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The Canal: Unhindered & Undrained ... !!!

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The Mental Hindrances Blur, Block & Weaken Knowledge:

The Blessed Buddha once said:There are five obstructing obstacles and hindrances of the mind, which weakens knowledge. What five?The mental hindrance of Sense-Desire is an overgrowing of the mind that shuts out insight. The mental hindrance of Evil-Will is a mental stumbling block that blocks any understanding. The mental hindrance of Lethargy & Laziness is an interruption that slows down all knowing.The mental hindrance of Restlessness & Regret is a disturbance that disables comprehension.The mental hindrance of Doubt & Uncertainty is an embankment that holds back knowledge.Without having overcome these Five Mental Hindrances, it is impossible for any Bhikkhu whose knowing thus lacks strength and power, to understand what is to his own advantage, to othersadvantage, or to the advantage of both. That he should be capable of attaining any supra-human state: Noble Vision and Wisdom, that is indeed impossible...But if a Bhikkhu has overcome these Five Mental Hindrances, these five obstructing impediments, these overgrowths of the mind that dampen and diminish any understanding, then it is very likely that he will understand what is to his own advantage, others advantage, & the advantage of both. Thus unhindered is he quite capable of attaining any supra-human state: Noble Vision & Wisdom...It is like a fast flowing canal where a man opens up 5 draining side-channels, which then weakens,and diverts the strong midstream. Similarly is the understanding stream of insight weakened anddiluted in anyone who have not yet overcome these Five Mental Hindrances, which block knowing.However, if the man closes down all the 5 draining side-channels, one by one, then the midstreambecomes stronger and can carry anything with it. Similarly with one unhindered by these 5 mentalhindrances, his understanding stream of insight is neither weakened, nor polluted, nor diluted any,so he can easily recognize what is good for himself, others and both. That such unhindered oneshould be capable of the state of noble supra-human Vision & Wisdom, that is indeed possible...





Source (edited extract): The Numerical Sayings of the Buddha. Anguttara Nikaya. The Book of Fives 51: Unhindered... [iII: 63-4]





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!

Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.


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