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Feeding Concentration ... !!!

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What is Feeding the Concentration Link to Awakening!

The Blessed Buddha once said: Bhikkhus, just as this body, is sustained by feeding, exists in dependence on feedingand cannot survive without food, even & exactly so are the Seven Links to Awakeningalso sustained by feeding, they can also only exist in dependence on feeding and theycannot remain without feeding... And what, bhikkhus, is the feeding of the emergenceof any yet unarisen Concentration Link to Awakening and also feeding of the completion by condensation of any arisen Concentration Link to Awakening? There are two signs:The sign of calm, serenity & mental silence and the sign of non-distraction & non-scatter!Frequently giving careful and rational attention to them, is feeding the arising of any yetunarisen Concentration Link to Awakening & also feeding of the gradual fulfilment of anyalready arisen Concentration Link to Awakening... And what, Bhikkhus, is the starving thatobstructs all emergence of a yet unarisen Concentration Link to Awakening & which alsohinders any already arisen Concentration Link from reaching fulfilment by development? The sign of calm, serenity & mental silence and the sign of non-distraction & non-scatter!Not giving frequent, careful and rational attention to them; not considering them much and often; is the starving that prevents an unarisen Concentration Link to Awakening fromarising and also blocks any already arisen Concentration Link to Awakening from reaching any complete fulfilment by mental training and progressive development by meditation...

Comments from the classical commentaries: Focus is the characteristic of the Concentration Link to Awakening (Samādhi-Sambojjhanga). Ceasing of all distraction, disturbance, diversion, agitation, mental instability and wavering is the purpose of the quality of Concentration (Samādhi). Penetration is the manifestation of the Concentration Link to Awakening. This stability produces breakthrough to understanding!Concentration is present in all consciousness. This can be greatly enhanced by fixing attention.

Further conditions helpful for the emergence of the Concentration Link to Awakening are:




1: Keeping own body, behaviour, belongings and surroundings completely clean...2: Having routine in recognizing the sign of calm and the sign of non-distraction...3: Ballancing the abilities of faith vs. understanding & energy vs. concentration evenly...4: Controlling, confining and restraining the mind, whenever necessary...5: Pushing, prodding and exerting the mind, whenever needed...6: Gladdening, encouraging and easing the mind, whenever suitable...7: Looking on, just overseeing the mind in equanimity, whenever appropriate...8: Avoiding unconcentrated, agitated, diffuse and scatter-minded people...9: Friendship with concentrated people with direct experience in absorption...10: Frequent reviewing of the mental absorptions (jhānas) & the mental liberations...11: Commitment to focus the mind into one-pointed and absorbed Concentration!

There is Concentration while thinking and there is Concentration without any thinking! Mental absorption (Jhāna) is the higher being's exquisite state! Awakening is fixed focus!

What is this Sublime & Profound Right Concentration? http://what-buddha-said.net/drops/What_is_Right_Concentration.htmHow to remove recurring disadvantageous Distractions?http://what-buddha-said.net/drops/II/How_to_Remove_Distracting_Thoughts.htmRequisites for Attaining the 1st Jhāna Absorption?http://what-buddha-said.net/drops/Requisites_for_Jhana_Absorption.htmDetails on the Jhāna Absorptions: http://what-buddha-said.net/drops/Details_of_the_Jhana_Absorptions.htm



Sources (edited extracts): The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya.Book [V: 65-6+102-8] 46: Links. 2+51: Group & Nutriments....





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!





Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka. Friendship is the Greatest ... Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!!


http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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