place. It is very important center, abode of light

of Self (lower Self). The root of this center is placed in lower part of

lumbar vertebras, and inside lower abdomen. This chakra is built of six

colourful petals formed in two triads. Its symbol is crescent or six-pointed

star. It controls the water element (yala), and is controlled by rajaguna

(passion). Basic colour of aura (opening one) is red. This center contacts

us with astral body (kama). In fact there is also seventh, central canal of

energy or petal when speaking symbolically, which colour is white.


3. Manipura (-ka) - stomach center, above navel, usually called as solar

plexus. It's root is located in lower part of brest vertebras and the flower

grows in upper part of abdominal cavity. Mani means a jewel and pura-

garden. So it is a garden of jewels. It controls fire element and is

controlled by stream of satvaguna - energy of harmony and goodness. Basic

colour of aura is yellow, and the symbol are three triangles inside circle.

It contains ten energy channels or petals. And it enables contact with

mental world (manas).


4. Anahata - heart center, dorsal, also called as a bell. It is located

inside chest and it's root between spatulas. Opening colour is golden-yellow

and also white as far as spiritual arcana are concerned. Anahata means

sound, word, vibration. It controls element of air, wind, and bound to all

three gunas. Element of air is an opening one, than it transfers into water

or fire element. It's symbol is twelve-rayed sun, the same petals it has.

Through heart we simultaneously penetrate three worlds.


5. Vishuddhi - center in upper part of neck, behind the tongue. Important

functions of this center are control of ether element (akasha, light) and

power on four other elements, contact with causal body, and stimulation of

creative forces. Colour opening is emerald (blue-green) or silver. Vishuddhi

is a light of purification. It is lead by tamaguna (inertia). It consists of

sixteen streams of energy or petals. Through this center we read record of

karma. Symbol of it is empty circle.


6. Ajna - center inside head, located at height of forehead and ears. It is

often called as third eye responsible for clairvoyance through time and

space and mind perceiving. It controls element of life and gives power over

senses. It's a link of budhi with physical body. Opening colour is

pink-blue. Symbol is " eye of wisdom " . Rajaguna (passion) controls this

center. It consists of 96 petals (channels) focused into 6 groups with 16

similar streams of energy in each of them. Ajna means command (order).


7. Sahasrara - center called thousand-leafed. It's root is on the top of

head and the flower grows upward. Ra - means sun, sra-working, saha-

thousand. It is a sun working on opening the thousand. 960 petals in

external circle and 12 in internal one. It is controlled by satvaguna

energy. Colour opening aura is white- violet. It gives full-power in both

bodies: psychical and energetic.



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