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Vedic Numerology

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Introduction to NumerologyNumerology

is a science which is consider to be the most ancient but rather

advanced science in theworld. Numbers are everywhere you look.

Numerology is the study of the mysterious and hidden meaning of numbers

and their relevance to our society and existence


Numerology is considered as the most easy way to know about the person

and predict the future, It is most authentic and accurate science.

Astrology blends and adds a dimension to Numerology by comparing a

number with an astrological sign and this additional knowledge assists

the numerologist in illustrating and explaining the significance and

importance of integrating and intermingling other proven sciences into

the translation and power of Numerology.


The "energy" represented by these numbers can have a profound influence

on your personality, health, and well being. Numerology is one way of

tapping into their power.

The best use of Numerology, and any divination tool, is one in which

you use it as a life enhancing tool that can help you to unlock your



Each number, which is given in the chart, have certain energies

attached to them. How you act on those energies depends on you. If you

are generally conscious of your activities, and think before you act

then you may be tapping into the "Positive/Mature" side of the energy.

If you generally act in a rash manner then you may be tapping into the

"negative" side of the energies.A system of planetary cosmology Numerology has been used since ancient times as a key to observing and understanding human destiny. The study of numbers helps guide us in our karmic evolution. By knowing the numbers contained in our birth data, we are able to expand into the full spectrum of lessons contained in our current incarnation. Although it is an easy to learn method, it requires an in-depth understanding of planetary attributes, including the mythology of the planets, their presiding deities, their movements in the sky, and the suggested pujas to work favorably with planetary energies.Indian vedic numerology uses numbers as a key to human behaviour. It is an easy to learn method that exercises the mind's intuitive faculty to fathom the depths of the human personality and its subsequent destiny. Numerology is a method of linking the microcosm with the macrocosm. With practice, one comprehends the influence of the celestial bodies on human evolution and conduct. Everything in the material world is related to the influence of the nine planets. As one learns to observe them as part of the cosmic play through ritual and attunement, one becomes more aware of ones path in life.All objects of the material world are related to the nine planets. Indian vedic Numerology exercises the mind's intuitive faculty to penetrate the depths of the human personality. Because each of us has a unique genetic blueprint, individually numbers work through each human body and being in a unique way.Vedic numerology is based on the vibratory resonance of each number. It is neither a religion nor a fortune telling game. With diligent observation one develops a healthy respect for the accuracy and power of numbers and their energies. The material world without the governing influence of numbers and their presiding planets would be chaos.Vedic Numerology is a sacred study as it enables one to look deeply into the wheel of karma and adjust our attitude and behaviour in the world. Everything is based on etheric vibration; the higher the rate of vibration the more force it contains. So all things - great and small - find their place in the universe. Each person arrives in this world with a specific vibration, psyche and destiny. Ones name is not by chance either. And sometimes it is advisable to change ones name to gain lost ground. There are things about ones fundamental nature that cannot be changed. Yet ones karma, acknowledged with acceptance and respect, can become a formidable teacher of ones evolutionary spiral, assisted greatly by proper planetary pujas as prescribed by the Rishis and as documented in the Vedas.Vedic numerology is easy to learn and remember, the secret in mastering it is in the observation skill and the application of the planetary pujas and timings.YOUR NUMBER IS UP! So don't delay gathering knowledge in this brilliant tool!A Vedic Numerology Reading - as in "speaking the unspeakable" - is a personalized consultation for people in transition. It is a powerful and shape-shifting process offered to those who seek a deepening in the understanding of their lives. It provides fresh insight, support and direction. My work appeals best to those who see life as a spiritual journey, as I believe that we are here to work, study, enjoy life and to serve God. Self discovery through a Vedic Numerology Reading is a highly charged, kaleidoscopic view into the unseen forces and systems governing the evolution of the soul. Much of what I offer is synthesized into a form of guidance, intimately and directly revealing you to yourself. This insight is related to you verbally on a 75-90 minute cassette tape. I am aided by the numbers in your birth data and a current photo, through meditation and attunement to channeled inner visions. The visions unveil Truth communicated as compassionate and empowering information. Drawing on ancient symbols, I share an intuitive path, opening you to a refreshing realism within the mystical arts, helping you develop a greater personal awareness. Your own life's journey can thereby be richly enhanced by allowing new perspectives to be incorporated as you face Truth and it pulls you toward healing and wholing. I open myself fully to the unique landscape your data and photographic image reveal to me. I journey with these as an alchemist and transition consultant to assist you in your life-script translation, giving voice to new patterns of purpose. I cover your Life Path, including strengths and weaknesses, highly auspicious periods as well as times to be more cautious. Relationships, careers and vocations, spiritual and karmic cycles as they avail themselves to me, and health concerns are addressed. You may ask about particular issues for specific decades to come. After years of searching and suffering, I consider it a privilege to communicate some of what I have learned from the multiple levels of planetary influences, meditation and earth renewal. I feel an urgent calling from the infinite cosmos for each of us to be the very best we can be. Truth knows no boundaries. May it serve you well in rekindling your memory that God is Truth, Truth is Light, Light is Life.My readings grow from courage to enter the darkness, bringing the magic of self-restoration to light and living in harmony with all of creation within the abundance of conscious continuity. Having lived in nine and traveled in thirty-seven countries has allowed me to absorb and integrate the methods, myths and magic of many cultures. Participating ongoingly in various mystery schools of yantra, tantra, Oriental and Occidental, with scholars, shamans and spirits, I have discovered the Self and have been quietly empowered by its tumultuous, challenging process of individualization, a coming into honesty and humor. The emergence of an ability to align my insights, reliably and spontaneously with the needs of others is a blessed tool. It seems natural to share what I have discovered in my journey for Truth.

Numbers are an integral part of our lives; according to the laws of

karma, even our breaths are numbered. From paupers to preachers, all

live by numbers. If you are feeling lucky, playing those six lucky

numbers in the lottery can make you into a millionaire. If you are

short on luck, however, you could lose it all gambling, in business or

in stocks on Wall Street.


While 7 is considered lucky by the majority, 13 is considered unlucky.

Christians consider 666 to be the number of the Devil. In Islam 786 is

taken as a godly number that brings luck. If we add 786 to 666, they

add up to 1434; when we add 1+4+3+4, we get 12 and 1+2=3. When we

subtract 666 from 786, they come to 102; when we add 1+2, the answer is

3. In a nutshell: whether we add or subtract the devil's number to

God's number, we end up with 3. The number 3 belongs to the planet

Jupiter and stands for all matters related to spirituality. If we go

little deeper both positive and negative draw energies from the supreme

consciousness to spread good or evil in the world.


Vedic numerology there are 9 planets and 9 numbers, each number

assigned to each planet. Sun=1; Moon=2; Jupiter=3; Rahu=4; Mercury=5;

Venus=6; Ketu=7; Saturn=8; Mars=9.


is no surprise that because Sun stands for power, 1 does, too. Look

within and you will find that all your longings, passions and cravings

are number 1 in this world, whether your goal is to be the president or

the preacher.

Moon's number is 2. Our minds are controlled by the Moon and it's dual nature-no wonder Moon changes every second.


Jupiter is 3 and again it is no surprise that the basis of all

religions is dependent on the number 3. Christianity has the trinity,

the union of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost into one Godhead. Hinduism

has Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh-the Creator, Protector and Destroyer,

respectively. Even the symbol for Aum is an offshoot of the number 3.

Number 4 belongs to Rahu. Rahu is a killer and represents cruelty.

Number 5 belongs to Mercury, the planet of intellect.

Number 6 belongs to Venus and stands for love and beauty.

Number 7 belongs to Ketu. The nature of Ketu is to be mysterious.

Number 8 belongs to Saturn, a teacher and the king of darkness & death.

Number 9 belongs to Mars, the controller of fire, blood, bloodshed and wars.


all these numbers Moon and Mercury play the most major role in our

lives. When Moon and Mercury become afflicted while transiting the

zodiac, the majority goes through a turbulent time. Most of the

electrical failures happen when Mercury is retrograde or in an

unfavourable position on the zodiac and it will be fair to blame the

Mercury for air crashes. If people at NASA start using higher

mathematics (Astrology) we would not be losing astronauts and space

shuttles. Why? Moon stands for the mind and Mercury stands for the

intellect and what is intellect: Intellect is the electronic circuitory

within the mind or the electronic curcuit within a watch or a computer

or a space shuttle. When the mind (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) come

under the influence of negative forces we experience nothing but chaos.


The following data will give you goose bumps and is proof enough as to how planets and numbers control our lives.


9/11/2001, when America was attacked by terrorists, the day was 11

(1+1=2) and the total of the day's number was 14: 9-11-2001

(9+1+1+2+1=14). When 1 and 4 are added, the answer is 5. As you can

see, the number 2 (Moon) and 5 (Mercury) played a major role in the

events of September 11.

Here is some other data to check:


11 is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4=11. The Twin Towers, standing

side by side, look like the number 11. The first plane to hit the

Towers was Flight 11. New York was the 11th state added to the Union.

There are 11 letters in "New York CityAfghanistanThe Pentagon"

and "Ramzi Yousef" (who was convicted for orchestrating the attack on

the WTC in 1993). Flight 11 (1+1=2) had 92 passengers on board

(9+2=11). Flight 77 (7+7=14 and 1+4=5) had 65 passengers on board



is another eye opener: when America dropped an atomic bomb on

Hiroshima, Japan, killing millions of people, the bomber used was a

B-29 (B=2 and when we add 2+2+9=13 and 1+3=4; 4 belongs to Rahu and

stands for cruelty). The day was August 8, 1945, when we add

(8+8+1+9+4+5=35 which adds to 8) now 8 stands for the planet Saturn

which is the planet of Death and also a teacher. Conclusion: Death by

cruelty. It is no surprise that Rahu and Ketu (karmic planets in Vedic

astrology) were in the same position (Gemini and Saggitarius) as they

were on September 11, 2001.

Please allow me to pull the rug from under your logical mindset by making you aware of these harsh karmic mathematics:

America drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945 that killed millions of innocent civilians.

America is attacked in 2001.

Subtracting 1945 from 2001 gives us 56. When we add 5+6 the answer is 11. 1+1=2.


Though destroying the Taliban and attempting to kill Bin Laden is good

karma, dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and killing innocent

civilians was bad karma. Karma is a higher mathematics. The universal

databank keeps track of the karmic balance of every life form in the

cosmos. Vedic astrology, phrenology, palmistry, numerology and all

other occult sciences are the tools to decode and understand this

higher mathematics.The

Power of Numbers

So how does this knowledge help us? Consider Jupiter, the planet of spirituality and of religion. Jupiter's energies allow, amongst other things, expansion. For example, if Jupiter is in the first house (which includes physical appearance) of your natal chart, it would be difficult for you to remain slim and slender unless there are other strong factors to the contrary. When I wanted to put on weight, I did nothing but change the spelling of my name so that it totaled 3. Within a few weeks I began to put on weight. When I reached my ideal weight, I changed the spelling of my name back to its original form.Take the number 8, as another instance. This number is considered by many to be a highly karmic number, bringing with it many karmic obligations and lessons to be learnt. When you know the planet that vibrates to its frequency, everything becomes clear. Saturn is the great teacher. It is the constraining force in our lives, and many consider it a malefic planet, but in truth, without Saturn's restricting energies, we might never progress spiritually.What the

Numbers signifyThe most powerful number of all is said to be 0. It signifies eternity; no beginning and no end. The number 1 represents the Creator. Number 2 stands for duality, polarity, and sensitivity, amongst other things. The number 3 represents the Trinity, the family (mother, father, child), religion, spirituality, and expansiveness. Number 4 is a karmic number, bringing with it many lessons to be learnt. The Number 5, used a great deal in magical work and in esoteric circles, also represents activity, communication, and self-expression. Number 6 vibrates to love, compassion, and partnerships. Number 7 vibrates to the spiritual realm. Number 8, as mentioned above, is a karmic number.Whilst 0 is considered to be powerful in the sense that when you add 0 to any number, the latter becomes more powerful, the number 9 can do a number of numerological acrobatics. Number 9 represents aggression and conflict, but it is also a magical number. Consider that when you add 9 to any number, the total, when reduced, IS the number to which you added the 9. For example: 9 + 7 = 16. Reduce 16 and you get 7 again (1 + 6 = 7). Take another number, say 26, which reduces to 8. So, 9 + 8 = 17. Reduce 17 (1 + 7) and you get your original 8 again!! You can do this with any number, and the result will always be that you get the original number you added 9 to.How you can

use NumerologyA person's date of birth lays open an amazing amount of information. For example, the year of birth, by itself, reveals the overall nature and character of the individual, it shows what health problems are likely to surface under stress, and it also tell us which careers or occupations the individual would be likely to do best in.Simple calculations of an individual's date and month of birth, along with the year of birth can reveal to us how a certain given month would be for that person.There are different systems of calculating numbers for different purposes. For example, from a person's date of birth we can also calculate what is known as the Destiny number, which others call the Key number, or the Life Path number. This is an important number as it often reveals the individual's life purpose. Then we can also find out the areas in the person's life where his/her enthusiasm is the most - areas where he/she is most likely to give a lot of energy. We can find out also how this individual would relate to family members, to friends, associates and colleagues. We would also know through calculations, how generous this individual is with money, time and energy, and how likely the person would be willing to help others. We would know where, or in which area of his/her life, the person is most likely to use his/ her intuitive capabilities. It would be revealed where, or in which area of life the individual is likely to be the happiest. We would also know the karmic debts/ lessons which the individual has brought with him/ her. Then we would know the type of relationships in love which the person is likely to go through. We would also know how well the person does financially, and which areas of his/ her life will have the most opportunities to offer him/ her.If we examine each of the above revelations, we find that we have the entire life chart of an individual laid open, simply by knowing his/ her date, month and year of birth and by doing some calculations with these numbers. This is a fascinating science which has been proved to be accurate down the ages.There are different areas, which you can explore with numerology. For starters, we invite you to fill in your birth date (date, month and year) in order to be able to read up on what numerology reveals as your Life Path, or your basic nature, health and career options. Based on your date of birth, you can also get your Numerology Chart, or send it to a friend. THERE are and legitimately remain only four High Seats of Sikh Authority, the 'Takhts' and a recent innovation of fifth takht set up by ignorant heresiarchs and new con-trollers of the official Board of Management of the Sikh historical shrines (S.G.P.C.) is al-together repugnant to and unwarranted by the true Sikh doctrine or the metaphysical postulates and mythological traditions of India.Takht is a Persian word signifying 'the imperial throne,' a concept of total and all-pervasive focus of worldly temporal power such as was supposed to inhere in the shahinshah, the emperor, of the Achaemenian throne. Ex-hypothesis there cannot be more than one takht in the empire and indeed, in the entire world, for, a true and logically whole empire must tend to acquire a total ecumenical sway and the doctrine of co-existence of more than one takht, which is a true Takht, is a self-stultification. But since the Sikh doctrine of Double Sovereignty, miri- piri envisages a sway over the minds and souls of mankind, the entire world and does not contemplate a coercive bondage of the bodies of men, it validates and promulgates a plurality of takhts, coexistent, coeval and complementary. These takhts, thrones of Double Sovereignty spring from a Hindu tradition of religious dominion, which are grounded in metaphysical postulates of ancient acceptance. Dominion of religion in the world of phenomena is bound up with the concept of 'space' and the Hindu 'space' is a flat four-directional extension innocent of Einsteinium curvature of depth impregnated into it by the progression of 'Time'. This Hindu 'pure space' is con-ceptual samkaIapbhu, detached from the progression of 'time'. This 'space' is four-directional, east, west, north, south. It is this 'space' in which is encompassed the entire phenomenal world, samsar, the reality that is appearances and the religion as it impinges upon the minds of men-while it is permanently there in the souls of all men-flourishes in relation to his 'space'. The spread and sway of religion in this world, therefore, must be comprehended and described as four directional. Again, 'numbers' occupy a prominent place in Hindu occultism and the concept of 'num-bers' permeates a great deal many branches of Hindu speculation. Infinities are of particular fascination, circumscribed in cyclic concepts of Time and cosmic ages of the universe. The branch of knowledge, Numerology, ganati is conceived as a branch of Ontology, and the numeral '1', as the first signature and word in the Sikh scripture is grounded in this modality of Hindu metaphysical thought. According to this Hindu Numerology, while the symbol 'zero', sunya, being the absence of all, comprises all things, the number, 'one' is the number of Divinity, of the fundamental symbol, lingam, of the Sun, signifying bright-ness, light, unity, wisdom. Number 'four' in this system of thought is the perfect number, as it represents all the four directions of the space. Satpath-brahman tells us that, 'as the cow requires four feet, so the yama, sacrifice must have four Vedas and four officiants' Commenting on the description of the 'mind-stuff' in the Upanisads as, caturpada, Samkara, explains, "like the four feet of a cow." These concepts about the nature of the 'space' and numerological significations are then linked-up with the spread and sway of religion in the world in the Hindu tradition and history, and that explains why whenever a Hindu sect or denomination of religion has laid claim to ecumenical status, it has set up or recognized four chief or primary places of its reverential foci. In the Guru Granth, it is to this mode of understanding of the matter that a reference exists to the ornnipotent omnipresence of God: catur disa kino balu apna (Dhanasri; V) and it is according to this mode of thought that in the ancient Vedic tradition four raj tirath, royal centres of holiness, were recognized, such as Pushkarraj, Prayagraj, Katasraj etc. to each of which one of the cardinal directions E, W, N or S was assigned. Likewise in Brahmanism, caturdham, four residences of the gods, Prayag (E), Dwarkavati (W), Badrinath, (N) and Ramesvaram (S) are recognized. Samkaracarya established catur-math four abbeys, to represent his true inter-pretation of Vedas, Vedanta, such as Jagan-math (E), Dwarkamath (W) Badrimath (N) and Sringerimath (S). Of Vaishnavite Hinduism, there are recognized caturpuri, the four holy towns, beloved of the God, Jagannath Pun, Dwarkapuri and so on. Gautam, the Buddha before his mahaparinirvan, the great demise, specified four places, that of his birth, his enlightenment, his first sermon and his demise as the places worthy of homage for the Buddhists, Lumbanivan, Gaya, Sarnath and Kusinar representing four directions of the Hindu 'space' and hence signifying ecumenical claim. Again, there are recognized two categories of holy places in our Hindu tradition, sthapat, established or appointed and svayambhu, ever-there, self-existent. A centre of holiness may be set up or created by historical accident, association or appropriate ceremonies, or it may be there since the beginning of creation but may be discovered through a sign, or authoritative pointing out. There are temples of Vishnu and Siva of hoary antiquity that were so discovered through a royal dream or yogic flash and then magnificent buildings and idols were set up there and there are temples that were definitely 'established' at a contingent point of time It is in this context that the significance and validity of char takht, the Four Seats of Sikh authority, must be appreciated. These takhts do not originate and are not validated by historical occurrences, though they may be accidentally associated with the birth or sojourn of a Sikh Guru or it may be the case, that as Akal Takht, it was 'built-up' and signified by a Sikh Guru. These takhts essentially are and remain svyambhn, ever there and no body or no contingent occurrence has created them. There cannot be more than Four Takhts because '4' is a perfect number, ecumenical in signification and grounded in the ancient metaphysical postulates of our race, while number, '5' is not a perfect number, and it is not a significator of 'space' or territory while a takht must be such a significator. '5' reduces much diversity to meaningful measure, and hence signifies men and things, Pancajana, pancatattava, pancagavya etc. and 'panj-takht' is a wholly unwarranted concept. Nor does the word, "takht" inscribed on some seal used by the keepers of a historical Sikh shrine, such as occurs in the seal preserved at-Damdama Sahib in Punjab, can make the place a takht a 'seat of Sikh authority' of the category to which the traditional four Takhts belong. In this seal the word, "takht" occurs in its dictionary meaning, in the sense that a royal personage, technically a Sikh Guru, rested, sat or held audience here. Indeed, the inscription on this particular seal itself makes the matter quite clear when it says that it is the seal pertaining to "takht, jagah Guru Gobind Singh ji," that is, 'the throne-locus of the place where Guru Gobind Singh stayed'. On the basis of such a citation to declare the holy Sikh shrine Damdama Sahib as the fifth seat of High Sikh authority is the height of absurdity. Bhai Kahan Singh also in his Mahankosh, 'the Encyclopaedia of Sikh Literature', gives precisely these as the true meanings of the word "takht" as it occurs in Sikh writings. Kiratpur, there is a historical Sikh shrine known as Takht Sahib but it has never be deemed or claimed as one of the High Seats of Sikh Authority. Damdameh Sahib, now in the Bhatinda District of Punjab is a holy and historical shrine of great historical importance sanctity, but it is not the fifth takht, in meanirig of a 'Sikh seat of authority,' and there is no human authority, now or ever, who can create new takhts valid in and accept. to the Sikh doctrine.

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  • 4 years later...

Thanks for comprehensive numerology. Have 5 unresolved questions hope you may help: Q1: Is the destiny number DOB or Addition of month, date and year? What about the controller? How can we determine if the controller or destiny number is malefic or benefic? Where can I find vedic numerology calculations on web or textbook?

Is the numerology changes when we change country?

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