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Starving the Hindrances ... !!!

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What is Starving of the Mental Hindrances (Nivarana)?

At Savatthi the Blessed Buddha once said: And what, friends, is the starvation, that prevents the arising of yet unarisen Sense-Desire and which also blocks any growth and increase of already arisen Sense-Desire ???It is frequent, careful & rational attention to the Disgusting & Revolting Feature of things !!!This starvation prevents absent sensual lust from arising and reduces also already present greed…And what, friends, is the starvation that prevents the arising of yet unarisen Evil-Will and which also hinders any aggravation and inflation of already arisen Evil-Will ??? It is frequent, careful & rational attention to the Mental Release by Universal Friendliness !!!This starvation prevents absent aversion from arising & also inhibits all already present anger…And what, friends, is the starvation, that prevents the arising of yet unarisen Lethargy- & -Laziness and which also obstructs any deterioration and prolongation of already present Lethargy- & -Laziness ??? It is frequent, careful & rational attention to The Elements of: Initiative, Launching & Endurance !!!This starvation prevents absent sloth from arising & also avoids worsening of already present Laziness …And what, friends, is the starvation, that prevents the arising of yet unarisen Restlessness- & -Regret and which also slow down any escalation and acceleration of already present Restlessness- & -Regret ???It is frequent, careful & rational attention to This serene, still, calm & peaceful Tranquillity of Mind!This starvation prevents upsetting of the mind & reduces the intensity of already arisen anxiety & worry… And what, friends, is the starvation, that prevents the arising of yet unarisen Doubt- & -Uncertainty and which also stops any expansion and proliferation of already present Doubt- & -Uncertainty ??? It is frequent, careful & rational attention to These 4 Dualities, which always should be evaluated:There are advantageous and disadvantageous states! There are blameable and blameless states!There are ordinary and excellent mental states! There are bright and dark mental states!This starvation prevents any confusion of the mind & dampen escalation of already present perplexity…

On how to prevent the mental hindrances see: http://what-buddha-said.net/Canon/Sutta/AN/AN.I.3-4.htm and Explanatory comments on: http://www.what-buddha-said.org/Canon/Sutta/AN/AN.I.3-4c.htm


Source (edited extract):The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book [V:105-6] section 46: The Links. 51: The Nutriments...





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka. Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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