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Kaalii Devii - True Goddess of Kriyaa, Hatha and Laya Yoga!

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Kalika (the remover of ignorance)

Kaalika or Kaalii is worshipped on Amavasya (new moon) nights and

represents the prayer for the removal of the root cause of rebirth.

The Moon representing the self/mana sinned on this day by eloping

with the wife of the preceptor Brihaspati and consequently suffered a

curse to wax and wane. This eloping with Taaraa, the spouse of

Brihaspati, caused the birth of Budha (Mercury), the illegitimate

child. Similarly, the birth of all people during Kali Yuga is not due

to the spiritual aspirations of their parents but as a default

resulting from the carnal desires of the parents.

Having been born of Tara (Nila Sarasvati) with all the abilities

and supreme intellect, Budha (Mercury) prayed to Her with the

'buddha-janani' mantra and was subsequently adopted by Brihaspati and

mastered the sastra/Veda. Similarly, like Buddha we the products of

this Kali Yuga should pray to the mother to get over the root cause

of our rebirth and to get the knowledge (vidya) from Brihaspati.

Mother takes the form of pure knowledge and is known as the Vidyaa or

Mahaavidyaa to impart the supreme intellect to Buddha for learning.

It is well known in Jyotish that Saturn is the root cause of our

birth. In fact, for the adhana chart determination, Saturn and his

illustrious (sic) son Gulika play the pivotal role. Saturn

represents the root sin(s) called dridha karma of past incarnations

causing the rebirth and it is necessary for one to suffer Saturn in

order to get over this sin. Various means are employed to determine

this suffering like Saturn dasa or Saturn Mula dasa, Gulika dasa,

Sade-sati, Dahiya, Kantaka Sani and so on. If one were to carefully

apply all therules then there is rarely a period in one's life when

Saturn is not punishing him in some manner or the other. Saturn makes

one a philosopher - naturally what else can you do but to sit and

philosophize on the results that fate brought on you or alternatively

take to listening the moody blues and such music that stirs the

heart. Oh! those sad songs will live forever thanks to Saturn.

Alternatively you can consider trying to understand the root cause

of the sin that is causing the suffering and once the veil of

ignorance is removed, you develop detatchment and are on the path of

perfect Karma Yoga towards Jagannath. This Mahavidya or great

learning is called Kalika.

Mahavidya mantra

(Source: Kali Karpuradi stotra) Her basic (Mahavidya mantra) is

the 22 syllable mahamantra. for the pandits in Mantra sastra, 22

syllable mantra brings the energy of the mantra to the mental plane

(12+10=22) in the 10th house of Karma Yoga. For the pandits, I give a

*small* list of mantras for Mahakali and Adya Kali after the

Mahavidya mantra.

The second and subsequent mantras

These mantra have two sources in the Kali Karpuradi stotra and the

Kali Kavacha stotra. The second mantra is the Kali svarupa mantra

(i.e. own form) and is 23 aksara (syllable) resonating with the

natural 11th house Aquarius which is the Mulatrikona of Saturn.

Incidentally Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was born in Aquarius Lagna

with the Sun & Moon in it and was considered an incarnation

(svarupa) of Kali.

The third mantra is the Camunda Hridaya mantra and is in the lines

of the navarna mantra with the first three syllables replaced by the

ones given here and the Camunda replaced by the name Kalikayai.Om Kaalikayai Namah!!! (1008x)

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