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The Fearless Skeleton ... !!!

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How to Cool the slavery of Desire & Craving?

At Savatthi, the Blessed Buddha once said: Bhikkhus, when the perception of a human skeleton or a worm-infested, bleeding or pus festering corpse, or a livid bluish black & rotting corpse,or a cut up, gnawed and hacked corpse, or a bloated, inflated & swollen corpse, is developed and cultivated, then it is of great fruit and benefit!It leads to great good, it leads to great security from bondage, it leads to a great sense of urgency, it leads to living in fearless ease & comfort! How, Bhikkhus, is the perception of a skeleton developed & cultivated so that it is of great fruit and benefit? Here, the Bhikkhu systematically develops the:Awareness Link to Awakening, joined with the experience of a skeleton.Investigation of states Link to Awakening, while examining a cadaver.Energy Link to Awakening, perceiving a worm-infested & rotting corpse.Joy Link to Awakening, while laughing over a gnawed & hacked corpse.Tranquillity Link to Awakening, accompanied by seeing a livid corpse. Concentration Link to Awakening, focused on a bloated & swollen corpse.Equanimity Link to Awakening, indifferent even near a hacked carcass.which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, & maturing in release...It is in this way that the perception of a skeleton or a disgusting corpse is developed & cultivated so that it is of great advantage, and benefit...Bhikkhus, when the perception of a skeleton is developed and cultivatedin this way fused and enhanced by the seven Links to Awakening, one of two fruits is to be expected: either final knowledge in this very life or, if there is a remaining residue of clinging, the state of non-returning...

Comments:Meditating on disgusting signs is the 1! thing that can quell greed & lust! For inspiration regarding such corpse-meditation see the corpse pics at:http://asia.pg.photos./ph/clever_disgust/album?.dir=/f672Viewable only by adults signed in with ID. Obs: Strong Warning!!!For details on Meditation on the Body as a mere form = KayagataSati:http://what-buddha-said.net/drops/II/Meditation_On_the_Body_Kayagata-Sati.htmThis eliminates fear of loosing body. Not afraid of loosing body means no fear of even Death! When not afraid of Death, then one does not fear anything at all in this world! Then one is relaxed by the gladness of ease!When Death comes one says: Come on in! Have a cup of tea before we go?Hihihi! ;-)



Source (edited extract): The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. Book [V:129-32] section 46: The Links. 57-61: The Skeleton...





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!





Bhikkhu Samahita, Ceylon. Friendship is the Greatest ... Composed for the purpose of Gladdening Good People!


http://What-Buddha-Said.net Buddha-Direct What_Buddha_Said Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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