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{LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS} OM: Queen, the Movie ... Diana, the Drama

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'Guru' Ra(ksha)sa was banned from posting on tuesday. Moderator's patience ran out on reading demonic teachings of the twisted mind.


Om Śri Śivaaya Namah!






Tadeusz Majewski

Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:11 AM

Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Queen, the Movie ... Diana, the Drama

Namaskar Cliff,You are correct.Unfortunately this group has no moderatorwho can stop this type of junk. In Him,Trilokesh===================================Cliff & Micha wrote:




About as much as the self aggrandizing dialogue of the "stripper for god" (guru rasa) and the underwear worship of her "accolyte" we have been subjected to here for the last several weeks.




Tadeusz Majewski

Friday, May 25, 2007 9:55 AM

Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Queen, the Movie ... Diana, the Drama



What this have to do with Laya Yoga ?


In Him,






On 25-May-07, at 12:27 PM, Summer Twain wrote:





Millennium Twain wrote in:http://www.ojaipost .com/2007/ 05/queen_ the_movie_diana_the_dram.shtmlIs 'She', Elder, Woman, Queen Elizabeth II, morethan simply a front for a World-Spanning- Financial-Family? Rosy-starched face of a Global Citadel ofprivacy, power and privilege? Is the Movie, Queen,more than a play to shift the popularity of 'martyred'Princess Diana to the Queen, and thus to the futureKing Charles and all of the Monarchy, the UK andthe Commonwealth?What does Sir Elton John have to say about all this?~ ~ ~ Goodbye England's Rose ~ ~ ~http://youtube. com/watch? v=ZE948ExCvCMIs the 'evolution', 'expansion', 'solidification' ofthe power structures of the world -- the UK Monarchy,the JudeoChristian Empire, China, the EU, Hinduism,Islam (?), the 'Seven Families" of Japan, etc. etc.-- is it part of the returning GOOD in the world?Part of the re-awakening universal nurturing, divinefeminine, global consciousness of respect, mindfulness,heart, love? Of the re-appearance of the transcendent'now' where all cultures, all languages, all ancestorsand wisdoms are preserved and protected as seed andsustenance for the golden millennial rebirth?How is this change reflected, assisted, by movieslike "Elizabeth" and "Queen" -- how did they change you?What will follow? What other media, institutional, andpersonal icons, events, experiences should we look toin these next few years of the (our) great 'infolding',unfolding ... ?In Goddess Moon, Echoing HER (World) Tune ...!Millennium Twain{Megumi and I watched Queen the last two nights,and Elizabeth some few months ago.}~~~~ ~~~~P.Diamond replied:Two years after the death of Princess Diana, in 1999-2000,while the former colonies of the US were again returning toa primitive mobster rule -- a quiet revolution of the Britishconstitution, the oldest and greatest 'unwritten' constitution,was achieved by the people under the new labour Prime MinisterTony Blair. The House of Lords Act ended the privilege ofinherited title and position in the British Parliament --signaling the approach of a day of a Universal ElectoralParliament, inclusive of each and every British citizenby right of their simply being human."Millennium Twain" replied:Well said, Diamond!I was in New Zealand at the time, yet I do not recall beingaware of the big news from London of the expulsion of hundredsof 'Lords' from the House of Lords!If the public Trend in the UK is to create a collective ordirect Parliament, then it will not be long at all beforethe Americas and all ephemeral nation-states will voice anddemand the same.Obviously it was not discussed in the Movie "Queen", as thatmovie only dealt with one week in 1997 -- when Tony Blair waselected by a landslide, followed by Princess Diana's death(the day after Blair's election?), and the subsequent weekof London and England's and the World's reaction to thesilence from the Queen and the Monarchy.This certainly is the issue of the Age -- as perhaps Denniswould largely concur -- whether you name it global land reform,total socio-political empowerment, or internationalenlightenment -- the Ethical Turning Point of the World whereonly UNIVERSAL privilege, stewardship and responsibilitywill enable planetwide motivation, collaboration anddecision-making, and the power to bring Mother Earthback to life.With all our sacred relations ...~~~~ ~~~~In DiosasAncianos2012, Mary Burgess <femininespirit> replied:I believe we still have a ways to go Millennium ... [!!!]There are seven rich and influential drug cartelfamilies in Mexico, I understand, who are quite loyalto the Vatican. They basically control Mexico . . .Blessings,Mary Burgess"Do you know that there are angels in our midst? Canyou hear them? Can you feel them? They're all aroundyou with you everyday. Do you see them or do you lookthe other way?" - Michael Gott & Karen Drucker~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Kostya wrote:On this day in herstory, year 1430 of our Lady, Joan Of Arc wascaptured in France and sold to the British Crown!Dennis Leary wrote:"My theory is that the body politic and physic is soconfused and terrorized by modern culture and karma thatit submits to dictatorial poison because it is some kindof order and authority, so deparately craved. America issliding into fascism because of the lack of a counterveningauthority; and so does the body."~~~~~Millennium replied:blessings too you, Mary!I assume the Vatican (and corporate gangster) controlapplies to most of Latin America.A perennial war orchestrated for the benefit of thosemoney interests.~~bravo Kostya!and Dennis, Queen The Movie was really perhaps the mostrevealing movie portrayal I have ever seen -- of the privilegeand power of the world's old gentry.the movie went out of its way to make it very clear that theMonarch speaks and acts only under total direction. the Crown'sjob is to preserve the ancient interests of the patriarchy, thegentry who own the land, the Bankers who own everything else,the Church, the Freemasons, the legal establishment, etc. etc.Queen Elizabeth II and family, in the movie, went to great painsto state that it was them against 'the meritocracy' , the people,the politicians, the media (which they also own), and the"celebrities and the homsexuals", to quote Prince Phillipdirectly.for the positive, the movie Queen went on to say that theworld-mind had changed ... that the old values of private powerand suppressed emotions had been surpassed by this era of"wearing our emotions on our sleeves."the most humorous revelation, for US citizen-serfs, the UK'ssoldier population, is the obvious -- that whereas the UK withouta Constitution is legally permitted to evolve into a system ofuniversal direct representation, a citizen-wide Parliament --the US in contrast is obliged to abide by a Constitution whichfrom day one placed ALL power and ownership in the hands of theold guard of the UK and Europe -- again the lawyers and thebankers and the church!unlike the citizens of the 14 nations of which Queen Elizabeth IIis their sovereign and 'Angel' of last resort -- the rabble-armyof the the US has no recourse to any institution of ethics orhuman rights. the US citizenry -- those of the middle and lowerclasses -- have but access to a court system whose only purposeis to victimize all concerned, taking every dollar the peoplehave, and stealing their assets and incomes for years or decadesto come .....

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Guest guest

'Guru' Ra(ksha)sa was banned from posting on tuesday. Moderator's

patience ran out on reading demonic teachings of the twisted mind.

Some spammers are being removed as soon as they reveal themselves, and

the others even before they have this opportunity..


Om Sri Sivaaya Namah!





Tadeusz Majewski

Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:11 AM

Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Queen, the Movie ... Diana, the




Namaskar Cliff,


You are correct.


Unfortunately this group has no moderator

who can stop this type of junk.


In Him,






Cliff & Micha wrote:



About as much as the self aggrandizing dialogue of the " stripper

for god " (guru rasa) and the underwear worship of her " accolyte " we

have been subjected to here for the last several weeks.



Tadeusz Majewski

Friday, May 25, 2007 9:55 AM

Re: {LAYA-YOGA-CHAKRAS}>OM: Queen, the Movie ... Diana,

the Drama



What this have to do with Laya Yoga ?




In Him,








On 25-May-07, at 12:27 PM, Summer Twain wrote:

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