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How to Cure Anger and Irritation ... ;-)

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How to Cure Anger, Aversion, Irritation, Opposition and Stubbornness!

Evil and ill-will is the mental hindrance which is resisting against & opposing phenomena.It can be quite violent when manifesting as quarrels, conflict, hate, hostility and war.Aversion instantly destroys all harmony and peace and thus any potential for happiness.It can only be cured by meditation on the four infinitely divine states (Brahma-viharas).

First priority: Noticing Evil-Will (Vyāpāda) arise -in itself- makes it fade away:Herein, Bhikkhus, when Evil-Will is present in him the bhikkhu notes & understands:"There is Evil-Will in me," and when Evil-Will is absent, he notes & understands:"There is no Evil-Will in me." He also understands how unarisen Evil-Will arises.He understands how to leave behind any arisen Evil-Will, and he understands how left Evil-Will shall not arise again in the future. MN 10

What is the feeding cause that makes Evil-Will arise?There are displeasing and repulsive features and aspects of any object, frequently giving irrational & unwise attention to them, this is the feeding cause of the arising of unarisenEvil-Will, and the feeding cause of the increase and expansion of Evil-Will that already has arisen. SN 46:51

What is the starving cause that makes Evil-Will cease?There is the release of mind through Universal Good-Will & Friendliness, frequently giving rational & wise attention to this is the starving cause of the non-arising of unarisen Evil-Will, and the starving cause of the decrease and shrinking of Evil-Will that already has arisen. SN 46:51Which medicine cures Evil-Will, so that it does not re-arise again in the future?One should cultivate the meditation on Universal Friendliness (mettā)! For by cultivating the meditation on Universal Friendliness, evil and ill-will gradually disappears.One should cultivate the meditation on All-embracing Pity (karunā)! For by cultivating the meditation on All-embracing Pity, cruelty and harming violence fades away.One should cultivate the meditation on Sympathetic Mutual Joy (muditā)! For by cultivating the meditation on Sympathetic Mutual Joy, discontent, envy & jealousy evaporates.One should cultivate the meditation on Imperturbable Equanimity (upekkhā)! For by cultivating the meditation on Imperturbable Equanimity, anger and aversion cease to exist. MN 62

Some advantageous reflections to return to:Remember the Simile of the Saw... The Blessed Buddha once said:Friends, even if bandits were to cut you up, savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, you should not be angry but do my bidding: Remain pervading them with a friendly mentalityimbued with an all-embracing good will, kind, rich, expansive, and immeasurable. Free from hostility, free from ill will. Always remembering this very Simile of the Saw is indeed how you should train yourselves... MN 21







BOILINGThose absorbed in such accusations as:"He/She/They abused, hurt, did me or us wrong "whether right or wrong !, such foolish ones prolongown pain by being obsessed by own anger.However !!!Those freed of these accusations:"He/She/They abused, hurt, did me or us wrong "noting: whether right or wrong - so what !!! -such ones stop own pain by relinquishing all anger.Dhammapada 3+4

FUEL ON FIRE ?Not by anger is Hate ever quenched.Only by Kindness is Hate always quenched.This Ancient Law is an Eternal ... Truth ... Dhammapada 5



BOOMERANGDo not ever speak harshly as angry talkis always answered back with angry talk.Painful indeed is arrogant speech. The inevitable retaliation invariably falls back on such proud boaster.Dhammapada 133

TOLERANCETolerant forbearance is the highest praxis.Nibbana is the supreme state.So all Buddhas say.The violent one is not a Recluse.The harmful one is not a Bhikkhu. Dhammapada 184



OWNERKnow that everyone is then owner of the consequences of their actions (Kamma), created by their actions, in debtby their actions, linked to their actions, whether good or bad,like a shadow that never leaves...

The 11 advantages won by cultivating Universal Friendliness (mettā):One sleeps Happy !One wakes Happy !One dreams No Evil dreams !One is Liked & Loved by all human beings!One is Liked & Loved by all non-human beings too!One is Guarded & Protected by the divine Devas !One cannot be Harmed by Fire, Poison or Weapons !One swiftly Attains the Concentration of Absorption !Ones appearance becomes Serene, Calm & Composed !One dies without Confusion, Bewilderment nor Panic !One reappears after death on the Brahma level if one has gone no higher here! AN V342

Further tricks on Universal Friendliness: Friendliness Frees!http://What-Buddha-Said.net/drops/Friendliness_Frees.htm



PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!


Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka. Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!! http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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