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Freedom for Lalitamohan Babaji. S.O.S again!

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Some time ago I wrote to you about persecution of Paramahansa

Lalitamohanji G.K. in Poland. I am very sorry and sad, because only

5 people (from few thousands to whom I sent email) replied and signed

e-petition against persecution of this great Master and Guru.


I would not to push anybody to sign under this petition, but this is

my whole-hearted wish to help this Great Yoga Master who has been

strongly promoting Yoga, Tantra, Shivaism, Hinduism etc. for 20 years

in Poland, Europe and the rest of the world. That is why I am writing

this leter again to ask you for signature. It will take you only few

minute but can really help.


Poland is extremely catholic country and there is no tolerance for

other religions - especially for yoga, tantra & meditation, Hinduism,

Buddhism, Islam etc.


Swami Lalitamohanji is doing very good job by bringing spiritual

wisdom and teachings of Great Masters and Gurus from India, Tibet,

Himalaya, Japan etc. to Poland and Europe. He is bringing the Light

from Bharata, from Himalaya into Western World.


So please dedicate to Him 1-2 minutes of your time and sign the

petition. This is very easy and really helpful and important, if not

for you, than surely for Swamiji, for His mission, for all people who

maybe will come in the future to learn about Yoga, Tantra,

Meditation, Shivaism, Hinduism etc.


If we collect few thousands of signatures and send them to

governments and non-governmental organisations it will be the great

chance to help Him.


Here is link to this petition in english:

http://www.macierz.org.pl/index.php?struct=432 & view=full & id=12


I think, that Master as Swami Lalitamohanji and any Masters and Gurus

don't belong to any specific country or group of people, but they are

Gift from God to all nations and to the whole world, as their

teachings and holy wisdom are for everybody.


I am sending some short information about Lalitamohanji, and pictures

from Laya Yoga workshop in Poland (see attachments).


Jay Om Namah Shivaya!

Mohandas Dakshan Dev!



Swami Lalit Mohan G. K. was born in February 1962 under the water

tiger and air aquarius zodiac signs simultaneously. He has been

involved in a vast range of activities associated with spiritual

development, including esoterics, aikido, yoga and sufi, since the

year 1978. In February 1983 He received his initiation into Laya Yoga

from the hands of Swami Baba Shyam Charan Shivananda from Darjeeling,

through direct transmission (Dikshan - Darshan), which took place in

the Holy Presence of His Guru. He was granted the right to spread the

ancient teachings and practices in 1986, when he started conducting

courses on chakras. Since 1989 he has also been imparting initiatory

transmissions concerning the ancient path of Laya Yoga, as he is one

of innumerous teachers in the West who have the full powers of

transmission, covering the entire Himavanti path of Laya Yoga.

Himavanti Laya Sangha (Himavanti Confraternity Order) is a mysterious

and esoteric shivaic order which continues the spiritual teachings of

the ancient Laya Yoga or, as some would call it, the mysterious

knowledge and practices with chakras. Spiritual knowledge and

Symbolic Mysticism constitute the basic introduction to the path of

fiery centres of energy, and in the contemporary world there are

plenty of confused and inauthentic teachings devoted to these topics.

Only a Spiritual Master (Karana Guru) may genuinely initiate one into

this knowledge and practices concerning chakras.


Swami Lalit Mohan G.K. is the only Polish Leader and Spiritual

Teacher, who received an authentic transmission of this ancient Vedic

knowledge and practice from his Guru, Swami Baba Shivananda from

Darjeeling, who is Mahadguru (the Great Master) or Parama Guru (The

Highest Teacher) of the Franternity of Layas, which constitutes the

elite of yogis. Shyam Charan Swami Baba Shivananda G.P. comes from

Kashmir, from the Leh region, and he settled down in in a Himalayan

hermitage north of Darjeeling. The Appearance of a Teacher who is the

successor of knowledge and practice coming from the Divine Celebrity

Shri Shivananda G.P. marked the beginning of an infinite ocean of

blessings which poured on the Master. Amongst other significant

spiritual mentors of Lalit Mohan is the Sufi Spiritual Master Pir

Akbar Suachani al-Hadjij, as well as teachers and spiritual masters

such as Diana Holland, Murshid Atum O’Kane or Pir Vilayat. Another

spiritual mentor of Swami Shyam Baba Lalit Mohan G. K. is also a

great Tamil Mahasiddha and Avatar, Gurudeva Swami Premananda Maharaj.

Needless to mention the late Japanese Master Yichihara Imoto, who

made it possible for Him to delve into the mysteries of ki energy,

aikido, O’motokyo, kiatsu, mudra, reiki, as well as other secrets of

eastern arts. The priority of a Spiritual Master of Laya Yoga is to

eliminate the sufferings and burden of Samsara which rests on His

disciples and followers by resorting to the spiritual practice

process. Karana Guru introduces his initiated students into the power

of Mahavakya (Words of Potency), as well as into the awareness of

Tattvamasi (I Am This). Everyone who relies on the grace of his Guru

attains health and liberation.


”I will guide everyone who thinks of me in favourable terms and is

devoted to me. I am with You no matter where you are. Remember me

with a feeling of devotion and I will send you the Divine Energy,

which will ensure you peace of mind and joy in your heart. The

sufferings of your heart will be gradually dissolved. It is true that

good God has endowed me with the power of healing the heart and the

soul, and if somebody wishes to accept this gift with humility and

devotion, he will experience what divine Healing is” (Lalit Mohan)

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